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While meditating the other day, I felt in my spirit the calm before the storm.

I told my Husband that I felt strongly that something very evil was brewing in the laboratories And evil people are working on releasing diseases upon the masses. I also heard Yahweh say no more pork! And that we must grab a hold to the covenant Yahweh gave us and obey, or we are in grave danger! Disease is going to break out! It is time that we start to draw nigh unto the Father like never before! Not in your outward acts of worship, but in the secret place of the Most High. Judgment is coming! And only those who are hidden and are obedient will escape my wrath. Judgment always starts in the house of Yahweh first. Remember I said when I see the blood I would pass, But I will not pass by many because they are lukewarm. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, THAT YOU BE NOT PARTAKERS OF HER SIN AND THAT YOU RECEIVE NOT HER PLEAGES! Make hast to listen to YAHWEH don t continue to listen to the doctrines of men save your souls! There is a shaking about to go forth in the lives of My children He said when they hear they argue, when they receive, they refuse me my children do not head my children do not listen! He said that many will turn a deaf ear to what I m saying, and go about their daily lives until it s too late. Obedience is better than sacrifice! He also said And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? Yet you continue to celebrate pagan holidays, you say I m going to continue to do this because God knows my heart, plus I ve been doing this for so long why stop now. Oh you crooked and perverse generation Repent of your idolatry and turn from your wicket way s. DIDN T I SAY NOT TO MIX THE HOLY WITH THE PROFANE! What part of this didn t you understand? REPENT! Your heart is wicket and you continue to be a rebellious child. I will have my bride without spot or wrinkle. But ye my children have become as leopards in my site. Repent of your idolatry and turn from your wicket way s. For the day s are coming that I will hide my true bride in the ark of safety, and all those who continue to operate in your old way s and refuse to change will drown in your own rebellion. Please oh please my family and friends listen to Yahweh He is calling us out of and into . If you could see what I saw coming, you would take The what He is saying very seriously! All you have to do is pray that He show you truth. And when He does, harden not your hearts. Many of you will perish because you hold fast to your traditions and Idolatry. Pray my friends and family. Steal away and cry out to God / Yahweh so that He can show you TRUTH! Love always , Jamica

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