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Natural Remedies For Most Common Health Problems We are living in a fast, agitated world, the age of finances,

technology and communication. Unfortunately, this age and the expectations that it requires to be a part of it, might in most cases damage our health. All these factors like pollution, bad food, irregular eating, lots of stress, can eventually do serious damages to our body and mind. The choices we make regarding our own health, might have long term-effects in the future, during our lives. It is bad enough that we are already surrounded by all kinds of external factors, that might be harmful to our health. Whats even worse, that every time when we feel something is going wrong, we go straight to the doctor, then to the nearest pharmacy, filling our immune system with chemical pills, just to get rid of the problem quickly, without considering that there might be other more natural alternatives out there, which are more reliable, more cheaper, they dont have any side effects in time, they dont cause addiction and they have been used for all kinds of affections from thousands of years. These are a few natural remedies for the most common health problems of the 21st century: 1.) Migrenes or Headaches - One of the most common problems that affects 60% of the people of our society, including lots of children of young age. The treatment of the headache is a combination of certain natural ingredients and a healthy, balanced lifestyle. The first simple treatment is to take Q10 capsules daily, which are the fast natural way to relieve pain, and it treats headaches with an amazing result (You can find it in natural products stores). You can also drink Chamomile tea (Matricaria recutita), and White Willow tea (Salix alba), which is commonly known as the natural aspirin that gets rid of any headache you might have. In combination with these ingredients, you also need to change or improve some aspects of your lifestyle, such as a healthy, balanced diet, drink plenty of water (daily 1-2 litres would be ideal), physical exercises 3 times a week (jogging, biking, swimming,walking) and develop proper breathing techniques, which induce a state of relaxation that relieves the tension, stress and pain in the body, that in most cases causes severe headaches. (You will usually learn that by yourself doing sports, if you are uncertain, ask for a certified sport, fitness instructor). 2.) Cold & Flu - Another illness that causes many problems and damages to our immunitary system, one that changes all the time, adapts to different environment and makes us more vulnerable to this, and many more types of diseases. Best way to treat this illness, is to treat it when the very first symptoms start appearing. First of all, and one of the greatest wonders of nature, especially when it comes to treat the cold & flu, is the Garlic (Allium sativum). It has been used in ancient Egypt as treatment for may affections, viruses, and indeed they do wonders to our immune system. If you are not to fond of consuming raw garlic because of its taste and smell, you can take Garlic Caps, which are very effective, and treats the cold & flu without side effects. You can combine this treatment with natural Fruit Vitamin C (do not choose the synthetic version in the pharmacies) which is one of the most reliable antioxidants that helps you effectively strengthen your immune system, and fight effectively against this wide spread affection. For people who like to drink tea, Linden flowers (Tiliae flos), is recommended which is

an excellent herbal tea, which combined with the above mentioned natural caps, will entirely cure and get rid of the nasty and unpleasant side effects that cold & flu possesses, this includes coughs and sneezes as well. If you like to sweeten up your tea, dont use common sugar found in stores, use brown sugar or honey instead which by itself only, is a natural antibiotic. Besides all these, just try to get some rest, sleep properly, and dont overdue yourself. 3.) Hypertension or High Blood Pressure - It affects milions of people every year worldwide, men, women, including children. Mainly the simptoms are mild headaches, somnolence, confusion, visual disturbances, nausea and vomiting (hypertensive encephalopathy). Sometimes its hard to spot it, and if we neglect it, can lead to strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, arterial aneurysm (blood-filled dilation of a blood vessel), chronic renal failure, eventually death. Theres a lot of risk factors contributing to this disorder, mostly includes sedentary lifestyle, obesity which in most cases is the main cause of this problem, but also an agitated, stressful, fast lifestyle can lead to hypertension. Before taking any drugs (this includes natural ones also), major lifestyle change is recommended. It is imperative to improve the quality of our lives, meaning healthy and balanced diet, lots of fresh air (any outdoor activity, but in moderation), long peaceful breaks and resting preferably in nature, or listening to ambiental healing music. Of course, some natural vitamins and treatments can only improve this new lifestyle, because they dont have any side effects. Other than that, consume Coenzyme Q10, very effective for hypertension and general cardiac affections, Motherwort capsules which fight against high blood pressure and regulates blood circulation, and if you prefer to drink tea, then Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) and Common Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), are both used to treat various circulatory problems. 4.) Hemorrhoids, Emerods, or Piles An extremely common affection today, manifested by the swelling and inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus. Can cause serious problems if not treated in time and properly. Many people suffer of this problem today, people of all age groups, mostly because of a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, high blood pressure can also be the cause of it, and constipation which is more common in women experiencing premenstrual syndrome or menstruation. The treatment of this affection its not so difficult as it might seem. First of all it should be prevented, therefore a fiber rich diet is recommended to balance a proper digestion, and consumption of 2 litres of water per day. However in case that the first symptoms appear, take Omega 3 capsules (unsaturated fatty acids or natural fish oil), which due to the colesterol balancing properties, has a major influence in the hemorrhoids treatment. There are also very efficient herbal tea plants to help you entirely cure this affection, such as Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), known also by other common names like Nosebleed Plant, Old Man's Pepper, Devil's Nettle, and Thousand-Leaf. This herbal tea has been used especially for hemorrhoids, and it was a popular healing plant in ancient China. Another herbal tea that is also used for this affection is the Pot Marigold or Scotch Marigold (Calendula officinalis), also used in ancient Greek, Roman, Arabic and Indian cultures as a medicinal herb. Last but not least, the miraculous Kombucha mushroom used in ancient

Japan and China for the various healing properties that it has, and many of its properties are still a mystery today, shrouded in the ancient oriental legends. 5.) Abdominal Pain or Stomach Ache - Another common, yet not neglectable disorder, abdominal pain is widely spread today amongst different age groups of people. There are various causes, some of them are more or less serious and its treatment varies mostly on how evolved the condition is. It could take longer time to treat more severe abdominal problems, however there are a few very effective natural products and herbs that can help to ease the pain and treat this affection properly and effectively. Finocarbo Plus capsules are known as to eliminate bloating and the intestinal gases, therefore reduces the stomach pain, promotes a good healthy digestion. There are some herbal teas like Peppermint (Mentha Piperita), the worlds oldest medicinal plant, it has been used from more than ten thousand years now. It has very good soothing properties, it has been widely used for general stomach pain, relaxes the gastro-esophageal sphincter, and promotes belching. Common Silverweed or Silverweed Cinquefoil (Argentina anserina), a herbal plant found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, used in all sorts of stomach disorders. Aloe vera (medicinal aloe), another famous plant used for medical purposes, reduces the symptoms and inflammation in ulcerative colitis cases (disease of the intestine), and generally relieves digestive problems such as heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome. Needless to say, a healthy balanced diet, rich in fibers will definitely prevent most digestive disorders to occur. 6.) Eye Diseases and Disorders - There are several types and forms of eye diseases, that involves other physical affections, accidents, hereditary ailments. However, the most common ones today and its causes are due to excessive computer use and TV watching. Therefore its very important to protect the eyesight properly, to prevent development of more serious ocular problems. Since most people use computers these days, and watching TV has become a regular habbit, many are being affected by it, and theres quite a tendency to neglect this issue that might become more serious at older age. One of the best beneficial natural products recommended that protects the eyesight, is the Lutein capsules that protects from oxidative stress and high-energy light. It can be found also in a herbal tea known as Mexican Marigold (Tagetes erecta), cultivated by the Aztecs for medicinal purposes. Both forms are known to be very effective in various eye treatments and prevention (can be found in natural products stores). Another excellent antioxidant that has well known beneficial effects on eyesight is the Beta-Carotene (Carotene), which is abundant in plants and fruits, but there is also in form of capsules too. Theres some very sufficient herbs as well to help treating various eye problems, such as Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis), and Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), both have been used in eye treatment from thousands of years, as external use, before the modern world has shut the traditional medicine out, and rejected its uses in different therapies. These natural remedies have been used long before our so called modern civilization. They have been given to us by mother nature, as beneficial tools to improve our lives both physically and mentally. Unfortunately modern man has the tendency to alter everything that is good and pure, and reject any traditional medical treatment, as a result of the modern society conception. If we pay more attention to our ancestors and their

spiritual knowledge and the heritage that they have left behind, we might find the right path that we all have been looking for, which is a path of wisdom and inner peace, a path to natural healing and spiritual life.

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