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DEUT. 14:1-2,9-11,19-23; 15:7-11

When the Israelites entered the promised land, they would face temptations to adopt the practices of the people already living there. It would be easy to compromise their beliefs and blend in among the locals and be accepted into that culture. Understanding that, Moses challenged them to maintain a holy lifestyle that would be pleasing to God and would indicate to others that they were different because they were God s own people. This is one of the things we face in our society today, particularly our young people. Moral values tend to change as social attitudes change. More in the forefront today are attitudes about abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, etc. These ideas are reinforced by forces in the media who praise conformity and criticize those who hold to their Biblical and moral values. Christians who hold to the absolute truth of God s Word often find themselves at odds with an unbelieving and secular culture. Christians live in the world just as everyone else does. However, we must not be of the world ---that is, we must not be worldly. When we allow our moral values to move more toward worldly values, we are in danger of losing our testimony and witness to God s truth. I. A GODLY WORLDVIEW. 14:1-2 How many of you have an unwritten code of behavior for your family that identifies what is acceptable and unacceptable? That is what God, through Moses is telling the Israelites. God is calling them to higher standards than the pagans in Canaan. Don t you believe, as a Christian, that you have been called to higher standards than the worldly standards? Verse 1. God is reminding the Israelites who they are. Their lifestyle was to reflect their distinctive relationship with the Lord. Their Heavenly Father was holy; thus His people were to reflect His holy character in the ways they lived out their lives. There were two particular customs that the Canaanites had that God was warning the Israelites against. These customs were associated in some manner with mourning for the dead and with ancestor worship. These customs had to do with self-mutilation--- do not cut yourselves or shave the front of your heads. [Just so you will know: I have not shaved the front of my head]. The practice of self-mutilation or inflicting pain to show devotion or sorrow is foreign to biblical principles.

This world is filled with superstitious beliefs that are invented by people that think will bring them good luck or even bring them closer to whatever it is they worship. As Christians, we are not to hold to such beliefs or give them even the least bit of credibility. Our guide must always be the Word of God. No other authority should direct our faith or life as God s people. We must always be careful not to be deceived. Verse 2. The Israelites were not to adopt the Canaanite culture because they were a holy people. They had been chosen to reveal the one, true God to the rest of the known world---they were to be missionaries. Likewise, we believers are called in Christ to live as God s holy people. We are to base our views of life and death as well as our actions on the truth that God has revealed to us. We are the ones now to be His missionaries. Listen to Romans 12:2, Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God s will is. Knowing and following God s will and honoring His lordship make it possible for believers to show the world a high, Godly standard. II. A CLEAN LIFESTYLE. 14:9-11,19-21 Verses 9-11. Here is another wall of separation between the Israelites and the culture around them. God gave His people a distinctive diet. The intent of this was to distinguish the Israelite nation and their faith from surrounding nations and their idolatry. God gave the instruction to His people as a test of their loyalty and to be a part of their holy lifestyle. Verses 19-21. If you want a more detailed description, look over in Leviticus 11:2023. Edible flying insects included any kind of locust, katydid, cricket, and grasshopper. These were staples in the diet of many in the Near Eastern nations. When I was in Saudi Arabia, we went to this oasis out in the desert where nomadic Arabs camped. Little kids were chasing and catching grasshoppers, discarding their wings and eating the grasshopper raw. As Christians, we are not under the Law in the sense of being subject to the dietary and ceremonial Jewish laws. However, God does expect us to maintain a lifestyle of holiness that mirrors His character. 1 Peter 1:15 speaks to this when he says, just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. III. A CONSISTENT STEWARDSHIP. 14:22-23 God instructed His people to bring an annual offering equal to ten percent of their harvest plus the firstborn of the flocks and herds. By giving a portion of their

possessions to God, they were acknowledging that everything they had came from Him, the Creator and Owner of all the world. God is so gracious to us in allowing us to be a steward of His belongings. By giving a portion of what God has entrusted to you back to His work through tithes and offerings, we demonstrate an understanding that all things belong to Him. Charles Spurgeon, an English preacher in the 1800 s said this: Even if I give the whole of my worth to Him, He will find a way to give back to me much more than I gave. William Carey, missionary to India in the late 1700 s and early 1800 s had this to say: Not once have I been witness to God s failure to supply my need when first I had given for the furtherance of His work. He has never failed in His promise, so I cannot fail in my service to Him. James Kraft, former chairman of Kraft Cheese Corporation said this: The only investment I ever made which has paid consistently increasing dividends is the money I have given to the Lord. I have heard that giving is more than a responsibility---it is a privilege and it is evidence of our faith. I don t know about you, but I believe that to be true! IV. A GENEROUS HEART. 15:7-11 This is a message about grace. Grace for the fields to rest in order to bring an abundant harvest later. Grace for the poor who relied on their countrymen s tithes in other years simply to subsist. By resting their ground, and releasing their debts, God s people would learn to lean on God s amazing grace. There will always be people in need, therefore, there will always be opportunities for Christians to show compassion until our Lord returns. Those who are generous in helping the afflicted and poor will be blessed; those who refuse to help will find that God hears the cries of the needy against them. Via of E-Mail, I received a recording of a song called, I Believe, sung by a beautiful little girl who looks to be around eight years old. The words fit this Scripture. Let me share it with you: Before I lay me down to rest I ask the Lord one small request.

I know I have all I could need, But this prayer is not for me. Too many people on this day, Don t have a peaceful place to stay. Let all fighting cease that your children may see peace, Wipe their tears of sorrow away. To believe in a day When hunger and war will pass away. To have the hope amidst despair, That every sparrow s counted, That You hear the cries and to listen to each prayer. Let me try always to believe That we can heal the hearts that grieve. Please help us not ignore the anguished cries of the poor, Or their pain will never leave. To believe in a day When hunger and war will pass away. To have the hope amidst despair, That every sparrow s counted, That You hear the cries and to listen to each prayer. Father, as you can see, I m just a child And there is so much to understand. But if your grace surrounds me, I will do the very best I can; I promise I will do the very best I can. To believe in a day When hunger and war will pass away. To have the hope amidst despair, That every sparrow s counted, That You hear the cries and to listen to each prayer. Help us do your will Father, In the name of all that s true. And we ll see in one another The loving image of you.

CLOSE Generosity should be a characteristic of all God s people. There are many who have no faith in God or Jesus who are very compassionate and give freely to those in need. Those who profess faith in God should be even more motivated to give as an act of our love for Him. We should be a reflection of the One who gave the best He had to give that is, His only Son.

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