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CH 9 y y y business model: is about how a business works and the logic that creates its value E-Business models

generally describe emerging business models that exploit the new capabilities of the Internet and related technologies. ontology of e-Business models : is defined framework that provides a shared and common understanding of a domain that can be communicated between people and heterogeneous and widespread application systems.

CH 10 Benefits of scale and scope. o Economic of scale: Mass Production, refers to reductions in average cost (cost per unit) associated with increasing the scale of production for a single product type. o Economies of scope: variety, refers to lowering average cost for a firm in producing two or more products. y 5 configurations o the simple structure; a small managerial hierarchy , little of its behavior is formalized, minimal use of planning and training. o the machine bureaucracy; very formalized in the operating core , relatively centralized power for decision making, found in environments that are simple and stable o the professional bureaucracy; professionals work relatively independently of their colleagues but closely with the client that they serve. Like the machine bureaucracy is an inflexible structure o the divisional form; the middle line is the key part of the organization, coordination is achieved by specifying the results of different work. o the adhocracy (innovation organization). Highly organic structure with little formalization of behavior y y

CH 11 y y y y process innovations - redesigning various processes either incrementally or radically to improve the performance of the organization Business process refers to the collection of activities that takes inputs and creates an output that is of value to customers. Commodification (or commoditization) is the transformation of goods, ideas, or other entities that may not normally be regarded as goods[1 operational innovation is fundamentally different from operational improvement or operational excellence. it means coming up with entirely new ways of doing things.

CH 12 y y y y y Teleworking refers to the use of ICTs to enable work to be conducted at a distance from the place where the work results are needed or where the work would conventionally have been done. team-telework focuses on collaborative group working on common tasks over space by innovatively exploiting the new flexibility and capability of ICTs. Mobile working, where people work mainly in different places such as hotels, clients' premises, airports and on the train or plane, but using the home or the office as a base. virtual teams involve members located on different continents, in different time zones, and belonging to different cultures and sometimes different organizations virtual organization refers to inter-organizational arrangements Where a group of independent organizations work together for a common goal, usually, but not exclusively, by using various telecommunications channels and information systems to coordinate their activities.

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