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The history of medicine which will be discussed in this reading selection is divided into three headings: namely, medicine

in greek world, arab medicine and medicine in the twentieth century. Medicine in the greek world. Hippocrates greek empirico-rational medicine was represented by school of Cnidus. It concerned chiefly with diagnosis and by that of cos, which dealt mostly in pronoia, the act of telling the patient beforehand the course of his illness. Hippocrates was born in the island of Cos some 1,200 years ago.A new type of naturalist-physician , learned and kindly, Hippocrates regarded even sacred disease,like epilepsy . as natural human disease.His fame lies in the Hippocratic Corpus or Collections, some 70 books first collected during the 3rd century B.C by Alexandrine scholars, the authorship of which cannot be conclusively established. Their content is naturalistic, concerned mainly with prognosis and with the patient rather than with the disease. Hippocrates declared that there was not just one single disease but many , and he stressed the vis medicatrix naturae , the healing power of nature or physis.

Sejarah obat yang akan dibahas dalam seleksi ini membaca dibagi menjadi tiga pos: yaitu obat di dunia Yunani, arab obat dan kedokteran di abad kedua puluh.

Kedokteran di dunia Yunani. Yunani Hippocrates empirico - obat rasional diwakili oleh sekolah Cnidus. Hal ini terkait terutama dengan diagnosis dan bahwa cos, yang dibahas terutama di pronoia, tindakan memberitahu pasien terlebih dahulu perjalanan penyakitnya.

Hippocrates dilahirkan di pulau Cos sekitar 1.200 tahun yang lalu. Sebuah jenis baru naturalis - dokter, belajar dan baik hati, Hippocrates bahkan dianggap 'suci' penyakit, seperti epilepsi. sebagai penyakit manusia alami. ketenaran-Nya terletak pada Corpus Hippocrates atau Koleksi, sekitar 70 buku pertama yang dikumpulkan selama abad ke-3 SM oleh para sarjana Alexandrine, pengarang yang tidak dapat meyakinkan didirikan. konten mereka adalah naturalistik, terutama berkaitan dengan prognosis dan dengan pasien daripada dengan penyakit. Hippocrates menyatakan bahwa tidak ada hanya satu penyakit tunggal tapi banyak, dan dia menekankan 'vis medicatrix naturae', kekuatan penyembuhan alam atau fisis.

Hippocrates separated medicine from philosophy and studied man as a whole. He adopted the theory of the four humors (blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm) based perhaps on observation of the four layers formed by clotting blood; and of their properties (warm-wet, warm-dry, cold-dry and cold-wet) any quantitative impairment of which could cause disease.

Arab medicine. The second medieval stream through which Hellenic (greek) medical wisdom traveled from the east

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