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Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx – xxx


A quest for the economics of sustainability and the

sustainability of economics
Matthias Ruth*
School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, 2202 Van Munching Hall, College Park, MD 20742, USA
Received 29 September 2004; received in revised form 22 June 2005; accepted 14 September 2005


This paper briefly reviews key insights from natural resource and environmental economics, ecological economics and
industrial ecology in an effort to identify the major contributions of these fields to the understanding and promotion of
sustainable development. Each is based on overlapping worldviews, methods and tools. Their synthesis and extension–
subsumed under the rubric of dNatural EconomicsT–is suggested as a new thrust in environmental research, offering valuable
guides to policy making. An early illustration of the application of natural economics in New Zealand is presented.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sustainable development; Resource economics; Environmental economics; Ecological economics; Industrial ecology; Natural

1. Introduction decision making. First, natural processes and human

activities are subject to the self-enforcing, self-organiz-
Environmental issues are complex and to under- ing and self-regulating laws of nature. As humans, we
stand them requires interdisciplinary approaches can reason and we can actively shape the biophysical
(Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993). Methods and insights and socioeconomic realms within which we make
from economics, biology, chemistry and physics are decisions; consequently our self-exacting laws and
being applied, individually, and increasingly in com- self-actualizing behaviour govern the accessibility of
bination to advance understanding of environmental natural and developed resources. Second, we are appro-
issues (Ruth, 1993). From the last century of environ- priating ever larger stocks and flows of materials and
mental research and application, a set of fundamental energy, and this appropriation ever more aggressively
principles has emerged to guide future research and alters the biophysical and socioeconomic environ-
ment. Sustainability requires us to assume a custo-
* Tel.: +1 301 405 6075; fax: +1 301 403 4675. dian’s accountability for resources essential to
E-mail address: meeting our needs, and a steward’s responsibility
URL: for the resources required for meeting our wants.
0921-8009/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

ECOLEC-02360; No of Pages 11

2 M. Ruth / Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx–xxx

While the first of these insights concentrates on Resources of EconomicsQ, beautifully summarized
bnatural lawsQ, the second addresses the moral and contributed to more than 50 years of theory
dimensions of human activity. The key to achieving about the optimal extraction of nonrenewable
sustainability is to understand both. resources (Solow, 1974). Many of the insights avail-
Efficiency and effectiveness are preconditions for able then, and since, trace back to articles by Lewis C.
any morally acceptable resource use—inefficiency Gray (1913, 1914) and Harold Hotelling (1931). Their
and ineffectiveness imply waste. In turn, wasteful theoretical investigations identified conditions for
behaviour implies we fail as accountable custodians inter-temporally optimal extraction of resources, and
and responsible stewards. Since the concepts of effi- showed how changes in the value of resource stocks
ciency and effectiveness fall within the purview of and the materials extracted from them must relate to
economics, concepts from economics are central when the interest rate, which guides investment decisions in
trying to understand and guide human activity. How- the economy.
ever, because modern economics concentrates more The marginal cost of resource extraction, together
on efficiency than on effectiveness, and only with the opportunity cost of a unit of the resource in
addresses a subset of issues relevant to achieving the ground, helps set the price for the resource and, for
sustainability, its approach and methods must be a given demand, determines extraction rates. As
revised. To identify shortcomings and suggest extraction proceeds, the opportunity cost of a unit of
changes, this paper first reviews (in Section 2) some the resource rises. Ultimately, the optimal extraction
of the contributions concepts from neoclassical eco- path leads to depletion when price reaches a level
nomics have made to our understanding of resource where demand is choked off (Dasgupta and Heal,
extraction, and how the adverse environmental side 1974).
effects of production and consumption can be Early efforts presented results under standard con-
included in economic decision making. These two ditions of perfect knowledge about such things as
areas of investigation take place, respectively, in technological conditions, resource endowments, per-
resource economics and environmental economics. fectly operating markets and fixed preferences. Recent
However, the main focus of Section 2 is on six research has relaxed many of these assumptions and
challenges for modern economics if it is to promote generated many variations around the themes identi-
sustainability by contributing to investment and policy fied in early works on the topic.
decision making. Section 3 identifies contributions, Since the oil price shocks of the 1970s, much effort
from ecological economics and industrial ecology, to has gone into empirical testing of the Hotelling model.
the understanding of human–environment interac- Evidence that it adequately describes resource extrac-
tions. The main focus here is on a set of broad strands tion paths is mixed (Smith, 1981; Farrow, 1985), and
of research and policy advice, generated over the last the logical underpinning of such testing has shown to
decades. The themes emerging from Sections 2 and 3 be misguided at best (Norgaard, 1990).
provide the basis for the synthesis presented in Sec- A separate strand of research in economics has
tion 4, where I return to basic insights for environ- concentrated on the environmental damage arising
mental research and decision making, before closing from production and consumption, and how costs
the paper with some guidance for environmental associated with this damage may be incorporated
research and an illustration of an early application of into the prices of the goods and services bought by
natural economics in the New Zealand context. households, firms and government. Environmental
economics concentrates on such internalization of
externalities and traces its basic insights back to the
2. Resource and environmental economics works by Arthur Cecil Pigou (1932) and Ronald
Coase (1960). It finds modern applications in the
2.1. Basic tenets and approaches design of sulfur trading systems to combat acid rain,
tradable permits in fisheries management, carbon
Thirty years ago, economist Robert Solow, in his taxes to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and
lecture on bThe Economics of Resources and the other market-based instruments that use the price

M. Ruth / Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx–xxx 3

mechanism to discourage socially undesirable reper- tions asked by society; moreover, it may literally
cussions of economic activity and encourage desirable (as well as mathematically) encourage locally opti-
actions. mal strategies at the expense of globally optimal
Even though internalization of externalities ones.
through market-based mechanisms remains a popular 2. Consistency with Physical and Biological
theme among economists, market-based approaches to Principles: Few economics textbooks teach under-
resource and environmental problems are often graduates or graduates that materials and energy
greeted with deep skepticism by those having to are essential inputs into any production process;
balance economic efficiency with issues of effective- instead, most include models that deal only with
ness, fairness and justice. labour and capital, explore implications of different
Notwithstanding problems of empirical dubious- degrees of substitutability of one for the other and
ness, logical inconsistencies and political infeasibi- identify the implications of substitutability for opti-
lities, insights from traditional natural resource and mal output. They then proceed as if materials and
environmental economics have shaped our under- energy could be treated in the same way, and as if
standing of how humans may make better use of the production only entailed desired output. While
environment. They have highlighted how technology many individual production processes could in
shapes extraction decisions through time, how deci- principle be carried out with no, or almost no
sions today affect the welfare of future generations labour, or alternatively with no, or almost no capi-
and how the market coordinates decisions of myriad tal, clearly they all require materials and energy.
households and firms within and across countries. In For example, to make a ton of iron requires at least
so doing, these insights provide an important starting a ton of materials plus considerable energy to
point from which to address issues of sustainability. remove oxygen and impurities from the iron oxides
in those materials; moreover, the process leads to
2.2. Six challenges to traditional resource and the generation of waste materials and waste heat.
environmental economics No amount of capital or labour can overcome these
physical (thermodynamically determined) require-
Many graduate curricula and professional journals ments for materials and energy nor prevent the
are filled with variations on the same themes of basic generation of wastes, yet conventional economic
natural resource and environmental economics, and descriptions of production processes ignore those
careers are built by pursuing inquiry within one of physical constraints (Amir, 1991; Ruth, 2005). To
these areas as if it were separate from the other or provide meaningful tools for investigating sustain-
divorced from broader social, institutional and eco- ability, economics must be consistent with physical
system contexts. However, if economics is to be a reality. Resource and environmental economics are
serious force in shaping the debate about sustainabil- similarly naı̈ve when representing ecological pro-
ity, it must meet at least the following six challenges: cesses, ranging from the representation of carrying
capacities, to ideas about climatic variability in
1. Integration of Resource and Environmental Eco- space and time, or to dispersion of pollutants in
nomics: Resource extraction has an immediate air, water and soils. I will return to some of these
impact on the local and global environment, as is examples in the closing section of this paper.
clearly demonstrated by the mining of ores or 3. Development of a Systems Perspective: It is fre-
extraction of hydrocarbons. Conversely, limits on quently argued that while physical constraints may
the environment’s capacity to absorb and assimilate operate at the process level, capital accumulation
waste can constrain resource extraction—a good and technology substitution in the larger economy
example is the effect of eutrophication on the may help decouple economic processes from envi-
population growth, and therefore catch, of fish. ronmental constraints. For example, Robert Solow
Continuing to conceptually separate analyses of (1974, p. 2) makes the distinction between repro-
resource extraction from issues of environmental ducible capital, such as a printing press or building,
harm will, at best, provide partial answers to ques- and non-reproducible capital, such as a pool of oil

4 M. Ruth / Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx–xxx

or vein of iron, and argues that b[t]he only differ- nomic analysis. Getting stakeholders to rally
ence is that the natural resource is not around economic insights will require more trans-
reproducibleQ, without recognizing that human- parency and critical assessment of underlying
made capital will not be reproducible either, once model assumptions; it will challenge economics
the natural resources are gone. Such partial systems to interface more actively with other disciplines
analysis can lead to theories that are meaningless and to consider not just the efficiency of proposed
from a broader systems perspective. solutions, but also their effectiveness.
4. Acknowledgment of Legacy Effects: Human-made
capital is rarely as malleable as economics Historically, much of economics has dealt with
assumes—labour is rarely as mobile, physical issues of relatively low complexity, such as the opti-
and institutional infrastructures are lumpy and mal extraction of a mineral or the internalization of an
change only slowly, and ecosystem goods and externality; moreover, much of the analysis was static
services are locally concentrated. All are char- or equilibrium-focused. Consequently, there was
acterized by age structures (capital vintages, neither a perceived need nor room for the inclusion
demographics, successional stages, etc.) that of a wide range of information—some of which is
fundamentally determine how, when, and where held by members of other disciplines, and some by
capital, labour, and environmental goods and stakeholders elsewhere in society. Not surprisingly,
services can be used. the economics discipline was (and still is) largely
To promote sustainability requires keen attention engaged in a monologue and a unidirectional informa-
to the patterns and processes of using capital, tion exchange with the rest of society.
labour, infrastructure, and goods and services An alternative world view posits that as the com-
from the natural environment. It is the patterns plexity of the issues under investigation increases and
and processes into which we are locked, and our the spatial and temporal reach of the problems (and
choice of means to break out of them, that deter- solutions) increases, it becomes increasingly relevant
mine the extent to which human-environment to draw on stakeholder knowledge. Stakeholder invol-
interactions are, or can become, sustainable. vement can then also help bridge the gap between
5. Recognition of Interdependencies of Allocation, research and implementation (Cohen, 1997; Costanza
Distribution and Scale: Economics has focused and Ruth, 1998) and reduce the frustration of econo-
on issues of optimal allocation and has moved mists who complain that their voices are not heard.
issues of distribution and scale to its sidelines. In closing this section, let me outline a mind-set
For economic decisions to contribute to economic, that may promote an economics of sustainability and
environmental and social sustainability, they must the sustainability of economics. First, academia has
also be sensitive to those issues and recognize their increasingly emphasized the use of discipline-specific
interrelationships. While optimal allocation implies knowledge in interdisciplinary research, but for eco-
efficiency, the issues of distribution and scale call nomics this was often an unidirectional relationship.
for measures of effectiveness. Thus, economics was a valuable contributor, but did
6. Demonstration of Policy Relevance: Economics not substantially change its own mind-set in response
has prided itself on the mathematical sophistication to needs for better interdisciplinary models.
of its models and the range of empirical analysis Second, much of modern economics ignores spa-
found within its domain. While both are key to any tial considerations and remains equilibrium-oriented.
rigorous academic discipline, it is increasingly In contrast, ecologists tell us about the importance of
obvious that for economics to make a difference concentrating on processes that occur across temporal
in real-world decision making, it will not be suffi- and spatial hierarchies. Much must be done to eco-
cient to arrive at the end of an eloquent mathema- nomic models to reflect adequately the qualitative
tical derivation or extensive econometric analysis differences in system performance apparent at these
and point to its potential policy relevance. Instead, different hierarchical levels.
it is the decision makers and other stakeholders Third, much of modern economics is basic and
who can and must judge the relevance of an eco- context free—the infamous bphysics of the social

M. Ruth / Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx–xxx 5

sciencesQ. History and culture matter to outcomes; policies to collect revenue from use, provide incen-
they should matter to economics as well. At the turn tives for efficient use, or compensate for loss of
of the 19th century, Alfred Marshall called for eco- ecosystem goods and services.
nomics, in its later stages of development, to be This binstrumentalistQ approach has received much
guided by biological principles instead of treating attention amongst researchers and policy makers
the world like a mechanistic system (Marshall, because it is conceptually appealing, complements
1898). The time may be right to follow his call. existing economic approaches and provides easily
Conversely, should economics continue along the interpreted, quantitative results. However, the valua-
path it has followed throughout much of the last tion of ecosystem goods and services is often plagued
century, it will not only risk failing to contribute to with its own empirical and conceptual problems
the sustainability debate, but may itself not be sus- (Toman, 1998; Turner et al., 1998). Many data issues
tainable. A society faced with allocating scarce arise from the complexity of ecosystem processes,
resources to meet its needs may eventually decide often making it necessary to use data from one site
to allocate fewer resources to the discipline that for another, or extrapolating from limited observations
claimed to study the best use of scarce resources to larger spatial or temporal scales. Selection biases
but failed to deliver its promised valuable insights. often creep into ecosystem valuation studies because
Without an economics of sustainability, there may be these studies focus on the goods and services we
no sustainability of economics. appreciate (such as the existence of wetlands for
storm water control, water purification and mainte-
nance of biodiversity), and not on those that we do
3. Ecological economics and industrial ecology not like (such as adverse health impacts prompted by
the presence of breeding grounds for vectors and the
Ecological economics and industrial ecology diseases they carry). Most importantly, the valuation is
developed partly to address the need for biophysical similar to the traditional economic approach, which is
reality in the analysis of human–environment interac- based on the concept of marginal value—the value of
tions. Ecological economics is based on the tenet that an extra unit of a good or service. This makes sense
all economic activity must be regarded as a subset of when the goods or services are far from their limits, but
the ecosystem in which the economy is embedded and not if the integrity of ecosystems is at issue. Thus,
on which it depends. Of specific concern are the limits calculating the value of losing another hectare of forest
of ecosystems to handling human impacts and of the or wetland from averaged or interpolated data makes
possibilities for human systems to maintain or little sense if we are left with little of these systems and
increase quality of life. if we do not know were ecological thresholds are.
One strand of ecological economics research The instrumentalist approach has turned to bite
points to the many valuable contributions that eco- ecological economists and in many cases well-
systems make to the economy by providing goods intended valuation approaches have opened the
(e.g., timber, fur, fish, etc.) and services (e.g., waste field to undue criticism. Pursuing this research
absorption, pollination, etc.). Because there are no further, and extending it to ever more ecosystem
markets for many of these goods and services, eco- goods and services is not likely to help resolve
nomic inefficiencies and misallocations result (Cost- current conflicts surrounding resource use and allo-
anza et al., 1997). Pricing ecosystem goods and cation (Sagoff, 2004).
services would more appropriately reflect their con- Industrial ecology has been guided by the quest
tribution to the economy. In the absence of markets, for production and consumption processes that mini-
monetary values are derived through contingent mize waste generation and, thus, environmental
valuation studies (Bateman and Willis, 1999) or by impact. It is largely driven by engineering app-
imputing values from other ecosystem goods and roaches to increase material and energy efficiencies
services for which markets exist. Estimates of mone- of specific processes, and by a systems perspective
tary values of non-marketed ecosystem goods and that calls for shortening or creatively combining
services are then used to suggest mechanisms and process chains so that undesired intermediate pro-

6 M. Ruth / Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx–xxx

ducts can be avoided or used elsewhere in the sys- reproductive success or be eliminated from the
tem. Most research so far has concentrated on system.
accounting tools to trace material and energy flows, If natural processes do indeed favour the long-term
to provide life cycle assessments of products and to viability of populations and communities over the
guide investments and policies to minimize adverse short-term gain of individuals, and if we must
environmental impact. ultimately follow principles similar to those ensu-
Comparatively little research is carried out within ring sustainability in nature, then this has far-reach-
industrial ecology on consumption processes, yet it is ing implications for the economic, legal, and
here where many decisions on total systems impact ethical underpinnings of society. For example,
are made—if consumption expands faster than effi- profitability for individuals and the ability to seek
ciency improvements, then total environmental out profitable strategies must be encouraged in
impacts will rise (Waggoner and Ausubel, 2002). ways that yield net benefits both for the individual
Efficient resource use is a necessary, though not suffi- and for society. Thus, legal systems must effec-
cient condition, for sustainable material and energy tively penalise individuals who use resources at the
use and only one of several preconditions for sustain- expense of others, and tax codes must encourage
able development. A better understanding of con- entrepreneurial risk-taking without allowing the
sumption requires a larger systems context; one in entrepreneur to transfer the cost of any failure to
which socioeconomic (behavioural), biophysical and society.
engineering insights are combined. 2. The Roles of Efficiency and Effectiveness in Deci-
sion Making: Efficiency and effectiveness are
important guides for decision-making. Efficiency
4. Natural economics requires the highest productivity per unit of a
resource; and effectiveness requires the highest
Returning to my opening comments about the utility from what is used. Systems that are highly
fundamental insights emerging from past environmen- efficient are not necessarily also effective—they
tal research and decision making, and incorporating often reduce redundancies for purposes of cost
lessons from ecological economics and industrial savings, and as a consequence become brittle
ecology, I wish to identify four major themes for a and unstable and may collapse when faced by
natural economics, each following in part from the unanticipated changes in their environment. His-
previous: torically, decision makers have tried to maintain
highly efficient systems by controlling the envi-
1. Building on Concepts from Nature: Natural pro- ronment in which they operate. A prominent
cesses perform a tricky balancing act between example is monocultures, which are prone to
competition, cooperation and coordination on the massive pest outbreaks. To avoid the collapse of
one hand, and elimination on the other hand. Indi- monocultures, typically has meant strictly control-
vidual species do this when filling the niches ling physical, chemical and biological conditions
opened, or left open, by others. For species to by irrigation and by using fertilizers and pesti-
adjust, individuals must have opportunities to devi- cides. As the cost of, and limits to, environmental
ate from the norm. Deviations from the norm are control become increasingly apparent, the focus of
essential for exploring alternative, more efficient agricultural research has returned to the crops,
and effective means of utilizing resources and attempting through breeding and genetic enginee-
maintaining or increasing population sizes. Not ring to make them more efficient in variable
only must failure be allowed, but the willingness environments. However, as the wider effects of
of individuals to embark on paths that lead to genetic engineering become apparent, societal
failure must be encouraged if sustainable develop- acceptance becomes a major stumbling block for
ment is to occur. But in the end, nature cares about modern agriculture. With increased societal con-
the community not the individual—those who are cerns about the impacts of new crops, attention
not fit for a given environment will have reduced increasingly focuses on the socioeconomic envir-

M. Ruth / Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx–xxx 7

onment within which food production and con- ments along steep slopes, without natural buffers to
sumption take place. surrounding ecosystems, into wetlands and along
3. The Need for Adaptive and Anticipatory coasts often disregards available knowledge about
Management: Because biophysical, technological the long-term potential for soil erosion, the spread
and socioeconomic environmental conditions of wildfires and flooding, all of which may be
always change, and because we typically lack all exacerbated by the presence of human settlements.
the information needed to identify the best manage- Insurance premiums are based on historical risk,
ment decisions, some researchers and practitioners rarely take into account the changes in risk that
have called for an iterative process of data collec- those settlements are likely to induce, and therefore
tion, interpretation and adjustments of management subsidize unsustainable land use patterns. Simi-
decisions as we learn more about system behaviors. larly, infrastructures are designed to withstand
This adaptive management has been promoted, for one-hundred-year floods which are events that
example, for water resource management and fish- have the probability of occurring once in a hundred
eries and wildlife management (Gilmour et al., years. Since climate change affects both the fre-
1999; Gunderson, 1999; Johnson, 1999; Lee, quency and severity of extreme weather events,
1999; Pinkerton, 1999). The underlying manage- what is considered a one-hundred year flood may
ment paradigm is a co-evolutionary world view by the end of this century occur on average every
that recognizes that natural systems and human ten years. Many infrastructures planned and built
systems adjust to each other’s behavior. It does today will likely still be in use by then, but they are
look forward, recognizing that uncertainties designed with static definitions of a one-hundred-
increase as time horizons and spatial scales year flood, and will be woefully inadequate to
increase, and it emphasizes the need for adjust- provide services. What is deemed cost efficient
ments as hitherto unknown system features and from today’s perspective will likely be ineffective
behaviors are revealed. in the long term. Consequently, adapting to climate
However, some systems are characterized by long change will mean costly replacements and retrofits
temporal and spatial lags between actions and sys- that could have been avoided had some basic
tem response as well as high degrees of complexity understanding of possible climate futures been
and irreversibility. These cases are often of interest taken into account (Kirshen et al., 2004).
to ecological economists and industrial ecologists 4. The Need for Holistic Impact Assessments: One
and they pose a major challenge to sustainable way to think about system interventions is with
development. In such cases, adaptive management respect to their reach and complexity (Fig. 1).
may not be the best approach. For example, for
industrial or infrastructure systems, investments are Complexity
lumpy and turnover rates are low. Waiting until the Low High
ramifications of decisions are known before new
decisions are made is often impossible. Instead,
management must anticipate the future—it must Short
Open Heart
Hair Cut
look forward. Actions must be taken well before Surgery
likely future environmental conditions are known
and must be chosen so they are robust under a wide Reach
range of possible futures. Since humans can
explore theoretically and with scaled experiments
Example: Example:
various potential futures, we are in a different Long Land Use of CFCs
position from nature, where bmanagementQ follows Development
a trial-and-error, badaptiveQ approach.
Examples where current management is clearly not
anticipatory range from land use planning to infra- Fig. 1. Schematic of system interventions (adapted from Bullard,
structure design. Expansion of suburban develop- 1988).

8 M. Ruth / Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx–xxx

Simple interventions with a short (geographic or Many current procedures for impact assessment,
temporal) reach affect only a few individuals and as well as deliberative processes for conflict resolu-
they have immediate or rapid effects. The larger the tion and large-scale, dynamic modeling of system
complexity and the longer the reach, the more change meet some of these requirements. Few, if
important it is to broaden one’s view to avoid any, integrated assessments are bholisticQ enough to
being taken unawares by challenges that lie outside foster sustainable development. Where integrated
the narrow focus of technical interests and exper- assessments have been carried out, they have fre-
tise. For example, cloud seeding to influence pre- quently served key roles in policy analysis. Policy
cipitation, or deliberate injection of aerosols to analysis here is understood as an effort to find
influence global climate, may work very well possible system inputs to achieve desired outcomes.
from an engineering perspective, and may even It differs from both path analysis, which describes
be highly cost effective, but are likely to be likely system output given some system input and
opposed if there are sentiments, legal/liability structure, and from system design, which attempts to
issues and institutional constraints that are ignored find system structures and inputs to achieve desired
at the outset. In short, an engineering or economic output. Typically, the degrees of freedom in carrying
solution that is blind to ethical, moral, emotional, out system design are significantly larger than for
legal or institutional constraints is not a real solu- path or policy analysis, where either input and
tion. However, these constraints have frequently structure or output and structure are assumed as
served as excuses for engineers and economists given. System design requires establishment of
to remain busy while blaming others for failing bdesired outputsQ and criteria for judging appropriate
to solve the problem. (sustainable) structure and input choice. To develop
and select system designs that are sustainable will
Ensuring that stakeholders from the public, private, require a natural economics—one that builds on
non-profit and academic communities constructively fundamental insights from the natural sciences for
seek and implement sustainable solutions may require sustainable system behaviour and, on the basis of
an assessment of impacts of system interventions that these insights, establishes the economic, legal, insti-
is grounded in natural economics. Such an assessment tutional and ethical basis for humans to interact with
should include: their environment.

(a) a statement of the purpose, objective and goals

for a proposed change; 5. Ecological economics, industrial ecology and the
(b) a system and subsystem description appropriate emergence of natural economics in New Zealand
for the analysis, including information about
interrelationships among system components, Path and policy analyses, broadly defined, are key
interdependencies between the system of inter- features of natural resource and environmental eco-
est and its surroundings and information on nomics, ecological economics and industrial ecology.
material and energy flows across temporal and They lie at the heart of most major environmental
spatial scales; policy efforts to date, beginning with descriptions of
(c) a set of objective functions that include the system behavior and ending with an identification of
needs and desires of the identified stakeholders; intervention mechanisms that tweak system inputs to
(d) the limits and balances that constrain and achieve desired outcomes. For example, the processes
enhance the analysis and determine the bound- that generate sulfur emissions into the atmosphere and
aries of the solution space; and the chemical reactions of sulfur in the environment
(e) an assessment of the effects of the proposed can be identified and described. So too can the market
changes on all significant stakeholders, and a mechanisms, such as tradable permits, which can be
means to reconcile differences among the cri- used to limit sulfur emissions and provide incentives
teria applied to those stakeholders when they to reduce the loss of environmental goods and ser-
evaluate proposed changes. vices and the associated economic damage. Markets

M. Ruth / Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx–xxx 9

and regulatory frameworks focus on one level of under different assumptions about population and
system organization (an industry or pollutant) with technological change. Special attention is paid to
desired impacts on another level (choices of indivi- water, energy, transport and public health issues on
dual fuels and technologies by the firm), but they which the welfare of the region depends. The assess-
usually do so without explicitly considering unique ments are guided by interactions with regional stake-
and potentially important features that guide the beha- holders who provide inputs into the assessment
viors at those other levels. As a result, policies fre- process, interpret results on the basis of multiple criteria
quently have multiple unintended and often perverse and translate those results into investment and policy
consequences (Ruth et al., 2004). actions that affect infrastructure performance.
Great strides have been made by ecological econ- Preliminary results of the CLINZI project suggest
omists and industrial ecologists to advance path and climate change by itself has minor impacts on regio-
policy analysis in efforts to ultimately address the nal infrastructure, economy and society. Neverthe-
larger challenges of system design. In New Zealand, less, climate change can have profound implications
for example, work by John Peet laid many valuable for planning, investment and policy making because
foundations, ranging from the physical analysis of it reinforces and adds to system stresses already
energy use to ethics-based indicator development for occurring at multiple spatial and temporal scales,
sustainable development (e.g., Peet, 1992; Peet and such as changes in population size and effluence,
Bossel, 2000). The establishment of the New Zealand all of which combine to influence regional infrastruc-
Centre for Ecological Economics helped institutiona- ture performance.
lize policy analysis based on ecological economics, While much infrastructure planning recognises
and began to stimulate research into national environ- projected socioeconomic changes, it assumes envi-
mental accounting, ecological footprints, the sustain- ronmental, especially climate conditions, to be sta-
ability of cities and the development of indicators to tionary within the design life of infrastructures and
measure progress towards sustainability, using a wide the mandates of the institutions that govern them.
range of methodologies commonly found in ecologi- Vulnerabilities to uncertain, often disregarded, envi-
cal economics and industrial ecology (for an overview ronmental change may be reduced through environ-
refer to: The limitations of mental investments and policies that target individual
narrowly defined optimal resource use have been system aspects such as bottlenecks in the transport
recognized and replaced with stakeholder-guided network, or that focus on system interconnections
explorations of the dynamics of complex human- such as when flooding compromises electricity dis-
environment systems that acknowledge processes tribution through its effects on underground cables
that occur at different temporal scales and system and transformers. Many of these interventions incor-
hierarchies. porate redundancies—i.e., they promote effective
One recent example of stakeholder-guided re- resource use rather than narrowly defined efficiency.
search that merges concepts and tools from ecologi- Among the investments and policies that most pro-
cal economics and industrial ecology is the Climate’s mote resilience are those that build responsive and
Long-term Impacts on New Zealand Infrastructure proactive institutions. For example, Environment
(CLINZI) project. CLINZI explores opportunities Waikato, the regional environmental planning agency
and constraints on custodian and stewardship respon- and key participant in CLINZI, is regularly and
sibilities at the local level, but within larger regional actively involved with its local and national partners
and global social, economic, technological and envi- in cross-sector communication and assessment to
ronmental changes, and with an eye towards short-, build competencies that help the region think and
medium-and long-term implications of investment plan ahead. Arguably, the costs of such system-
and policy decisions (Jollands et al., 2005). In design-oriented activities are small compared with
CLINZI, a wide range of alternative projections of the benefits associated with the consensus they gen-
local climatic conditions are used to assess the per- erate across infrastructures and institutions, and the
formance of the major bhardQ and bsoftQ infrastruc- ground they lay for effective implementation of
tures (ie, the bbuiltQ and binstitutionalQ environment) technologies and policies.

10 M. Ruth / Ecological Economics xx (2005) xxx–xxx

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2005. Climate’s Long-term Impacts on New Zealand Infrastruc-
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Palmerston North, New Zealand, and University of Maryland,
Jennifer Hosking and Ari Reeves for their comments College Park, Maryland, USA.
on earlier versions of this paper. The usual disclaimers Kirshen, P.H., Ruth, M., Anderson, W., 2004. Integrated impacts
apply. and adaptation stratagies of metropolitan areas to climate

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