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Parallel Worlds Written by Arcane Father.

All this music, it's about you, my children, you & your Mother, never has it been about anything else, or anyone else, I just wanted to leave you with a body of work, that would help you see the parallel worlds, SO that all of you, could begin your lives, with the key to happiness, to live a forefilling life. To your Mother, as your MAN, I'm showing you as a Woman, the life choices you have to make, & the consequences of your choices. The history & gifts that you have a connection to, through your physical genetic history, are in need of soul-saving. Choose & choose wisely. For all souls our children, the purpose of life is to become WHOLE. All of us live in parallel worlds, different dimensions, To find heaven on earth, you must connect all your worlds, the differernt parts of yourself, across an infinite number of dimensions. The question you must ask, is how is this even possible, When I only see one world? The answer to the riddle is to find one thing, specifically one person, Your Twin-flame soul, to my daughters, your masculine half of your soul, To my sons, your feminine half of your soul, This one person who you must find to become WHOLE, How do you find them, you do it, by first mastering your astral self, The dream world, this dimension is the part of you, that can travel celestial light years, across vast lenghts of space, in the blink of an eye. You don't need to astral travel my sons & daughters, you just need to listen, your twin-flame, your eternal soul-mate, needs you more that you know, & you, them. Dream & dream well, but make sure you control yourself, your astral body is the part of you, that connects to your soul & your soul-light, it is this soul glow that is, the god partical in all of us, it is this part of us that attracks, our Twin-flames to us, & us to them, it is how you know, he or she, is THE ONE, in amongst the trillions of souls, entities & other worldly beings. Protect your soul-light, astral sex or phyisical sex with strangers, will extingish your soul-light, control yourself,

I say again, you must not sleep around, on the physical level or on the astral level. Beware OF THE ENERMY, the ritualistic sodomite, he or she is the person, couple or group of people, who practice soul-feeding. Because they have practiced, astral ritualistic sodomy, which is a craft that is evil in nature, that uses the power of anti-matter, to sustain dead souls, in living human souls bodies. Please understand, gay men that are lovers, are not sodomites. Sodomites are dead souls, that are apart of a human soul, that has extinguished itself by, purposeful intent to manipulate another soul, for their own pleasure or self gain, using ritualistic sodomy. They do this astrally by the anal rape of a child. After travelling the world, I have found most nations, practice this type of Craft, For pleasure & control of others, normally in their own socitial & family groups. Its history is biblical in the stories of the city of sodom. The stories in the bible are are so ancient now days, that they are taken out of context, but the values, of truth, honesty, and to care for each other, and our fellow human beings, are repeated over & over again in this good book. Don't use telepathy, even if you connect with people, fight the urge, only use telepathy for the sexual connection, with your Twin-flame during lovemaking. Learn the simple beauty of speaking, lingistics, verbal commumication, This so important to sustaining, life long relationships, with deep soulful conversations, where meanings of words, are understood as you say them, not in riddles or ambiguous parables, where meaning can be lost. We all want, as you will, to forfill the human need, for sexual gradification, is not just humanites survival instinct, it is more importantly, your internal guide to your Twin-flame. Your Twin-flame has a distinct scent,

on the astral plane, just like on the physical plane, your unique pheromones, your Twin-flames smell, will send you into a world of enlightenment, more beautiful than the gates, of our celestial heaven, of which you will experience upon death, the return home. The reason you must obstain, from phyiscal & astral sex, with others is because, having sex with lots of differnet people, destroys the natural ability, to recognise your Twin-flames distinct scent, on your phyiscial, astral & spiritual levels The human need to reproduce, is a powerful force, And can lead you to your Twin-flame, & heaven on earth, or it can lead you to a separated soul, & a miserable exsistence, of which your Mother & I are experiencing right now, because she has been sodomised & manipulated, by people that are ritualistic sodomites, your Mother & I, their victims, as I speak this, we are fighting for your souls, soul-light, for our kind, our very exsistence. Most people of our generation & older, have not found their Twin-flames, we as a spieces have trapped ourselves, in nations of our own genetic groupings, cultures & religions sects, that have kept us in isolation from other human beings, fighting because of missunderstandings, of each other. The saddness of humanities past, is that so many souls & their Twin-flames soul, have been trapped, forever apart from each other. Keep your senses clear, keep your natural ability to navigate, yourself to your Twin-flame, by staying a virgin, until you find your Twin-flame. Your Mother & I are going to teach the world, our culture by sharing our story, we both will setup international links, into most cultures & religions, so you all at the very least, have access to a global village, who will understand your culture & your intentions, of wanting to explore the world & it's people. We will teach the world to know, our spiritual genetic soul-light signitures, so all humanity may learn, who they are on a soul level, when they are given the priceless gift, of our & in your time, your phyisical & spiritual presents,

so that you may find your Twin-flames in peace. Forever yours, Mom & Dad.

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