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JBLFMU-MOLO, College of Business HANDOUT #2 IN RIZAL Prepared by: MRS. LOUISE MAY M. LIM, M.Ed.

JOSE RIZALS LIFE The Birth of Jose Rizal: June 19, 1861 in Calamba, Laguna It was a turbulent era when changes swept the whole world: Czar Alexander II of Russia issued a proclamation emancipating 22,500 serfs: Abraham Lincoln championed the emancipation of Negro slaves; Mexico was conquered by Napoleon III, but six years later he was executed, frustrating his ambition to colonize South America.

The temper of this time then called for resistance and reorganization of Spains military juntas to oppose the invaders led to the formation of the Supreme Council of the Regency which declared war with France. To fend off further strife, Spain did the following: Allowed her colonies to send delegates to the Spanish Cortes (the highest lawmaking body in Spain) to serve her allies and to discourage the mounting rebellion in the colonies. In Spain, conservatives and the liberals made a compromise to alternate in the control of colonies; Pacto del Pardo which later resulted to frequent changes of the governor generals.

While the Pacto denied well-intended governor generals the chance to carry out their programs, opportunists among them found their terms of office too short, that they engaged in amassing wealth while in power. Spain administered the Philippines through the Consejo de Indias (Council of Indies). It was a body which exercised executive, legislative and judicial powers. The governor general was guided by the Royal decrees which consisted the Recopilacion (Laws of the Indies) and the Las Siete partidas (Spanish legal code) , and other laws. Most often these laws were not applicable in the Philippine conditions. In 1863, the Consejo was taken over by the Ministerio de Ultramar (Overseas Ministry) and peninsular laws were extended to the country. Friars played very important roles in the process of bringing peace in the islands, not to mention the gift of Christianity. The friars took firm control of the islands. They became more powerful than the civil government officials. This affirms Voltaire when he said Religion makes men cohesive, and if society does not have religion, then, one must be invented for easy conquest. Religion pacifies conflicts and unites divergent groups.

The Name RIZAL Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonso y Realonda is the full name of the Philippine national hero. He was simply Pepe to his family and friends, for the familys friar-friends, he was Pepe Rizal. As a medical doctor and in the academe he was Dr. Jose Rizal , Jose Rizal or Rizal; he was Lolo Jose to his great grandchildren; for his live-in partner Josephine Bracken, he was Joe.

The Origin of the name RIZAL

For the purpose of census and tax collection; On November 11, 1849, Gov. Gen. Narciso Claveria issued a decree to change the indios family names because indigenous surnames are difficult to pronounce. From great, great grandfather, a Chinese merchant Teodoro Lamco, who later adopted the surname Mercado.

To distinguish Lamco-Mercado from other Mercados who are not related to them, the alcalde mayor suggested another surname Rizal (ricial) which means green fields

The use of the family name Rizal In correspondence to his friend, Rizal revealed that he used Mercado Rizal only on official documents like his passport When Jose studied in Manila he had to use Rizal instead of Mercado, so that he would not be associated with his elder brother Paciano. In his youth he thought he was illegitimate because of this. The Parents The joys of parents are secret, and so as their grief and fears. From his birth to his death, Rizals parents kept a close watch on him. They silently rejoiced in his success, bore his pains without complaints, and grieved deeply his passing away in the privacy of their home.

Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso (both came from a Middle class family) they got
married on June 28, 1848. Francisco Mercado

He was of Chinese origin who came from Changchow and was baptized to become a Christian. he was fairly educated; Colegio de San Jose in Bian he was a farmer, a lessee of the Dominicans

he mingled with ease with Spanish officers

Teodora Alonso She was a descendant of mixed races: Chinese, and traces of Japanese Intellectually, she was said to be superior than her husband and she had better education than him She spoke eloquent Spanish, introduced the young Rizal to the rudiments of Mathematics, grammar & poetry, and infused in him positive values as a devout Catholic, she instilled Rizal with a deep sense of spirituality and religiosity she was a businesswoman; flour-mill, curing hams, dyeing cloths and managing a medicine & general goods store


The Family Library A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the minds as well as for the body. From the list of his purchases, in good times or lean time books ate up the biggest part of his budget; Encyclopedia, dictionaries & books

Early Education Rizal got his early education from his mother: Tagalog & fundamentals of Spanish, stories about emperors, kings and queens and value-laden fables and parables (The Light and the Moth).

This fable could be interpreted in different ways: It could be associated with Jose Rizals indomitable will; It could be taken as foretelling his radical pacific death; The light may signify freedom; The moths death may signify the ultimate sacrifice for the truth and for his country The story may be taken as an ordinary story, to inculcate in the tender mind of the child the value of obedience and wise counsel. Stories of giants and fairies likewise, made Jose dream of becoming great, physically and intellectually.

The Child Jose From his infancy to childhood, Jose was sickly He was small & short for a typical Filipino about 52 tall By the law of compensation, one, who is small or short, has the compulsion to make up for what he lacks, and Jose was obsessed by the idea of strength, power and greatness He learned hiking, horseback riding, swimming and other physical activities; balancing mind and body

Exposure to Oppressions The most potent weapon in the hands of an oppressor is the mind of the oppressed. Thus sowing terror in the hearts and minds of the oppressed is meant to silence any potential dissenter.

His mother was arrested due to perjury At age eleven, Rizal heard about the public execution of the GOMBURZA Rizal was mauled and sent to jail when he failed to take off his hat & bow before an alferez


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