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Rizqy Amelia R. A.


Descriptive Statistics Frequently in social research a person will find himself in the position of having so much data that he cannot adequately absorb all of his information. He may have collected 200 questionnaires and be in the embarrassing position of having to ask, what do I do with it all? with so much information it would be exceeding difficult for any but the most photographic minds to grasp intuitively what is in the data. The information must somehow or other be boiled down to a point at which the researcher can see what is in it; it must be summarized. By computing measures such as percentages, means, and standard deviations, it may be possible to reduce the data to manageable proportions.

Bound Morphemes: 1. Statistics: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: statistic (noun) y Bound morpheme: -s (plural, inflectional morpheme) y Statistic+ -s = statistics (noun) 2. Frequently: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: frequent (adjective) y Bound morpheme: -ly (derivational suffix => adverb-forming suffix) y Frequent+ -ly= frequently (adverb) 3. Research: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: search (verb) y Bound morpheme: re- (derivational prefix) y Re- +search= research (verb) 4. Adequately: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: adequate (adjective) y Bound morpheme: -ly (derivational suffix => adverb-forming suffix) y Adequate+ -ly= adequately (adverb) 5. Questionnaires: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: questionnaire (noun)









y Bound morpheme: -s (plural, inflectional morpheme) y Questionnaire+ -s= questionnaires (noun) Embarrassing: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: embarrass (verb) y Bound morpheme: -ing (present cont., inflectional morpheme) y Embarrass+ -ing= embarrassing (verb) Information: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme : inform (verb) y Bound morpheme: Exceeding: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: exceed (verb) y Bound morpheme: -ing ( present cont., inflectional morpheme y Exceed+ -ing = exceeding (verb) Intuitively: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: intuitive (adjective) y Bound morpheme : -ly ( derivational suffix=> adverb-forming suffix) y Intuitive+ -ly= intuitively (adverb) Computing: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: compute (verb) y Bound morpheme : -ing (present cont., inflectional morpheme) y Computing+ -ing= computing (verb) Percentages: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: percentage (noun) y Bound morpheme: -s (plural, inflectional morpheme) y Percentage+ -s= percentages (noun) Deviations : y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: deviation (noun) y Bound morpheme: -s (plural, inflectional morpheme) y Deviation+ -s = deviations (noun) Measures: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: measure (verb) y Bound morpheme: -s (plural, inflectional morpheme)





y Measure+ -s= measures (verb) Researcher y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme : research (verb) y Bound morpheme : -er (derivational suffix => noun-forming suffix) y Research+ -er= researcher (noun) Summarized y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: summary (noun) y Bound morpheme: -ize(d) (derivational suffix => verb-forming suffix) y Summary + -ize(d) = summarized (verb) Manageable: y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: manage (verb) y Bound morpheme: -able (derivational suffix=> adjective-forming suffix) y Manage+ -able= manageable (adjective) Proportions y Consists of 2 morphemes y Free morpheme: proportion (noun) y Bound morpheme: -s (plural, inflectional morpheme) y Proportion+ -s= proportions ( noun)

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