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Non-chronological; in this order: (Full, detailed events now; relate afterward.

) A white t-shirted, black bagged blonde in his very late teens-very early twenties and a black topped, golden white haired, early-forties woman with a light yellowish-light greenish coat slung over her other arm are shaking hands, both smiling, while the boy s mushroom-cut light blonde-white haired, blue tshirted and with the same colored bag and about the same aged partner looks on, smiling too. Greetin s! Hullo! Bye! Good day! Seeya! During the verbal exchange, she looks closely and notices a faint bluish tinge in the black bagged blonde s eye. Actually, an exchange happens while they shake hands-her other hand with the coat on the arm almost touches the one which is shaking. Hullo! I m Max. says a short-haired, blonde adolescent-adult with a black t-shirt with the collar up not tucked into light grey pants, smiling. Whachya called? Hullo! I m called Lucas. replies the black-mohawked adolescent-adult with a blue shirt with the collar up not tucked into dark grey denims, smiling both are shaking hands casually, friendlily Max, how old re ya? I m fifteen. I m fifteen too. Bye, Max. Bye, Lucas. Why do they lie about their age? The man in the yellow shirt wears a wire. He wears brown leather shoes, a light brown pant, a light grey checked coat over the shirt, and has short black hair receding from the forehead. The microphone connected to the wire is placed at the inside of his wrist, hidden by the shirt and the coat s arm and held there by the strap of his watch. He keeps his right hand suspiciously in the air in front of his chest, approximately right in the middle of the distance between him and the white shirted blue jeaned short golden-black haired man who stands in a feminine posture, and is the one who the man in the yellow shirt is talking to in the men s changing room. They re both fully clothed and are almost the last ones left, with only one garment still hanging on the hook on the wall adjacent to the changing cubicle, where from naked towel dried men reach out to grasp at their clothing which they hang on the hook before going inside the cubicle, getting naked and towel drying themselves. The man in the yellow shirt makes small talk to the other, both smiling, starting off with the other s hometown, and going on to his favorite food; then, the man in the yellow shirt asks about the other s age by addressing him as Dirk , but the other does not notice, and thus does not marvel at the fact that the man in the yellow shirt had no way of knowing what his name was judging by the conversation they d had up till then. The talk then goes onto his profession, and then the man in the yellow shirt asks

the other s name. I m called Dirk Wolf. But my nickname s Willy. says he. Thanks for the interview! jokes the man in the yellow shirt, and they both laugh. They discuss about two more things after the supposed ending of the conversation as suggested by the joke the other s music band s biggest hit, which he claims at the moment to be Stop Now , and his favorite drink. The device to which the microphone is connected eliminates all unimportant language, and displays only points of potential information when the man in the yellow shirt fires it up later: Where jya live? I live in Berlin What s your favorite food? Hamburger and fries Dirk, how old re ya actually? I m twenty Whajya do? I m a techno-DJ an sing too in a techno band Whachya called? I m called Dirk Wolf. But my nickname s Willy. Thanks for the interview! Please! What s your biggest hit called? At the moment Stop Now s my biggest hit And what s your favorite drink? I enjoy drinking Coke with citron essence very much The man in the yellow shirt punches into the pager: Name: Dirk Wolf Nickname: Willy Profession: Disk Jockey/Music band member Hometown: Berlin, Deutschland Age: 20 Favorite food: Hamburger and fries Favorite drink: Citrus Coke Biggest hit: Stop Now The one with one brother is Lena, who has really light eyes, light blonde hair and a fair pretty little girl face. The one with a brother as well as a sister is Florian, who has oriental features, short black hair spiked at the front and a face with a lot of potential to make others detest it immediately. The one with two sisters is the blonde Steffie who has eyes a little darker than Lena s and a face a little more mature than Lena s. The one with two brothers is the blonde Sebastian, who has eyes with a very faint bluish tinge which one notices only if one looks closely. Marcus, who has brown black hair and ruggedly handsome features doesn t have a sibling. All are in their very late teens-very early twenties. Then there are the Zideks. Mister and missus Zidek are married and have two daughters. One daughter is called Michaela and is fourteen. The other daughter is called Melanie and is ten. Michaela and

Melanie are sisters. The Zideks are thus four persons and also have a dog. The Zideks live in Graz in Austria. Mister Zidek is a photographer, missus Zidek is a teacher. Michaela goes to middle school and Melanie is still in primary school. Stephan Weigel, 11, lives in Augsburg, south Germany and has one sister. Angelica Meier, 12, lives in Leipzig, east Germany and has a sister and a brother. Marcus Ruff, when 14, had very slight oriental features and short black hair with no apparent styling, lived in Salzburg, Austria and had one sister. The golden white haired Petra Will, 42, lives in Bremen, north Germany and has a son. In Marcus Ruff (German: Krause), Ruff, among other meanings (a bird, a fish, and the fur on a garment), is a card game. Can prob. show Marcus s forefathers as gamblers, and he himself specializing in ruff. In Vienna in Austria, the round glass structure which juts out to block partially the view of St. Stephen s Cathedral is part of Do & Co Hotel, Vienna. The location, however, is a very strategic one of course, and allows the hotel to boast of a full view of the cathedral through the floor to ceiling glass, if one happens to be inside the round glass structure. In Munich in Bavaria in south Germany, they are viewing the Frauenkirche from either the south east or the north east. The whole structure is almost a rectangle, with two towers forming the end points of one of the shorter sides. This shorter side with the towers at its both ends is the front of the church, and it faces west and they are viewing it from its behind, which thus faces east; but they are not viewing its behind exactly in front of them but diagonally either, as said, from the south east or the north east. There s a building in between them and the church which is painted yellow, at least on that wall of the building which they can see, and a has a brown slanting roof. The church also has a slanting roof, they can see, but although they are high enough to view both the slants of the building s brown roof from the top, they are not high enough for the church which is way higher than the building, and they can only see that slant of the church s roof which is on their side, which is either, as said, on the south or the north. They do not know what is the yellow walled building, and their view of the church gives them no clue as to whether they are on the south east of the church or north east. They know, however, that they are on the east and not the west, as they know from previous knowledge of the fact that the church s entrance faces west. They thus logically know that one side of the church faces north and one south, but they both look the same, and the building in between is a stranger to them and does not help in identifying as to which side of the church they re on, and that is why they do not know if they re on, as said, the south or the north. It is a fact that they do not know which side of the church they re on, the south or the north, and they are absolutely not pretending to not know which side of the Cathedral of Our Good Lady they re on, which are either, as said, the south or the north. In Frankfurt am Main in Hesse in central Germany, Jacob, with his cute and visibly soft ears partially covered by strands of blonde hair, happily lives in Augsburg. Hanna lives but unhappily and not wanting to, in Hamburg. Eva happily lives in Innsbruck and Eric happily lives in Zurich. Silk lives but unhappily and not wanting to, in Frankfurt. Michael liked Martina Becker. He liked her slightly round cheeks and charming smile and moderate sized nose and deep eyes below trimmed spaced brows. And most of all her hair; her curly golden flowing hair

which reached just below the nape of her neck but which she kept placed on her shoulders or pushed under her jaw on the sides made Michael lust for her frantically but calmly. He also wanted sometimes to take between his forefinger and thumb the strand of a few interlaced hairs which started from her left half of the hairline but reached and crossed over her right brow and seemed to poke into her eye, and tuck it gently back with the rest of the hair so as to relieve her of the discomfort the strand must be causing while poking into her eye. He also sometimes felt that she had to bear the great mass of curly hair on her head and wanted to do things to make her feel cool and rid her of the heat and sultriness he thought she must be feeling. Martina liked Michael Wickert. She liked the very faint dimple on his chin and his very faint stubble, and longed to run her palm on his cheek so as to feel the friction she thought she would feel if she ever did so. She liked the way all his lightly checked white shirts top most buttons would remain open; but not the second to top most one; giving to him an air of just the right amount of care-freeness, but not that much to get him into trouble or make others hesitate before electing him for, say, a big project or giving him a heavy responsibility. Those who did were the ones who started from the feet and went upward and had not yet reached his face; as soon as they did and had had a stare at his mature, experienced and startlingly intellectually condescending expression which was at place at all times, lost all doubts they d ever had on him. She liked this quality of his, especially when she knew that he was not at all one who d say something like I m the brains around here, so watch it. , but was modest in his approach to others; but he had the confidence of knowing that if someone got nasty with him then he could quite easily crush the other in all aspects, which was another thing she liked about him. She also liked the mysteriously superior frown he walked around with which made two or three creases appear on his large forehead, which was large because of his not-very-short hair receding gradually. That was another one of the things she liked about him. The only, in fact, thing she did not like about him was that she thought that he did not like her. She could not come to believe that a person like him would have a romantic side. She could not explain it; a person like him what?, she asked herself, a person like him meaning? What did she mean by a person like him? What quality of him was she referring to when she said a person like him ? She could not say. She just could not say, but she felt that there was something about him because of which she just could not see him, say, wanting to take between the forefinger and thumb the strand of hair which kept poking her in the eye but caused no discomfort, but which she speculated that men especially (for they did not generally have long hair and thus did not know of these kind of issues) among others would feel that it was causing discomfort, and push it back along with the rest of the hair so as to relieve her of the discomfort he thought she d be facing. Or, say, wanting to rid her of the heat and sultriness which she again speculated men thought she feels continuously because of the mass of curly hair on her head. Somehow she just could not see him doing all of these or, probably more importantly, feeling in all of these ways. This was precisely why she was extremely surprised, though pleasantly, when he asked her out for coffee. They were made partners for the day s work by the leader and were not entirely alone but by themselves about twenty feet and a closed door, although a transparent glass one, away from the others. They d just been sent out and permitted to discuss about their project for the last time until their presentation hit the screen. As soon as they were outside the door, he waited for both of themselves to move a bit more away. Then he suddenly waited for her to lean against the wall, and it was only after she had, did he pop the question, Isn t it not at all cold here?

Um was all she could manage initially as she was still trying to get herself to believe that she was finally alone with him, but realizing she had only said um until then, she said, yes! I honestly thought it d be chilling. She hoped she did not sound sarcastic; oh why? oh why do the speech skills which are appreciated so much run off when he s standing in front? she asked herself furiously. Hehe , he said and she thought, scared, if he d noticed and knew of the minor faux pas she d just committed, which was another small reason as to why he had her extremely surprised, though pleasantly, when he said, So, Jya want ta get some coffee? She did not reply for a full minute she had the answer on her lips but she was completely taken aback because of, of course, the fact that he had not laughed because he had noticed her minor faux pas but just as perhaps a build-up to the proposal, but also because of her aforementioned belief of him not having a romantic side and he whiled away the time by marveling at a floor subwoofer which looked amazingly similar to the waste-paper basket kept directly in front of it, across the mini-corridor. He had just noticed the sole dissimilarity between them which was that the subwoofer had the word Sony and the Trademark sign inscribed on it in silver letters while the waste-paper basket had nothing, when Okay, she managed, Where ya gon take me? I didn t really mean ta take ya for coffee. I were jus a way o proposal. Cos I ve no guap on me. We could go fya really want ta, an fya ready ta spend. he added. No, thats kay, I don mind spending. Let s go ta the Starbucks cross the road. Kay. Wha bout the presentation? she asked, remembering. Hang it presentation. That s a helluva idea! she says and they both laugh. Gabi Brighter liked Peter. She always had in her mind the image of his upper half, of his white shirted torso and wide similing and teeth showing face with a bluefile held by his left white shirted forearm against his chest and one or two division sums on the blackboard behind him, at the time when he was teaching basic arithmetic to the group because the boss had got angry because of a calculation mistake by Gabi and had thundered to the whole group, Don chya ll know basic arithmetic?! How the hell dijya ll get recruited in the first place! That s what I want ta know! , and had then made the whole group be taught basic arithmetic by Peter. She had said in the middle of the teaching to everyone that it was true that the whole group had to learn, re-learn, really , basic arithmetic because of her error, but then it was alright because it served as an excuse to hang out with the uber-cool Peter, and everyone had laughed and so had Peter heartily and modestly, and it was then that she had captured that moment, when he was at the peak of his laughter, and had held it dear in her memory ever since. Peter Miller liked Gabi. He always held dear in his memory the moment when he d been teaching basic arithmetic to them all and Gabi had commented on his uber-coolness and everyone had laughed and he himself had laughed heartily and modestly; and while he was laughing did he notice her looking at him, admiring, the head cocked to the left which made her golden hair fall to one side, her hands on the table and the file in front of her, her really light blue eyes full of slightly naughty sparks, and her white coat which she was wearing without a shirt underneath reaching till exactly where her cleavage began, making it just not visible. Peter always had this image in his mind, though not at all in a perverted sense but just a sober, liking one.

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