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1 A WRITE UP OF SELECTED IDEA: REPORT THE PROBLEM ( PERSONAL OPINION ) In my opinion, when our child being bullied, what

should parents do? One of the ways is parents report the problem. Parents need to assist their child in order to overcome the child from being bullied. To whom the parents should go to? Concerns of parents of each session a new school, especially if children live in the dormitory is significant. The question is, why after several reported incidents still occur in case of school bullies? What the school and student ministries instructive example and not take preventive measures to prevent the incident recurring? When our children being bullied, the most appropriate place is to report the matter to the knowledge of the authorities. We can not do on our own requirements as this country has laws. If possible, provide evidence of the incident, the occurrence and so on. This facilitates the subsequent conduct investigation by the authority to overcome the problem. The police are the authority that we finally met, especially if bullying happens outside school. Hence, to avoid cases of bullying, the government often holds briefing sessions with parents and teachers. Man said that 'no disease that no healing. There are drastic measures that can be done to control and eradicate this crisis. Among them is the government such as Ministry of Education and the school must issue focuses on cases of bullying in the school with the specific subjects such as Moral Education, Islamic Education, Civics and others. Therefore, students will realize that the act of bullying is a serious offense and students are also exposed to various information about the adverse effects of the acts of bullying and ways to avoid the bullying involved in this case. In addition, talks or campaigns such as anti-bullying campaign also held continuously in every school from time to time for students to be aware of the symptoms themselves avoid bullying. Activities such as quizzes about bullying cases can also be implemented as one initiative in addressing the problem of bullying this case.

The school has received reports of complaints from students should also strive to overcome the problem with hard and not otherwise close the case with one's heart only. If this case is not tried, the problems of bullying cases are increasing and more widespread. The school can meet with students who are suspected of being involved in the case of bullying and parents to discuss problems faced by students and for obtaining the release of the road. The school should impose a sentence appropriate to the students that he did not repeat it again and also serve as an instructive example to other students. In addition, parents also play an important role in efforts to curb this crisis. Parents must show a good example to their children so that children will emulate the behavior of their parents because of the perception of their children, parents act is always right and should be followed. Do not act well in front of children only, whereas they are often taunted, insulted people and others. 'Crab walk straight while teaching his son to run his crooked'. Furthermore, in addition to pursuing the matter of life and busy work, parents should also always take care of their child's condition while in school and give a full love them so they do not feel lonely and neglected. Parents also need to nurture their children at an early age to always let the willing hearts and express their problems to overcome them together. As long as this problem is still rampant, the dream of our nation who wish to produce a race of noble dignity and will stay viable as a fantasy only. This is because students are national assets that are important and will lead this country in the future. Seiko Malay proverb says 'young people hope, the young woman pillar'. Therefore, all parties must overcome the cases in an effort to tackle the problem of bullying even though we had to face full of thorns.

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