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Introduction: Lecture 1- 2/23

I. A. The first sub-topic After invasion of Canada large turning point England will be defeating France and now England can concentrate on the U.S England will be on the offensive towards the U.S Invasion of Washington DC secretary of war John Armstrong strongly dismisses and thing that the British would attack DC. He calls off the militia when the British are 25 miles of Washington DC he finally allows reinforcement to protect the Capital. As the British approach the British position. Several of the British soldiers are running so fast that some get heat stroke. Madison tries to rally troops. Send wife dolly Madison to evacuate the capital. Refuses to leave till picture of George Washington is saved. Her favorite type of ice cream is oyster flavor. British army marches in to Washington unopposed and see everyone left. After wards the British burn the whole damn place down. Big Storm goes into Washington DC dispersing the British soldiers. A tornado Removes them from DC. Post office would be set as a office for the cabinet. Representative work in Belgium working piece treaty and it was the treaty of Ghent (1814). This says that all will return as it was. Thus having no lasting results. News travels slow After war is over Jackson are preparing for British invasion. Jackson disliked the British. During the revolution brothers died in war. The British use bags of sugar and screw up there canons. Americans mow down the British and wipe out most the troops. British take 2100 casualties and out of 300 Dead. 58 casualties and 15 dead. After 4 weeks later treaty arrives after war is over. And Everything is fine and back as it was. ____War of 1812_______****** The Death of the federalist Party reason it happened is that new England coast is that is big shipping community and a fedral strong hold. Dont want war cause they are shipping all the time.

B. C. II.

Second supporting information or detail for the sub-topic Third supporting detail or information for the sub-topic

HartFord Convention -Destruction of Federalist Party Threatened secession and treason at height of American morale

The united States has high morale boost and England threatened succession. Traders and Un Patriotic It dooms the Part and 1820 Federalist Party seizes to exist. III. Jackson Democracy

Following victory at New Orleans , Jackson national Hero Already recognized as Indian Fighter 1817, Seminoles begin raiding into Georgia. Big issue is Florida is owned by Spain. Jackson Sent by president Monroe with broad orders to subdue any threats. Adams-Onis Treaty. Native American are taken care of as well as the Spanish and runs the out of Florida. Monroe apologizes to Spanish for invasion of territory and mentions to control the native American population or seize the State of Florida. With The Onis Treaty Spain sells Florida to U.S for 5 million. Growing Democracy after 1812 Expanding numbers of voters due to abandonment of property or tax paying qualifications. Universal white male suffrage adopted in state constitutions -Indiana -Illinois -Alabama Techniques of mass politics Finally people gradually identify with parties Vaurine Party Identify mainly results from the election of 1824 William Crawford -Henry Clay -John Quincy Anderson -Andrew Jackson None have clear majority of popular vote. Andrew Jackson had the most votes. It probably should of went to Andrew Jackson. Henry clay drops from the election and pass his support to Adams. Adams will gain presidency. And appoint clay as secretary of State. Corrupt Bargin Martin Van Urine Worked hard to organize the democratic party in different parts of the He is going to argue that we need to separate to two different types of parties Pledge to retake presidency Jackson runs against incumbent JQ Adams

Wigs people know that are running against Andrew Jackson. Jackson accused of being a murder an adulterer and they were saying that his mom was a whore ass. He had fought many battles. He carried two bullets in his body that were received in battle. Jackson Dickerson battle. Insults Jackson wife and they duel. He shot Dickerson in the head. For the adultery charge he married a lady Rachel rowbar Jackson people charge John Adams wore silk underwear thus meaning he was queer but later confirmed he was not a dandy. Other charge for Adams he provided prostitutes to the czar of Russian Anti Masonic Party 1826 William Morgan threatens to expose all secrets of the masons. Then later disappear. Jackson wins the election Rachel dies of a heart attack. Jackson Presidency Accused of spoils system He will fire 20% of the office holder and replace them with loyal people Vetoed 12 bills compared to predecessors 9

Tariff issues Anything imported from England tariffs. South Carolina & Nullification Upset about the tariffs. Going to object that the tariff gets repeal. States rights Doctrine. SC Nulls the federal law with in their borders. Jackson responds and angry and says it violates law. And Says Nullification by following the line of thought you can also ignore the countries laws and being independent. Jackson will push through the force bill and says you can use military and make SC pay. Clay intervenes and throws a compromise tariff Bank War - Nicholas Biddle Nullify the force bill to make a point this depute will establish precedents 1) US president can use force to stop succession leaving the united states or nullification The south gets its way to nullify or succeed and in the next coming year they will threaten to succeed a lot. Nicholas Biddle-

Jackson feared bank to the United states; The current chart is set to expire 1836. And Nick wants to use Jackson reelection to re-charter the bank. Congress will re approve the charter but Jackson will veto it. Jackson wants to destroy the bank even tho its supposed to last four more years. Jackson will order the secretary of treasury to stop depositing into the bank of the US. Jackson Fires the secretary. Roger Taney agrees with Jackson and stops depositing funds. Biddle will try to save the bank as much as he can and he will call in all loans that the banks have. Most people believe that Jackson is the cause of the financial panic. The US senate votes to censure Jackson. Un popular move a lot of democrats are abounding the president. Jackson needs spin control. Jackson does that veterans are supposed to pay veteran pensions . Andrew Jackson wants records and turn the information over so that the U.S is responsible to pay the soldiers . Jackson will spin and make it believe that the bank is evil. Jackson gets his way and the bank crumbles. Jackson was the first president to be attempted with being assonated. Guy that tries to kill him would be Richard Laurence. Laurence fails at assassination and is arrested and spends his life in a mental institution. Essay Reactions to abolitionist North \Few supported Many opposed as causing strife South \Near universal opposition Literature Congressional gag rule Censorship Developed proslavery Arguments \Paternalism \Eugenics A lot of studies that white people have distinct different orgins. Distict different orgins 2816825539 Reasons for such reactions -Fear of Slave revolts Moralizing slavery Results -Varying degrees of change in society Abolition stirred national debate and sectional differences Changes will be directed in slave area improving conditions in the ill Abolition movement wont bring slavery into front. Second Great awaking & Utopian Movement I. Second great awaking Impact II> New Dominations I. Shakers Millerites

Unitarians Mathias Mormons III> Utopias New Harmony Neshoba -Impact: Church attendance up from 40% to 75% -Sense of religion liberty and democracy -Cooperation among accepted denominations -Most new members women -Stimulated reform movements -Stimulated rise of new denominations Shakers (1790s) Mother Ann -------She said the end was near Jesus was coming and was saying was coming in form of her. Millerites William Miller Jesus returns 1843 Great disappointment Seventh Day Adventists or Unitarians William miller said Jesus would come on 1843 given by clues gathered in the bible. The group calls this the great disappointment Attract 50,000 followersMatthias -Adopted Retrenchment Society -Focused on 2 institutions Slavery & marriage Both placed an intermediary between individuals and God World was going to end1851 and he gathers 15 followers Member (Elijah Pierson) died Trail results in the emergence of the Penny Press Due to Scandal and trail, the Kingdom broke up

Big thing that occurs scandalous trial. Emergence of the Penny press Newspapers before were serious. Dont talk much about the scandal. y Trial results in the emergence of the penny press y Due to scandal and trial, the kingdom broke up MormonsJoseph smith Burnt Over District Claimed to be one true religion Native Americans

The People that live in that area is the Burt area district. A lot of religious competition. Smith dont fit with other denominations Smith was praying one day God appears in-front of Smith and God saying He would reveal the true religion. Angel visits smith Chased from New York-to Ohio-to Missouri Claimed Jackson Country, Missouri, as the Mormon Zion Governor Boggs-Extermination Order Nauvoo, Illinois 1833 militias forms to chase Mormons away. State militia is called to restore order Governor Boggs issues a decree-Mormons must be treated as enemies or driven out of the State. 8,000 Mormons move from Missouri and Move to Illinois and introduces polygamy To the church in 1844 Brigham Young is the second prophet of the church and takes over for Smith. The settlement in Salt Lake Utah 1846. Mormon War Election of 1856- James Buchanan Twins Relics of Barbarism Polygamy and Slavery Also young kicking out territorial judges from Utah Army sent to force a change in territorial governors *****one of the reasons Buchanan send military from Utah is to distract the country from slavery. Fancher Party: Heading to California Stop at Mt. Meadows and stay there for two weeks Local Indian population and planning to raid fancher party. Lecture 2/23 Combating Immorality -YMCA US Christian Commission Ironsides Regiment Anthony Comstock Soldier in the Civil war, was a member of the Christian commission during the Civil War. After the war he is very involved in politics pushes through the Comstock Law it outlaws any obscene material going through USPS. Prostitution During the Civil War 70 Hours Work/Week Room. and board Other Expenses

$1.00 -.50 -.30 .20 Remaining

During the War -Loss of primary wage earner Nashville 1860 Census=207 Prostitutes Increased to 2,000 during war Union occupation 1862 -30,000 soldiers/customers Epidemic of gonorrhea and syphilis -40% garrison infected -Provost marshal solution Trains to Louisville, Kentucky -The solution take prostitutes to Kentucky Because everyone was getting Infected. Not enough business in Kentucky. In June of 1863 another attempt made to travel on boat to Louisville Kentucky. The Boat was the Idaho. He gets orders to head back to Nashville. 73,000 have Syphilis 109,000 have gonorrhea Test next Friday. V. Uncle Toms Harriet Beecher Stowe Margret Garner escaped from Kentucky with her four children as wells as her husband a pose catches up to them Margret tries to kill herself and her children to stay away from slavery. People in the North thought everything was ok with the slaves. Stowe writes uncles toms cabin when she finished its published. Its about stories about slavery of actual events of slavery. It shakes a generation view of slavery Filibustering Cuba -Narcisco Lopez Mostly conducted by southerners is to expand slavery to new territories Cuba- Slavery already established in Cuba minister of Spain is offered money for Cuba And its rejected Cuban ex patriot invades Cuba In 1850 establish a beach head on the island of Cuba Try again Spanish kill around 200 and capture the rest 50 are shot in Havana and a message is sent out to not trespass to Cuba And Lopez is Garneted and killed Nicaragua -William Walker 1854 in the middle of civil war slavery is legal Plantation is well established Walker takes control of Nicaragua government Filibustering captures the desire by the south to further slavery Kansas: 1853 Kansas Nebraska Act

Slavery issue Applied popular sovereignty to Kansas The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1853 Repealed Missouri Compromise of 1820 Popular sovereignty to Kansas state gets to decide if the want to be a free state or slave state Death of the Whig Party Vote by northern Whigs opposing Kansas Nebraska Immigration in 1820 1% of population Jumped to 15% from 1845-1855 Know nothing party One million members by 1854 Short lived Kansas turmoil Immigration levels normalized in 1855 Europe things settle down in Europe Good group of Catholics coming in Big fear that since Catholics come Anit immigrant party- know nothing party Does not last long problems Bleeding Kansas - Free soilers & borders ruffians Emigrant Aid Society Lecompton Government -Pro Slavery Lawrence government -Free soil Make slavery illegal Illegal votes are going to win and make Kansas a slave state Establish their own governemt two state government s in Kansas Charles Sumner Sumner (senator from MA harangued Sen. Andrew Butler (SC) over slavery in Kansas Rep. Preston Brooks (SC &Butlers Cousin) Brooks beats Sumner. Summner and brooks are relected. Brooks sentures him when he gets back to office canes are gifted to him honoring his actions Congress men are carryiong guns and knives during the meetings

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