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William Lloyd Garrison- 1829 Massachusetts anti-slavery person : abolitionists who starts liberator newspaper 1831 ,starts New

England antislavery society 1832 and American antislavery society.

Fredrick Douglas- 1838 escaped slavery in Maryland : gives anti-slavery speeches. Becomes educated and creates North Star newspaper against slavery.

Sojourner Truth- 1826 escaped slavery in NY . work in abolitionism and later Woman s rights movement.

Harriet Beecher Stowe- 1852 writes an antislavery novel uncle tom s cabin about justice and evil of slavery.

Underground Railroad- secret organization to help escape slaves move north to freedom by a network of routes and hiding places.

Missouri Compromise- 1820 keeps balance of power in the senate : Missouri and Maine admitted as free states. Also made boundry at 36 lattitude 30N prohibits slavery above it.

Henry Clay- speaker of the house from KY proposes Missouri compromise.

John C. Calhoun- from SC gives counter proposal to Wilmot by saying neither congress nor territorial government can ban slavery. Both proposals fail but create more issues on slavery.

Daniel Webster- from Mass. He said that the most important thing was to preserve the union.

Stephan Douglas- after 7 months of debate, douglas proposes that the terms of the compromise of 1850 be made into separate acts to be passed by congress.

John Brown- oct. 1859 John Brown was an abolitionist and led a party of men to raid on a federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, VA to start a slave rebellion. He is captured, convicted of treason and murder and is sentenced to be hung. Brown is later called a martyr who died for the cause of slavery. Southerners saw this as a northern conspiracy against them.

Dred Scott Case- 1857 supreme court case : Dred scott vs. Sanford. Scott sued for his freedom cause his master died while in a free territory 36 30 line. Court ruled that scott was still a slave and not a citizen but property: therefore he had no rights to do process. Chief justice Taney also said that congress did not have the power to prohibit slavery in any territory. He also stated that popular sovereignty is also unconstitutional.

Wilmot Proviso- Rep. David Wilmot of penn. Says prohibit land acquired from Mexican American war from having slavery.

The Free-Soil Party- founded as support to Wilmot Proviso : took a stand on slavery and said that it should not be allowed in new territories.

Compromise of 1850-

Fugitive Slave Act-

Kansas-Nebraska Act-

Bleeding Kansas-

Election of 1860-

Confederate States of America-

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