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Opening Strange Portals in Physics Summary (150 to 300 words) Theyre few people who know about physics, and less about quantum physics. Im sure we can know in some university courses, like modern physics o quantum mechanics in engineering, math and physics as career.

In this interview, Lisa Randall shows, through her book Knocking on Heaven's Door, some key points about the trendy topics in physic, like LHC (Large Hadron Collider) researches, dark matter, new dimensions, parallels universes and others.

Lisa explains the LHC may allow to see the Higgs particle, and demonstrate how the elementary particles acquire mass, she also tells us about extra dimensions, this is technically possible but is as small as million trillion trillionth of a centimeter, so extra dimension may not change radically our current view of the universe only could add more useful information to know what our universe is made of. Randall answers that many scientists have ruled out LCH would produce a black hole not only theoretically, but looking for the same energy that black hole needs.

About science and religious, she doesnt believe both are compatible, she thinks a spiritual belief isnt based on some material or cause and effect explanations, scientists understand using this ways.

In the end of the interview, she tells about art and music and how she could write a text for an opera. It was a good experience where she joints the science and art in a musical. Personal Opinion (Min. 50 words for 150-word summaries | Min. 100 words for 300-word summaries)

This format March08 | Revised Sept10 Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos, salvaguardando la identidad del autor.

I think this interview was a great chance to kwon about physics, in the newest and remarkable activities of the science, like the most amazing experiments whit the LCH, where its possible to remake the origin of the universe, because the collisions among particles produce similar energy like the first moments of the universe.

These experiments are trying to unify many physics theories like gravitation, electromagnetism and nuclear interactions, because today physics use a theory to explain a phenomena, like gravity, but the same theory cant explain the interaction among particles. It doesnt work.

In this way, many scientists have been working. One of them is Barton Zwiebach, a peruvian research who tries to demonstrate universe has made of strings, and these strings describe the Higg particle, and it could unify all theories in the everything theory

I agree that art and science can work together, because nature is like a piece of art. There are some interesting experiences about quantum music, where some scientists have recorded sound waves of particles interaction.

In conclusion, we are so close to know more, really more information about the universe, since the Einsteins relativity theory. NEW EXPRESSIONS IN CONTEXT (At least 5 Make sure they are really relevant expressions No additional points will be given for longer lists). Expression ruled out Quote from the text where expression was used They (scientists) ruled out this possibility not only theoretically Meaning in this particular context 4. Verb. exclude something as a possibility

self-correcting verge

Science is a self-correcting Adj. Correcting oneself or process itself without external help Do you feel the physics An extreme limit beyond community is on the verge of which something specified finding something remarkable? will happen There are a lot of bizarre ideas here, from string theory to a "brane" of extra dimensions right next to our own. Noun. An extended object analogous to strings of string theory but having any number of dimensions rather than one dimension.


This format March08 | Revised Sept10 Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos, salvaguardando la identidad del autor.


Physicist Lisa Randall explores About a topic that extends the mind-stretching realms that our current knowledge new experiments soon may expose

For Teachers Use

Contents of Summary Contents of Opinion Language & New Expressions in Context

Total: ______ / 100 Teachers Feedback:

This format March08 | Revised Sept10 Idiomas Catlica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines acadmicos, salvaguardando la identidad del autor.

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