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Technical Test

1. What is HTML? Why it is called markup language? 2. Why a class is used? 3. Which of the following methods will you prefer in sum of multiple numbers & why? y Simple Method y Array 4. Which loop is known as entry controlled loop? 5. Is C language is an object oriented language? 6. Name any four features of object oriented language? 7. What are the properties a database must have? 8. What is an array? 9. What is the JavaScript? Is JavaScript an object oriented language? 10. Define constants & variables? 11. What is SQL? Which work is performed by SQL? 12. Difference between a DBMS & a RDBMS? 13. What is encapsulation? 14. What is data abstraction? 15. Difference between call by value & call by reference? 16. What is the use of scope resolution operator? 17. What is an empty tag in HTML? 18. What is function? 19. Why void is used in front of main function in C++? What will happen if you remove void? 20. Difference between while and do while loop?

21. The binary system uses powers of A. C. E. 2 8 None of the above B. D. 10 16

22. Which of the following is the 1's complement of 10? A. C. E. 01 11 None of the above B. 110 D. 10

23. Which part interprets program instructions and initiate control operations. A. C. E. Input Logic unit None of the above B. D. Storage unit Control unit

24. A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is A. C. E. Compiler Assembler None of the above B. D. Interpreter Comparator

25. Which of the following special symbol allowed in a variable? A.* (asterisk) C.- (hyphen) B. | (pipeline) D._ (underscore)

26. A float is 4 bytes wide, whereas a double is 8 bytes wide. A.True B.False

27. Is it true that a global variable may have several declarations, but only one definition? A.Yes B.No

28. Input/output function prototypes and macros are defined in which header file? A.conio.h C.stdio.h B. stdlib.h D.dos.h

29. Which standard library function will you use to find the last occurance of a character in a string in C? A.strnchar() C.strrchar() B. strchar() D.strrchr()

30. What is (void*)0? A.Representation of NULL pointer C. Error B. Representation of void pointer D. None of above

31. A pointer is A. A keyword used to create variables

B. C. D.

A variable that stores address of an instruction A variable that stores address of other variable All of the above

32. The operator used to get value at address stored in a pointer variable is A.* C.&& B. & D.||

33. Are the expression *ptr++ and ++*ptr are same? A.True B.False

34. Which of the following is the correct order of keywords for SQL SELECT statements? A. B. C. D. SELECT, FROM, WHERE FROM, WHERE, SELECT WHERE, FROM,SELECT SELECT,WHERE,FROM

35. Which of the following are the five built-in functions provided by SQL? A. B. C. D. COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, MULT SUM, AVG, MULT, DIV, MIN SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, NAME

36. To remove duplicate rows from the results of an SQL SELECT statement, the ________ qualifier specified must be included. A.ONLY C.DISTINCT B. UNIQUE D.SINGLE

37. SQL can be used to: A. B. C. D. create database structures only. query database data only. modify database data only. All of the above can be done by SQL.

38. SQL is: A. B. C. D. a programming language. an operating system. a data sublanguage. a DBMS.

39. You can use C++ as a procedural, as well as an object-oriented, language A.True B.False

40. To expose a data member to the program, you must declare the data member in the _____ section of the class A.common C.public E.user B. exposed D.unrestricted

41. A function that returns no values to the program that calls it is _____ A. C. not allowed in C++ type empty B. type void D. type barren

42. The keyword used to define a structure is _____ A.stru C.struct 43. Return type of a constructor A. Void B. class C. integer D. object B. stt D.structure

44. The brain of any computer system is A.ALU C.CPU E.None of the above B.Memory D.Control unit

45. The section of the CPU that selects, interprets and sees to the execution of program instructions A. Memory C. Control unit E. None of the above B. D. Register unit ALU

46. The symbols used in an assembly language are A. Codes C. Assembler E. None of the above B. Mnemonics D. All of the above

47. ASCII stands for A. American standard code for information interchange B. All purpose scientific code for information interchange C. American security code for information interchange D. American Scientific code for information interchange E. None of the above

48. Which device of computer operation dispenses with the use of the keyboard? A. Joystick C. Mouse E. None of the above B. Light pen D.Touch

49. The list of coded instructions is called A. Computer program C. Flowchart E. None of the above B. Algorithm D. Utility programs

50. An assembler is a A. Program C. Symbol E. None of the above B. Person who assemble the parts D. Language

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