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MAAC Activity Program 2009.

MAAC Program of Events 2009 (MAAC reserves the right to change event dates if required)
Month Air Rifle Field Target Air Rifle Bench Rest Air Pistol Steel Plate Air Pistol Dynamic Shooting
Jan 11 Jan 2009
Feb 1 Feb 2009
Mar 15th March
Apr 12 April 2009
May 3 May 2009
Jun 21 June 2009
Jul 12 July 2009
Sep 13 September 2009
Oct 4 October 2009
st nd
Nov 1 November 2009 22 November 2009
th th
Dec 13 December 2009 6 December 2009

MAAC Activity Program for 2009 Details.

A total of 13 competitions are planned for 2009. These include:
a. 4 X Air Rifle Field Target.
b. 4 X Air Rifle Bench Rest.
c. 3 X Air Pistol Steel Plate Challenge.
d. 3 X Air Pistol Dynamic Shooting.
NOTE: All competitions are open to MAAC members and Target Shooter B (air gun License Holders.
MAAC paid up members will have their points accumulated throughout the year in FT and BR.
This is done for club selection purposes.

Competition Fees. (+ 18 years old)

MAAC members Non MAAC members
Air Rifle Field Target €8 per competition Air Rifle Field Target € 10 per competition
Air Rifle Bench Rest €8 per competition Air Rifle Bench Rest € 10 per competition
Air Pistol Steel Plate Challenge €6 per competition Air Pistol Steel Plate Challenge € 8 per competition
Air Pistol Dynamic Shooting €6 per competition Air Pistol Dynamic Shooting € 8 per competition
Extra gun entry € 2 per competition Extra gun entry not applicable to non members.

Competition Fees. (under 18 years old)

MAAC members Non MAAC members
Air Rifle Field Target €3 per competition Air Rifle Field Target € 6 per competition
Air Rifle Bench Rest €3 per competition Air Rifle Bench Rest € 6 per competition
Air Pistol Steel Plate Challenge €3 per competition Air Pistol Steel Plate Challenge € 6 per competition
Air Pistol Dynamic Shooting €3 per competition Air Pistol Dynamic Shooting € 6 per competition
Extra gun entry € 2 per competition Extra gun entry not applicable to non members.

BULK Competition Thicket (+ 18 years old)

MAAC members – ALL competition Entry Non MAAC members – Not Applicable.
Bulk Ticket – ALL Competitions € 90 (Normal Price €100)
* € 120 with extra gun entry.
Bulk Ticket - Air Rifle FT/BR € 60 (Normal Price €64)
Only * € 70 with extra gun entry.
Bulk Ticket - Air Rifle FT/BR € 30 (Normal Price €36)
Only * € 40 with extra gun entry

Additional MAAC Activity information for 2009 and prizes.

ALL the competitions are OPEN Matches i.e. open for MAAC members and no members.

Members ONLY.
1. Members are allowed to enter the competitions with a maximum of 2 guns. For the extra gun the competitor must pay and
extra entry fee of € 2 for each competition.
2. The guns must be registered on the Target Shooter B License.
3. Guns can be different for each competition.
4. Members points for each event of FT and BR will be added and classified for MAAC club selections.

Non Members.
1. Non Members are allowed only one gun entry for each competition.
2. The guns must be registered on the Target Shooter B License.
3. Guns can be different for each competition.
4. Non member points are not classified.

Event Types and Prices additional information.

Air Rifle Field Target (ARFT) Competitions.

1. There will be two classes in ARFT.
a. Class A: Springers ONLY up to 15 ftlbs.
b. Class B: PCPs all powers.
2. Members entering with 2 guns, can enter in both classes or one class with two different guns. The guns can be different for
each competition.
3. Non members are limited to 1 gun and 1 class (any).
4. Both classes will compete in the same day.
5. The ARFT competition consist of 30 shots session divided in 3 rounds of 10 targets. 2 rounds have assigned shooting
positions and 1 round the shooting position is free style (up to the shooter using one of the 4 shooting positions – standing ,
sitting, kneeling or prone.)
6. There will not be breaks between rounds.
7. Member shooters who opt to compete with two guns will be given a break between sessions.
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8. There will be prices for the 1 , 2 and 3 positions of each class.

Air Rifle Bench Rest (ARBR) Competitions.

1. There will be two classes in ARBR.
a. Class A: PCP & Springers up to 15 ftlbs. - 25 meter
b. Class B: PCP & Springers above 15 ftlbs. - 50 meter
2. Members entering with 2 guns can enter in both classes or one class with two different guns. The guns can be different for
each competition.
3. Non members are limited to 1 gun and 1 class (any).
4. Both classes will compete in the same day.
5. The ARBR competition consist of 1 session with an official ERABSF 25 shot scoring target with a time limit of 30 minutes.
6. Member shooters who opt to compete with two guns will be given a break between sessions.
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7. There will be prices for the 1 , 2 and 3 positions of each class.

Air Pistol Steel Plate Challenge (APSPC) Competitions.

1. There will be two classes in APSPC.
a. Class A: Single Shot pistols (spring, pcp or Co2 Cal 0.177 or 0.22)
b. Class B: Multi Shot pistols ( Co2, GBB or NBB Cal. 0.177 or 6mm air soft)
2. Members entering with 2 guns can enter in both classes or one class with two different guns. The guns can be different for
each competition.
3. Non members are limited to 1 gun and 1 class (any).
4. Both classes will compete in the same day.
5. The APSPC competition consist of 1session of 3 stages. Each stage is shot 3 times.
6. Member shooters who opt to compete with two guns will be given a break between sessions.
7. The APSPC rules level the scoring system for both classes.
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8. There will be prices for 1 , 2 and 3 positions over all.

9. There will be an extra price for highest stage hit factor for each class.

Air Pistol Dynamic Shooting (APDS) Competitions.

1. There are no classes in APDS. Pistols allowed are multi shot Co2 (cal 0.177) or GBB/NNB ( cal 0.177 or 6mm airsoft).
2. Members can enter with 2 guns which can be of any type. The guns can be different for each competition.
3. Non members are limited to 1 gun and 1 class (any).
4. All competitors will compete in the same day.
5. The APDS competition consist of 1session of 2 stages. Each stage is shot 1 time.
6. Member shooters who opt to compete with two guns will be given a break between sessions.
7. The APDS rules level the scoring system for all pistol types.
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8. There will be prices for 1 , 2 and 3 .
9. There will be an extra price for highest stage hit factor.

Classification of MAAC members.

All MAAC paid up members will be classified for ARFT and ARBR matches. The points gained from each ARFT and ARBR match
will be accumulated in a classifying table. The classification will be required in the event that the club has to perform team selections
for Field Target or Bench Rest.

There will be 2 classifier tables for Field Target and 2 classifier tables for Bench Rest.
Field Target: Classifier Spring & Classifier PCP.
Bench Rest: Classifier under 15ftlb & Classifier over 15ftlbs.

Members shooting in one or both classes will be listed according the class they compete.
If a members selects to shoot with 2 entries in the same class, the highest score obtained will be listed in that class.

Malta Allied Airgunners Club (MAAC)

P.O. Box 38
Naxxar, Malta.
Web Site:
MAAC is affiliate in the Malta Shooting Sports Federation (MSSF), Association of Arms Collectors and Shooters (AACTS) and the European
Rimfire and Airrifle Benchrest Shooting Federation (ERABSF) – Malta Region.

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