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Hi, refer to this as your guide.

Your topic is about how does kapeng barako defines cultural heritage in local history and how it is maintained as a cultural marker or identity for batangas? Construct your questions along this question. The introduction must include the following: a general statement about kape barako (try to classify, define and explain tangible and intangible heritage), a short history of the industry/enterprise, what does understanding of the cultural heritage of kape barako emphasize, why is it important for the Batanguenos to preserve, conserve and protect these cultural heritage (explain your objectives), methodology (what and how are you going to gather information/data). Choose one theory relevant and helpful in explaining your topic. Emphasize the socio-anthropological implications of the theory. Gather information by interviewing key informants, go to the area and do the following: fieldwork, participant observation (in your methodology please specify how you accomplished these tasks; a detailed narrative would be very good). Transcribe the informants' responses (emic) and include it in your narrative vis-a-vis what the theory and related literature say about the responses (etic). Consider the following: 1. What are the ways by which local producers maintain this enterprise. 2. What are some of the traditions, rituals, saying, stories, words that have permeated the local culture based on kape barako. 3. Find out from the informants how do they describe kape barako, or customers to compare it with other coffee brands, etc. 4. What are some batangueno characteristics that are comparable to kapeng barako. Ask your informants to make the comparison and why? 5. How is kapeng barako articulated in the everyday life of the batanguenos? 6. What are some beliefs, customs, practices, celebrations, rituals, etc. that are associated with kapeng barako? 7. What are the unique ways by which kapeng barako is prepared? (How does one make kapeng barako, are there some special techniques/ways of making it? 8. Symbolism of coffee and livelihood in social interactions, rituals, practices, celebrations, community, etc. 9. Is there some support from the local government, private enterprises on the coffee industry in Batangas? 10.Apply some theories related to your topic. 11.Determine some socio-anthropological insights about food and everything about it.

N.B. Do not forget your references (whether it is from interviews and from related literature Take photos and video record everything.

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