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What do you think about education ? science leads the child.

The Romans saw education as Educare, which is issued and guides, action taken to realize the potential of children at birth in the world. The German people see education as an equivalent Erziehung Educare, namely: generating power or activate latent or potential power of the child. In the Java language, education means processing, process, change the psyche, mature feelings, thoughts, wishes and character, changing the personality of the child. led efforts to reach children from birth to maturity physically and mentally, in the interaction of nature and its environment. In education there are two important aspects of cognitive (thinking) and affective aspects (feeling). As an illustration, when we learn something in it not just the thought processes that take part but there are elements associated with feelings such as passion, love and other-lain.setiap efforts, influence, protection and assistance provided to the child focused on maturation of the child, or more precisely to help children to be proficient enough task his own life. The influence that comes from an adult (or a diciptaktuntutan in the growth of children's lives, adapunusaha conscious and planned to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength keagamaaan, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the necessary skills themselves, society, nation, and the State. that is, education that leads all the powers of nature that exist in children, so that they are as people and as members of the public safety and happiness it can be reached as high-skill formation tingginyaaproses -fundamental skills intellectually and emotionally toward nature and fellow manusia.n by adults such as schools, books, the daily round of life, and so on) and addressed to minors. Education is a social science that includes teaching and learning specific knowledge, beliefs, and skills. The word education comes from the Latin Educare means "increase", "to open", "to train", "to" rear, via "educatio / nis", raise, raise. "Education is all areas of livelihood, in selecting and developing life good, in accordance with human dignity "And certainly from the statement we can conclude that education is very important and can not be separated from life, therefore I can not deny the words" Education is not everything "like what the Chief My own school say. Become a developed nation is certainly a goal to be achieved by each country in the world. It has become an open secret that the forward or whether a country is influenced by the educational factor. Once the importance of education, so that a nation can be measured if the nation forward or backward, because as we all know that an education course, Human Resources will print a good quality in terms of spiritual, intelligence and skill and education is the next generation printing process. If the output of this educational process fails then it is difficult to imagine how to achieve progress. For a people who want to advance, educators must be viewed as a necessity as well as other needs. So of course the quality of education also affects the development of a nation. We take the example of America, they would not be like today if the - sorry - Setarap their education with us. Education, ability, knowledge is one of the capital that we have to live in an age which is too difficult ini.Mengapa say so? We would have been able to answer it, what's the first thing seen when we wish to make early childhood surPendidikan placing particular emphasis on children's ability to build an emotional connection that consists of three main pillars. Relationships with others (interpersonal), the relationship with oneself (intrapersonal), and the relationship with God (transcendental). The triangle will form the character of children as reflected in the way he behaves and thinks until adulthood. In addition, early childhood education also includes the stages of physical development, training that is coarse or fine motor coordination; and sharpening intelligence, such as the power of thought and creativity. With early childhood education, children will also learn to develop language and communication skills. Once the importance of early childhood education, now more and more countries around the world who apply for the delivery of quality human resources. However, Mother does not mean your child should enroll in an expensive school. Mother of early education can also apply at home, provided that Mother had ample time and actively looking for alternative ways to implement a variety of early education for the fruit job application? What we need when you want to start a business or a business? Course of education, ability, insight and Knowledge we need.

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