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Com o novo decreto 6.558 de 08.09.08, publicado no Dirio Oficial da Unio Seo 1, Edio 174, de 09.09.

.08, onde fica institudo que o horrio de vero ter inicio a partir de zero hora do terceiro domingo do ms de outubro de cada ano, e finalizando a zero hora do terceiro domingo do ms de fevereiro do ano subsequente, foi desenvolvido um patch para incluir essas entradas dentro do arquivo /usr/lib/tztab.

PHCO_39172 --> Verso 11.11 PHCO_39173 --> Verso 11.23 PHCO_39174 --> Verso 11.31
Aps a instalao do patch e necessrio executar a seguinte instruo especial que esta contida na descrio do mesmo: ======================================================================== =====
Special Installation Instructions: This patch installs the new tztab file to /usr/newconfig/usr/lib/tztab and updates /usr/lib/tztab only if it matches a version delivered by the OS or an earlier patch. If the file /usr/lib/tztab has been customized, /usr/lib/tztab and /usr/newconfig/usr/lib/tztab need to be merged and such a merged file installed manually using a specific method, to avoid problems with processes accessing the current copy of /usr/lib/tztab. Note that all processes needing the new information need to be restarted after the new /usr/lib/tztab file has been put in place. To merge the changes or replace the tztab file with the newly delivered file please use the following instructions (the following assumes that the files /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/tztab.old can be replaced): # cp -p /usr/newconfig/usr/lib/tztab /usr/lib/ If you need to manually merge any changes from the existing /usr/lib/tztab file you should change the /usr/lib/ now. # ln -f /usr/lib/tztab /usr/lib/tztab.old # mv /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/tztab If in the future you need to update the /usr/lib/tztab file in a situation unrelated to the installation of a tztab patch please use the following instructions and edit /usr/lib/ before moving it into place using the mv(1) command (again it is assumed that the /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/tztab.old files can be replaced): # cp -p /usr/lib/tztab /usr/lib/ # ln -f /usr/lib/tztab /usr/lib/tztab.old # mv /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/tztab Warning: Not using these instructions may lead to system instability (core dumps) or issues with libc routines that use tztab for timezone information not working correctly (processes, including new ones, may see an unpredictable mix of old and new tztab contents). While it is not strictly required to reboot the system after modifying the rules in the /usr/lib/tztab file, running processes using a timezone with a changed rule need to be restarted to apply the new rules. Processes like cron(1M), which depend on proper interpretation of timestamps in the future, should be restarted as soon as possible. Processes that only timestamp messages should be restarted before the changes take effect.

======================================================================== ===== As entradas adicionadas no arquivo tztab com a instalacao dos patches so: # Time zone for Brasilia, Brazil (Brazil Standard Time, Brazil Daylight Time) BRST3BRDT 0 1 15-21 10 2008-2037 0 BRDT2 0 23 14-20 2 2009-2011 6 BRST3 0 23 21-27 2 2012 6 BRST3 0 23 14-20 2 2013-2014 6 BRST3

0 23 21-27 2 0 23 14-20 2 0 23 21-27 2 0 23 14-20 2 0 23 21-27 2 0 23 14-20 2 0 23 21-27 2 0 23 14-20 2 0 23 21-27 2 0 23 14-20 2

2015 6 BRST3 2016-2022 6 BRST3 2023 6 BRST3 2024-2025 6 BRST3 2026 6 BRST3 2027-2033 6 BRST3 2034 6 BRST3 2035-2036 6 BRST3 2037 6 BRST3 2038 6 BRST3

# Time zone for West Brazil(Brazil West Standard Time, Brazil West Daylight Time) BRWST4BRWDT 0 1 15-21 10 2008-2037 0 BRWDT3 0 23 14-20 2 2009-2011 6 BRWST4 0 23 21-27 2 2012 6 BRWST4 0 23 14-20 2 2013-2014 6 BRWST4 0 23 21-27 2 2015 6 BRWST4 0 23 14-20 2 2016-2022 6 BRWST4 0 23 21-27 2 2023 6 BRWST4 0 23 14-20 2 2024-2025 6 BRWST4 0 23 21-27 2 2026 6 BRWST4 0 23 14-20 2 2027-2033 6 BRWST4 0 23 21-27 2 2034 6 BRWST4 0 23 14-20 2 2035-2036 6 BRWST4 0 23 21-27 2 2037 6 BRWST4 0 23 14-20 2 2038 6 BRWST4

OBSERVACAO IMPORTANTE: 1. A entrada BRST3BRDT refere-se a configurao do horrio de vero nos estados Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paran, So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Esprito Santo, Minas Gerais, Gois e no Distrito Federal. A entrada BRWST4BRWDT refere-se a configurao do horrio de vero nos Estados do Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. 2. E necessrio tambm inserir e/ou alterar a varivel TZ no arquivo /etc/TIMEZONE com a informao (BRST3BRDT ou BRWST4BRWDT) conforme a localidade do cliente.

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