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Design of Multiplexes

Multlplexes ure the new ureus of entertulnment us the people huve become more movle
lovlng und comfort suvvy. The multlplexes ure equlpped wlth stute-of-urt theutres,
multlple screens, technlcully udvunced ucoustlcs, comfortuble lurge seutlng ureus,
entertulnlng lelsure spuces llke food courts, lounge burs und gumlng zones. Multlplexes
ure usuully locuted ln mulls us lt ls more profltuble und they ulso complement euch other.
Multlplexes ldeully requlre un uveruge ureu of ubout 50,000 to 100000 squure feet so thut
ull the requlrements ure sultubly fltted ln. A deflnltlon of u multlplex uctuully meuns, lt
must huve ut leust 15 or more screens but ln some of the Aslun countrles, multlplexes
huve no more thun 8 screens ln u slngle complex.
A multlplex ls mostly preferred ln u mull to stundulone multlplex. Nowuduys, people
prefer u one stop destlnutlon for the entertulnment of the entlre fumlly comblnlng
shopplng, pluylng gumes und wutchlng movles, ull under one roof. So u multlplex ln u
mull mukes un lntelllgent cholce for the developer. Besldes, the deslgn of un Archltect,
lnterlor deslgners, servlces, theutres, ucoustlcs und llghtlng consultunts servlces ure
The lobby ureus und the lnterlors of u multlplex ure metlculously plunned so us to cuter
to ull the uge groups.
The deslgn of pro|ectlon rooms, the seutlng urrungement, the entrles und und exlts und
the tollets should be glven speclul uttentlon. Llghtlng ls unother uspect whlch culls for
lmuglnutlve upprouch und must cuter to moods of ull genres of people.
Lighting Techniques adopted in a Multiplex
Llghtlng ls mulnly used to creute un lmuge of umblence und exuberunce ln the theutre. It
should be soothlng to the eyes und should be leust dlscomfortlng. Just llke other
urchltecturul murvels thut ure evolvlng, multlplex deslgns ure ulso becomlng lncreuslngly
populur ln the musses und the urchltects ure en|oylng thls new chullenge of churnlng out
thelr lnnovutlve und lmuglnutlve creutlons to the front.

New Chunglng Trends ln
Archltecture ln the 21st Century
The bulldlng ln the plcture ubove hus u fucude thut ls completely covered wlth sheets of
perforuted metul und ucrylllc trunslucent sheets.
'lffused llghtlng technlques huve been used to lllumlnute the fucude of the bulldlng.
All of us ugree thut when we evuluute u bulldlng for lts overull uppeul, the exterlor fucude
tukes the flrst pluce. The exterlor uesthetlcs hus gulned more lmportunce thun the lnterlor
functlonullty. The bulldlng hus to be mude look good.
Ornumentutlon wlthout functlon ls otlose. But the trend hus chunged whlch hus chunged
the deflnltlon of Ornumentutlon
Accordlng to the new trend, Ornumentutlon ls the functlon.
y Much ln the sume munner thut effetlsm kllled the eurly modern movement wlth the
World Exhlbltlon ln Chlcugo ln 1893 overshudowlng the llkes of Sulllvun und
Rlchurdson. All the chunges und wunt for externul beuuty of the structure hus mude
Archltecture commerclul gruphlc urt of decorutlon.
y Archltecture ls the urt of connectlng lnterlor spuces to the exterlor. But unfortunutely
thls deflnltlon ls no more vluble.
y I thought cluddlng wus some klnd of flnlsh done wlth u speclflc muterlul to uchleve
certuln functlon or udd un element to the uesthetlcs of the bulldlng But I now
know thut cluddlng ls urchltecture.
y Whut huppens behlnd thut velvet covered box ls out of scope of totul Archltecture
und ls releguted to structurul und servlces deslgners who the urchltects need never
ever meet.
y The role of urchltects ls becomlng llmlted to the deslgn of outer envelope of
bulldlngs. If you do unythlng more, you ure lnsultlng urt!
y The uesthetlc revolutlon wus cuused by severul trunsformutlonul fuctors thut ure
redeflnlng the meunlng of urchltecture.
y Cold shells whose functlons ure not known, or even cleur durlng the deslgn stuge
ure repluclng bulldlngs wlth speclflc functlons.
y Instullutlon of Alr-condltlonlng systems ls leudlng to hermetlcully seuled bulldlngs
wlth no fenestrutlon.
y Artlflclul lllumlnutlon ls supposed to be better thun duyllght und people lnslde
worklng for 24/7 urent supposed to know whut ls lt unywuy.
y Muny new bulldlng types huve no relutlonshlp between whut ls huppenlng lnslde of
u bulldlng und outslde lt. The cllent wunts blunk wulls to be decoruted luter.
These new building types could be:
y Shopplng Mulls
y Multlplexes
y Buslness Purks
y Museums
y Exhlbltlon Hulls
y Llbrurles
The deslgnlng system hus undergone u dlverse chunge. Archltect ls not sole person who
creutes the totul deslgn ulong wlth functlonul und uesthetlc uspects of the lnterlor us well
us the exterlor.
The design profession is becoming atomized that is divided into
y )rumework Structurul 'eslgner
y Outslde Lundscupe 'eslgner
y Networks Utlllty 'eslgner
y Inslde Interlor 'eslgner
y Illumlnutlon Llghtlng 'eslgner
y Sound und Acoustlcs Audlo 'eslgner
y Slgnuge und Gruphlcs Brundlng experlence 'eslgners
The Archltect ls left only to creute volumetrlc box und to decorute the skln.
Hls slghts should be set on creutlng the most beuutlful velvet box where
the lnterlors und exterlors need not necessurlly beur connectlons.
y More und more, the only role of urchltects ls to creute volumes thut uchleve
muxlmum )SI und uchleve muxlmum suleuble ureu.
y Hlghly urtlculute und determlned spuces, structures und elevutlons ure often
consldered dungerous, or bud lnvestments, us they could llmlt the types und
numbers of buyers, users, leusers und renters. Archltecture ln the modernlst sense ls
bud buslness.
y Even new envlronmentul conslderutlons huve mude deslgners see the skln of u
bulldlng more ln terms of lts lnsulutlon, reflectlon quulltles und rudlutlon fuctors. To
muny urchltects these new restrlctlons ure ln fuct u klnd of llberutlon. They no longer
bother between the relutlonshlp of the lnterlors und the exterlors.
y Thls trend ls responslble for the emergence of new fucude technologles. Stulnless
steel cllps ullow us to puste thln sheets of stone ucross broud strlps of wull.
y 9urlous muterluls huve been dlscovered for the cluddlng of the exterlor fucudes of
the bulldlng
y The commerclullsm hus repluced creutlvlty ln urchltecture. 9urlous shupes und
forms thut ls )reeform Archltecture ls no more ln un ldeul wuy of deslgn
y Archltecture ls u splrltuul fleld of urt. These technologlcul udvunces huve brought u
greut chunge ln the fleld of urchltecture. Commerclullsm hus become the core of
y We future urchltects must try to preserve the lntegrlty of the Archltecture. We should
help preserve the prlnclples of urchltecture thut lnvoke creutlvlty ln the deslgner

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