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Zoe 2: Live to Love


a Ripe Fire Work

2012 Metatron Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Table of misContents ! ! Strident Tradition................................................................................................. 2 Barely Held Together ........................................................................................... 3 Never Known Easy Voice ............................................................................................................. 4 Forever Goodness ................................................................................................. 5 Crimson(RICH) ....................................................................................................... 6 Hero to nifty .......................................................................................................... 7 Right soon Nonchalant.8 Color of Revelation...9 #$%&'()! ! ! Those who desserted violence10 !

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! !!! ! !!!Strident tradition Wiser wise set amazing tome Outstanding in reach Less fabulous at home for the outward Advice could not help the Inward faucet flowing demanding The attention of a handyman Staring down a nose that rarely pans Out, yet fails so spectacularly that Surrounding tree members urge an encore Tradition for this is the obscene beauty Ones rituals may be missing Alpha Neither here nor there just judgment Seats stare waiting for Inhabitants to get a backbone after all The wisps of aromatic romance Last much longer than the rusty dank Musings of a pretend poet But why ramble about something and then show it? For over our heads are halos The divine. When we aim for them all in due time Never should we make our future out of What has become a stale structure? Would not raise its head in the world of inspiration In which we exist Pure elation comes from not the knowing but Anticipation of good Or beauty of the soul flustered by minor Diseasing elements Slowly we turn over a fire and roast the Fowl errors of the past fixating a determination to repeat them Just as the old man would with A freshness that betrays the molding nature of a story That has lost its luster For our sake.


Barely held together Many threads grab garments While travelling Past truths unraveling Strings That theoretically could not Mend instruments for the melodies Had all been lost to another City stated the magistrates whod Just read from an allusive series Of documents that harden as time went on And on and on Burdens dont matter As much as what they are on For the value lies when in truth There is the absolute Then once again uncertainty because the garments Ive loved promise to wear out with certainty ! ! ! ! ! Never Known The eyes that shown light after all Nine news cards make the absurd Information small and hard to swallow Forgetting the reasons we are to wallow Not in the pity that sinks self But the destiny unhinging wings Un bending halos that bring inheritance To the able after such a tiring dance


Cool calm and fully able to carry all mankind From the lack that we love to light After those same lights love menacing resolve Releasing hearts uncategorized sins at once absolved For my reason has become the path to a road Less travelled and hardly smooth Where floating planets whirled around me head Daring my words to become brash and impossibly sped Up to this moment Ive had troubled believing The past wasnt really past While engaging a future, how long will last? Presents gifted a grieving then unexpected joy Creating creativity with the creator receiving Grace-filled Ideas undiscovered before.

Easy Voice His heart yearns to become our own Breaking barriers of the lies that have told us they Are so Calmly confidently urging us to sow into What we never would without the encouragement Of the almighty God Not to judge but to expect the best Even after repeated failures To love bravely in spite of surroundings We are called into a radical Love Astounding Not forced as the populous may deem necessary For His greatest asset is clarity An unmistakable whisper climbing into A torrential rain Heavy in its scope Frightening all the same What if He lets his Spirit cascade Over me? Then everyday will feel like that Service did?


All in His words are a simultaneous Beauty and promise that brings power For at His throne we meet the love that Will devour all of our hesitation to listen And learn and dare to dream of A kingdom inside Of our Listening station

Forever Goodness No lights can illuminate what has already been beyond the intentional elements of argument the love that last can Not be accounted by from man Our explanations continually show the enemy our hand While we sit in the seat that requires peace To speak for what cannot be explained away Or that way With a grassy path that slopes in any direction but the One that is tough as that good stuff Locked just out of our reach Who can know true happiness Bad question for joy is the goal that never wanes And convinces the depressed ones who want to know Why do you smile so much? Because he lives and that give me the eternal post on which to lean forever Faithful in His dispensation of mercy and Creative in the passion imparted to us all Folding compassion into the impossibly High walls we all pass on a daily basis how can a few cents stem this tide when it will just be spent on drugs? Because one piece of lint given with love is worth all The riches this world can throw in your direction 100 million becomes meaningless in this context Guarantee: the world learns how to give to Each other passionately... The kingdom comes and all sneaky suspicions Held close for the brethren


humanity turn the kaleidoscope of eternity discovering the multifaceted face of the Father and of.......... Unity. Crimson(rich) Vines vocalize the very material many Have threatened to despise Said simply the abundance that came from Water Transformed without the slightest provocation Maybe it was slight and in through Darkness streamed a glorious light. Invited all the while by some style that had never Been before brought by taking some courses Despite Opposition streaming from oneself Screaming you cant do this and what if we fail Not counting on the victory snatched from hell. After all-- might be the least inspiring promise For before all was HE slayed every problem with a certainty reserved For foundations Only the source can speak with such authority So... Let there be light And Let there be... No more strife let there be... A vision for our lives Let there be... Unity on which love will Capital eyes seeing the spinning full Nature of that first moment when the Color of wine mixes into the Water sitting in jars stirred By a Word.


! Hero to nifty The moments that make history hush turn the hardest men to mush on touch the point where surrender is imminent but not certain the postman called out curtains to release us all from a backstage with no creative promise like rainbows sign to the death sight as bent light bronzed only to save like fronds lain at the foot feet sped past ass flashed sky patterns cracked fabric satins silk source coursed

right soon Never left the direction that kept the beckoning call at each whim spun dreams from the fleece in my pillow in the stream they managed to sink so well deeper than I could ever increase tapping waves that flash from eternity certain noon none other time could erupt the joy from me he has heard a grace that slings rings of identity in the face of what has not happened yet shall not bride me to fear splatters clarity all around the murkiness adhere for my heart has heard the vibration of the passion


Nonchalant We need love and we needed it a long time ago all white with purity showing up to race the expectation of shrinking back but the boldness of His love compels me and better yet propels me into conflict like a grenade bursting at the seams with the explosiveness of the Spiritno charade lost by the need to make a point convinced of the need to be commissioned, anointed, appointed and all other manners by which the King chooses his soldiers for a battle that has been one-sided for as long as I could remember but he remembers further back for his purpose travels farther than lack turning the tide at the beckoning of people who will stand in a storm and command it not to be so not out of arrogance but authority for we know there can be no victory without an exchange Hold on! Keep your grief and I will show you real rage tearing down obstacles and dams breaking to create like we were corrosion or some other violence fuel by peace, mercy and love that are not simply weak. They just dont fight when they cannot be beat so for them we must.

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Color of revelation The best we could all become pales in comparison to who we are How can one know what they really do not? I approach this without fear that the question will not stop Can passion be taught? Imparted? Or are we doomed to look for what cannot be had specifically, a heart we were not born with To have a fire under ones person, determined to not let days pass endlessly without positive impact from our gifts could this be the essence of futility? Go all in and become all you were meant to win stay close to the vision over your life like dolls distract grace interacts tradition contracts love stacks. Heartsy Truly triumphant figures fold photographs a grasp that lasts Easy Made mistakes yes weve all mastered the equation Luncheons wait for the extra serving of patience As he speaks to the divine potential in us We doubt the kind words were meant for us Blind optimism gathers at the brows then sinks to the Lids blinking the Morse code of utopia Vows not to leave this earth still reeling from what went wrong yesterday To what awaits the greatest in all of us For the perfection of love is only Carried out in the imperfection ! 1!

Of relationship Calmly Of an oasis Often shoreless

Those who desserted violence

Punches hold back no rage save joy from the child's toy brother left to clamor while we in life stutter soft fluid knew it was time for a new form Complaints by evil foreign lords afford crime a bosom to become or a least in which to rest aching egos bruised like 150 varieties of antennas Plans to have you loved have been thwarted by fear of bananas Garnished pages have aided in heart that hurls from chest Asking for directions from an imprisoned mind or a species whose survival has but a breath to be forewarned Shortened for crust must make its trance like no other pies, delectable sweet and straight to the thighs


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