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Your guidance on the matter would be very much appreciated.

please advice What procedure are we to adopt in the case Your earliest attention would be highly appreciated. I thank you for your time and attention. If you have any queries on the above pl ease feel free to contact me. Thanks for your prompt reply. Much appreciated. Our previous telecon refers. Waiting for your kind reply I thank you in advance for your cooperation The e-mail correspondence below refers. Delay in submission regretted. Your kind intervention in this matter would be appreciated cost was to be borne by Just a polite reminder to Please feel free to amend accordingly or to rewrite if you so wish Please refer to the trail of mails below We acknowledge receipt of your email. We will revert shortly. The mail below concerning the subject in caption is being referred for any feedb ack you may have. copying this message to xx , who may wish to bring to the attention of Will keep you informed of outcome. Thanks a lot for your much appreciated help to put you in the picture, comply/abide by a decision In view of the above Finally, you are also requested to ensure that the date indicated above is stric tly adhered to. Thank you for your time and consideration of this request. Please feel free to email us back with any further questions. expedite the process. dire need

amend list to reflect the below changes. Can you kindly advice. As processors for the Department , we are delegated by CIO falling under your jurisdiction im addressing you on behalf of We are writing to let you know that the if my memory serves me right, just to get you in the picture i I thank you in advance whilst awaiting your feedback. i discussed the matter with Following our verbal conversation, Reference is being made to our telephone conversation of this morning regarding the above. referred for your instructions Could you please be so kind to advice us how to proceed with such request? I should like to draw your attention to the fact that the I tried to call you back but there was no reply- kindly call me back at your con venience. Subjoined mail is being forwarded for your kind attention, and for circulation, as requested therein. When I receive any instructions from his end, I will communicate with you Keeping you posted with developments. Tried calling you but to no avail hence this mail. Grateful to be informed whether we could meet such request or otherwise. In view of the above However, in view of the urgency of the matter and the impact that I refer to our communication of dd/mm/yy regarding the I thank you for your time and attention, whilst hoping for a favourable reply. Due to the sensitive nature of the subject, the following is required Due to the sensitive nature of the subject, we feel that this request Since the nature of the issue is quite sensitive we believe that

The importance and the sensitivity of the subject in question has spurred the fo llowing request Mr ## herewith cced will be looking into the matter further more this week so we can settle this asap. Call will be seen to shortly. Allow me to look into the matter and I will circulate accordingly. Thus, I would like to discuss the above issues and possibly receive guidance on how to proceed. The efforts you have extended are sincerely appreciated. It's great to have you on our team! I appreciate the help and support that you have provided to your co-workers duri ng their busy time. Your efforts are crucial to the success of our department. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you for the success of the recent Busi ness Services remodel. Your contributions to this department have been great. Thank you for giving your all during the recent crisis period when so many stude nts were depending on our services. Your continued support and dedication to this department make us successful.

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