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Daily News

Jan 27,2012 (Friday)

Former hijacker arrived back in Rangoon.
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By: Freedom News Group(Burma)

In New York, we Tibetans knows very well that protesting infront of United nation is just wasting a time,
as our new prime minister Dr. Lobsang Sangay la mentioned infront of U. N.O. Instead of calling United
nation, we should call a Useless nation organization.

The members of national reconciliation and peace (7 members)
Myo Win, leader
Kyaw Ko
Salai Yaw Aung
Myint Hein ( Myint Oo)
Soe Htut
Maung Oo
Liaison team (3 members)
Salai Yaw Aung
Myint Oo
Soe Htut
The representatives (5)
Myo Win
Salai Yaw Aung
Myint Hein
Maung Oo

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January 23, 2012
Burmese Band Feels Pinch of Foreign Sanctions

The United States and other Western countries are warming to the idea of possibly lifting sanctions.

Foreign powers have been encouraged by Burma's release of political prisoners and the government's
decision to allow opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi to run for a seat in parliament.

Sean Turnell, an economics professor at Australia's Macquarie University and editor of Burma Economics
Watch, says Burma's reforms have caused a huge shift in opinion on sanctions.

"Now there's a recognition that if, and this is a critical if, the reforms keep being rolled out and we do
see significant milestones reached, then I think the perception really is growing that sanctions will begin
to be lifted," he said.

Even if there is broad political support in Washington for lifting sanctions, political analysts say it could
take two years for the U.S. Congress to complete the process for fully rescinding the measures. In the
meantime, Turnell says the experiences of Side Effect are not an isolated case.

"Very often it causes collateral damage, groups that you wouldn't really be wanting to target are in a
sense falling under the board of sanctions. The people who are finding it most problematic in this area
are actually people who share names with people who were members Burma's military regime," said

U.S. senators visiting Burma this week said the United States is considering lifting sanctions if Burma
continues its reforms and if April elections are free and f

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( Weekly Eleven : Jan 25,2012)

NLD wus found on September 27,1988 und the purty resolute not to upply to found uguln on Murch
29,2010 ufter the unnouncement of the SPDC |untu on Murch 10,2010 thut demunded the purtles to
upply wlthln 60 duys.
NLD declded to upply us u polltlcul purty on Novenber18,2011.On Jun 9,2012 uccordlng to the CEC
mettlng , The Presldlum ( U Tln Oo, U Wln Tln, U Thun Tun, U Hlu Pe, U Nyunt Wul (5 members)
und the new CEC wus formed wlth seven members ( DASSK, chulrperson, U Nyun Wln, U Wln
Mylnt, U Ohn Kyulng, U Hunther Mylnt, U Tun Tun Heln,und Dr. Muy Wln Mylnt. On Jun 19, the
secreturlut wus formed wlth three members ( U Nyun Wln, U Ohn Kyulng, U Hunthur Mylnt )

Muung Muung (Shwe Kuruwelt): The Bloody Hlstory wrltten three yeurs ugo. 1992 Feb, hls brother.
Forelgn Affulr. Hls brother und Tun Aung Gyuw were kllled. ABSDF mussucre . there wus no sples.
Some fucts

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