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Differences between globalization and international business: Well international trade is the exchange of goods or services or both between

two countries, across their boundaries. Where as globalization is not restricted to trade and business only. It includes interaction of people, businesses, governments of different countries. The interaction can be in terms of business, media, tourism etc. So you can say, international trade is a sub-set or a part of globalization.

International business is just the actual process of conducting business between agencies in differenet coutries. Globalization is the process that leads to declining costs of conducting international business.

Globalization: The term globalization refers to the process of global integration of the economies of nations by allowing the unrestricted flow of goods, services, investments and currencies between countries. Nation states pursued globalization in the hope that this would lead to prosperity. They believed that globalization would bring them agricultural modernization, industrialization, urbanization, and hyper-consumerism resulting in increases of per capita gross domestic product (GDP). Unfortunately, such developments have often been accompanied by increasing social and environmental destruction throughout the world. The process of globalization is having unprecedented impacts, both positive and negative, on life at the individual, village, town, city and national levels.

International trade: International trade is exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories.[1] In most countries, it represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP). While international trade has been present throughout much of history (see Silk Road, Amber Road), its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries Forces behind globalization Transport and communication: Less time needed to travel from one place to another E.g commercial jet aircraft,airports,seaports,railways,highways People can travel easily too;e.g. a man who has a morning meeting in hongkong can arrive in Singapore in the evening by plane.

People can communicate through telephone,email,3G video conferencing easily.

Satellite technology also allows messages to be transmitted simultaneously.

Inventions of internet allowed consumer to acces information about new products and places easily,they can make reeeservations like flight seats and hotel rooms without leaving home. One
document can be distributed throughout the world in seconds. Using computer software, that document can be converted quickly to various languages for use almost anywhere in world. Telecommunications systems allow radio and television transmissions to be broadcast throughout the world within seconds. For example, the Cable News Network (CNN), based in the United States, produces 24-hour news broadcasts that can be seen around the world by traveling businesspeople and others Liberalization Trade agreements facilitate the activities of major companies. For example, Ford Motor Company is working to create a "world car" that can be sold and used throughout the "global village." Trade agreements facilitate distribution systems, franchising, joint ventures, and other cross-border collaborations between and among businesses. Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are sold in hundreds of countries throughout the world. Franchises for McDonald's hamburgers, Pizza Hut, Subway, Burger King, and others carry U.S. trade names as well as U.S.-style fast foods (and fast eating styles) throughout the world. Transnational corporation They operate in many countries and have a production outside the country or region motor corporations and Microsoft corporation set up operation in different parts of the world to source for new markets and raw materials that can lower the production cost.

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