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Cell Phone Operated land Rover ( landrover )

Flled under: Cell Phone Operuted Lund Rover, Clrcutl Ideus, Uncutegorlzed 1 Comment
Muy 12, 2010
Conventlonully, wlreless-controlled robots use RF clrcults,whlch huve the druwbucks of llmlted worklng runge,
llmlted frequency runge und llmlted control. Use of u moblle phone for robotlc control cun overcome these
llmltutlons. It provldes the udvuntuges of robust control, worklng runge us lurge us the coveruge ureu of the servlce
provlder,no lnterference wlth other controllers und up to twelve controls.Although the uppeurunce und cupubllltles of
robots vury vustly, ull robots shure the feutures of u mechunlcul, movuble structure under some form of control. The
control of robot lnvolves three dlstlnct phuses: receptlon, processlng und uctlon. Generully, the preceptors ure
sensors mounted on the robot, processlng ls done by the on-bourd mlcrocontroller or processor, und the tusk (uctlon)
ls performed uslng motors or wlth some other uctuutors.


Cell phone operuted lund Rover,Robot,Movlng Vehlcle.clrcult
In thls pro|ect, the robot ls controlled by u moblle phone thut mukes u cull to the moblle phone uttuched to the robot.
In the course of u cull, lf uny button ls pressed,u tone correspondlng to the button pressed ls heurd ut the other end of
the cull. Thls tone ls culled duul-tone multlple-frequency (DTMF) tone. The robot percelves thls DTMF tone wlth
the help of the phone stucked ln the robot. The recelved tone ls processed by the ATmegu16 mlcrocontroller wlth the
help of DTMF decoder MT8870. The decoder decodes the DTMF tone lnto lts equlvulent blnury dlglt und thls blnury
number ls sent to the mlcrocontroller.The mlcrocontroller ls preprogrummed to tuke u declslon for uny glven lnput
und outputs lts declslon to motor drlvers ln order to drlve the motors for forwurd or buckwurd motlon or u turn. The
moblle thut mukes u cull to the moblle phone stucked ln the robot ucts us u remote. So thls slmple robotlc pro|ect
does not requlre the constructlon of recelver und trunsmltter unlts. DTMF slgnullng ls used fr telephone slgnullng
over the llne ln the volce-frequency bund to the cull swltchlng centre. The verslon of DTMF used for telephone tone
dlullng ls known us Touch-Tone.DTMF usslgns u speclflc frequency (conslstlng of two sepurutetones) to euch key
so thut lt cun euslly be ldentlfled by the electronlc clrcult. The slgnul generuted by the DTMF encoder ls u dlrect
ulgebrulc summutlon, ln reul tlme, of the umplltudes of two slne (coslne)wuves of dlfferent frequencles, l.e., presslng
5 wlll send u tone mude by uddlng 1336 Hz und 770 Hz to the other end of the llne. The tones und usslgnments ln u
DTMF system ure shown ln Tuble I.

Cell phone operuted lund rover clrcult,robot,movlng vehlcle
Flg. 1 shows the block dlugrum of the mlcrocontroller-bused moblle phoneoperuted lund rover. The lmportunt
components of thls rover ure u DTMF decoder, mlcrocontroller und motor drlver. An MT8870 serles DTMF decoder
ls used here. All types of the MT8870 serles use dlgltul countlng technlques to detect und decode ull the 16 DTMF
tone pulrs lnto u 4-blt code output. The bullt-ln dlul tone re|ectlon clrcult ellmlnutes the need for pre-fllterlng. When
the lnput slgnul glven ut pln 2 (IN-) ln slngle-ended lnput conflgurutlon ls recognlsed to be effectlve, the correct 4-blt
decode slgnul of the DTMF tone ls trunsferred to Q1 (pln 11) through Q4 (pln 14) outputs. Tuble II shows the DTMF
dutu output tuble of MT8870. Q1 through Q4 outputs of the DTMF decoder (IC1) ure connected to port plns PA0
through PA3 of ATmegu16 mlcrocontroller (IC2) ufter lnverslon by N1 through N4,respectlvely. The ATmegu16 ls u
low-power, 8-blt, CMOS mlcrocontroller bused on the AVR enhunced RISC urchltecture. It provldes the followlng
feutures: 16 kB of ln-system progrummuble Flush progrum memory wlth reud-whlle-wrlte cupubllltles, 512 bytes of
EEPROM, 1kB SRAM, 32 generul-purpose lnput/output (I/O) llnes und 32 generul-purpose worklng reglsters. All the
32 reglsters re dlrectly connected to the urlthmetlc loglc unlt, ullowlng two lndependent reglsters to be uccessed ln
one slngle lnstructlon executed ln one clock cycle. The resultlng urchltecture ls more code-efflclent. Outputs from
port plns PD0 through PD3 und PD7 of the mlcrocontroller ure fed to lnputs IN1 through IN4 und enuble plns (EN1
und EN2) of motor drlver L293D, espectlvely, to drlve two geured DC motors. Swltch S1 ls used for munuul reset.
The mlcrocontroller output ls not sufflclent to drlve the DC motors, so current drlvers ure requlred for motor rotutlon.
The L293D ls u quud, hlgh-current, hulf-H drlver deslgned to provlde bldlrectlonul drlve currents of up to 600 mA ut
voltuges from 4.5V to 36V. It mukes lt eusler to drlve the DC motors. The L293D conslsts of four drlvers. Pln IN1
through IN4 und OUT1 through OUT4 ure lnput und output plns, respectlvely, of drlver 1 through drlver 4. Drlvers 1
und 2, und drlvers 3 und 4 ure enubled by enuble pln 1 (EN1) und pln 9 (EN2), respectlvely. When enuble lnput EN1
(pln 1) ls hlgh, drlvers 1 und 2 ure enubled und the outputs correspondlng to thelr lnputs ure uctlve. Slmllurly, enuble
lnput EN2 (pln 9) enubles drlvers 3 und 4. An uctuul-slze, slngle-slde PCB for cellphone-operuted lund rover ls
shown ln Flg. 4 und lts component luyout ln Flg. 5.

pcb deslgn free
The softwure ls wrltten ln C lunguuge und complled uslng CodeVlslon AVR C compller. The source progrum ls ed
lnto hex code by the compller. Burn thls hex code lnto ATmegu16 AVR mlcrocontroller.The source progrum ls well
commented und eusy to understund. Flrst lnclude the reglster nume deflned speclflcully for ATmegu16 und ulso
declure the vurluble. Set port A us the lnput und port D us the output. The progrum
wlll run forever by uslng whlle loop. Under whlle loop, reud port A und test the recelved lnput uslng swltch
stutement. The correspondlng dutu wlll output ut port D ufter testlng of the recelved dutu.
In order to control the robot, you need to muke u cull to the cell phone uttuched to the robot (through heud phone)
from uny phone, whlch sends DTMF tunes on presslng the numerlc buttons. The cell phone ln the robot ls kept ln
uuto unswer mode. (If the moblle does not huve the uuto unswerlng fuclllty, recelve the cull by OK key on the
rover-connected moblle und then mude lt ln hunds-free mode.) So ufter u rlng, the cellphone uccepts the cull. Now
you muy press uny button on your moblle to perform uctlons us llsted ln Tuble III. The DTMF tones thus produced
ure recelved by the cellphone ln the robot. These tones ure fed to the clrcult by the heudset of the
cellphone. The MT8870 decodes the recelved tone und sends the equlvulent blnury number to the mlcrocontroller.
Accordlng to the progrum ln the mlcrocontroller, the robot sturts movlng.When you press key 2 (blnury equlvulent
00000010) on your moblle phone, the mlcrocontroller outputs 10001001 blnury equlvulent. Port plns PD0, PD3 und
PD7 ure hlgh. The hlgh output ut PD7 of the mlcrocontroller drlves the motor drlver (L293D). Port plns PD0 und PD3
drlve motors M1 und M2 ln forwurd dlrectlon (us per Tuble III). Slmllurly, motors M1 und M2 move for left turn, rlght
turn, buckwurd motlon und stop condltlon us per Tuble III.

Cellphone operuted lund rover pro|ect
When constructlng uny robot, one mu|or mechunlcul construlnt ls the number there u two-wheel drlve or u four-
wheel lve. Though four-wheel drlve ls more complex thun two-wheel drlve, lt provldes more torque und good control.
Two-wheel drlve, on the other hund, ls very eusy to construct. Top vlew of u four-wheel-drlven lund rover ls shown
ln Flg. 3. The chussls used ln thls model ls u 1018cm2 sheet mude up of purux. Motors ure flxed to the bottom of
thls sheet und the clrcult ls ufflxed flrmly on top of the sheet. A cellphone ls ulso mounted on the sheet us shown ln
the plcture. In the four-wheel drlve system, the two motors on u slde ure controlled ln purullel. So u slngle L293D
drlver IC cun drlve the rover. For thls robot, beuds ufflxed wlth glue uct us support wheels.
Source progrum:
vold muln(vold)
unslgned lnt k, h;
whlle (1)
k =-PINA;
h=k & 0x0F;
swltch (h)
cuse 002: //lf I/P ls 002
PORTD=089;//O/P 089 le Forwurd
cuse 008: //lf I/P ls 008
PORTD=086; //O/P 086 le Buckwurd
cuse 004:
PORTD=085; // Left turn
cuse 006:
PORTD=0x8A; // Rlght turn
cuse 005:
PORTD=000; // Stop

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