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Resolved: It is morally permissible for victims to use deadly force as a deliberate response to repeated domestic violence. Key terms: Permissible- Allowed Deadly-causing or tending to cause death; fatal; Force-physical power or strength possessed by a living being Deliberate-carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional Response- Answer Morally: virtuously Health: the general condition of the body or mind Domestic-of or pertaining to the home, the household, household affairs, or the family: domestic pleasures. Violence-an unjust or unwarranted exertion of force or power, as against rights Value: UTILITARIANISM Criterion: It is not morally permissible for victims to use deadly force unless the action was equally the same. It doesn t matter who starts the fight, but whoever ends it.ML Contention1: Dead isn t worth alive. Once someone dies, it is obvious that they aren t coming back anytime soon, a loss not only to friends and family but the world as well. Is it wise to allow it morally correct for a person to shoot another as equal compensation? The answer is no. Isaac Newton says it best. For every action there is an equal opposite action. Violence doesn t justify death. Violence justifies violence. Dead people stay dead for a long time. By allowing deadly force to be used against violence would be like bringing a bomb to kill a swarm of flies. Thus you should vote Neg. Contention 2: Role Model

In this world of inequality, the home of children is their most important moral growth place. Imagine a child who sees gun as a problem solver when his mother shoots the father. The mental and emotional impact at such a young life will be scarring. The next generation of innovators and hope of man falls to a group of violent irrational people who were scarred at childhood. The conclusion of allowing murder to be justified for any reason except itself then it will spin the world in turmoil as when one man is allow to morally murder a fellow man for less, then what is going to stop the rest of the world from doing the same. Contention 3: Violence is not the answer Just as Martin Luther King Jr. preached this belief, we debate it today 83 years later on a domestic violence however. Violence is opposed with more violence creating a situation in which everyone loses. It is like 2 people digging one big hole and fighting at the same time. One day, both of you will want to stop but, you both dug too deep and can t get out. There are many ways to stop a fight before it happens. It would be difficult to believe that one could not find a way without resorting every 5 seconds to a gun.

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