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Fraser Valley Secondary Schools Athletic Association

Executive Meeting Monday, October 3, 2011 ABC Restaurant, Langley

In attendance: Todd Clarke, Bill Tereposky, Rob Hornsby, Glenn Urquhart, Mike Sweeney, Nelson Spring, Jamie Askew, Rob Colombo, Fred & Lynn Haywood. Absent: Mike Stickley Minutes Meeting called to order at 9:48 am. 1. Welcome and Introductions everyone had a good summer. Introduced Glenn Urquhart who is replacing Glenn Whittington. Adoption of Agenda Moved Bill Tereposky, Seconded Rob Hornsby. Review of May 10, 2011 Executive Meeting Minutes no corrections or additions. Review of the May 31, 2011 Executive Council Minutes no corrections or additions. Review of May 31, 2011 AGM Minutes Jamie Askew talked about Golf. Also asked about Rhonda Trunkfield and job of Tennis Commissioner. Someone to do it for next year. Moved to adopt three sets of minutes Jamie Askew, Seconded Todd Clarke. 6. Carried. Carried.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Financial Report Nelson Spring (report explained by Fred Haywood). Some figures are approximate. a. Executive Account current balance is $78,445.00. Nothing has been transferred out of account yet. b. Operating Account Account balance at the end of September was $3453.42. There will be $8,000-$9000 coming from the Executive account once the registration and Independent fees are transferred. We may at some time have to transfer money from GIC. Weve trimmed off a lot in our carry over account. We have to have an appropriate amount of money on hand to cover the unexpected. c. District Grants 6 districts received. Chilliwack, Coquitlam & Langley have not paid. (Nelson discussed what they are doing to raise funds in Langley). They are meeting to discuss costs. Called Langley Foundation (group run through the district). Fred explained process to Jamie Askew (letter, invoice, annual report). Send info to Jamie & Rob H, & Nelson. d. Schools registered more schools registered this year. 97 schools registered. Real flurry of activity in last few days. Following schools Abby School of Int Arts, AD Rundle, FV Adventist, J Heights. New Westminster, Pitt River Middle School, Pt Moody, Rick Hansen, St John Brebeuf, Delta Christian, not completely registered. Rob Colombo asked about Citadel. Question from Fred re French language schools District 93. They

dont pay any fee. How do we handle them? Rob explained how their one school has very little, also Gabrielle Roy. Maybe because they participate so little, we should make them the exception. Fred will send the info to Executive and they can decide. Coquitlam just pro rates them. Moved to adopt report Nelson Spring, Seconded Bo Sidhu. Carried. 7. Unfinished Business Nothing in particular came up. New Business a. BCSS Rob Colombo October 22 is the Presidents Council meeting internal survey, results will go out to member schools. New committee coming on board. Started conversation at meeting they had last week re FV split group of us really want a major shift in how it should go- geographical split, size of school (effective model) does it work? Radical changes need to come out of it. Talked about inequality in district. Will start with you, as presidents meeting at Riverside. Rob stressed that this is informal, but meeting at Riverside is very important. Currently at office level talked about courses in order to coach. Mandatory that community coaches complete their Level 1 (weekend course) next year. Some changes in works some things will trickle down. Todd asked what about independent and public? Rule changes sign about eligibility have changed considerably drop to Gr 8. By law, you have to have $50000 contingency fund. We have our lawyers look at it to decide whether its worth it and if they can win. Anything that could not be won was taken out (of Handbook). Talked about how it got started with BB (Rob explained). Discussion. Why do we even bother having rules? It will all sort itself out. Don Wallace - its his last year as Compliance Officer so were training a replacement. Bill Tereposky brought up the fact that geographical representation isnt fair. Constitution says you must represent every region. Explained. Soccer comes up as an example (Mt Baker is only school in district). Bill mentioned FVE in the same boat regarding VB. Todd does BCSS have the means to run separate championships independent & public? Discussion. Rob C explained how they have done it in Vancouver district (St Georges & Vancouver College have to play off). Discussion on making an 8th zone how would you do this? Maybe we need to give list to all presidents so they can check to see if their independent schoolos are registered with local association. Talked about advantages of creating 8th zone. Talked about how they are represented at meetings. 30% of the BCSS membership are independent schools. Fred start preparing now for AGM there is lots of time for discussion. Todd is planning on doing this for VB and theyll have their own league doesnt think it will fly, but worth putting it forward. Fred will put together some wording and pass it on to Executive. Much discussion on this. Mike not a matter of getting rid of them. b. Update on Registrations/Leagues already discussed. c. Executive Positions 2011 2012 selection Only one new member of Executive - Glenn Urquhart, who might as well take over Glenn Whittingtons job as Winter Coordinator. d. Executive Council Meeting any agenda items to add? Fred went over agenda to see if there are any items to add. Commission registration & money. Talked about $75 penalty. Remind Commissioners of their role. TOC coverage. Add Website Issues to Agenda. Todd Clarke, Jamie Askew and Rob Colombo wont be at meeting. X Net and other items discussed. Review of commission status. Schools in arrears. Bill Tereposky brought up



f. g.

hosting rotations VB, BB, sometimes FH. Discussion on rotation in various sports. Mike asked Rob Colombos went thru Gr 8 Rugby last year compared rosters with high schools that just had Gr 8. Talked about numbers required to run a team discussion. TOC Coverage reminder of the process and distribution of letters Mike talked about Surrey all TOCs and leaves have been cancelled they need those bodies to cover for those who are sick. Its not about the money. Discussion. Because of job action. Status of Phase 1 of the teachers job action move to Roundtable. Plan for leagues if further job action is implemented and extra-curricular activities are restricted - Rob C plan should be a non-plan. We will not make a stance. 40% of coaches are community Coaches. 20% of BCSS is independent and are not governed by BCTF. BCTF are nuts to use this as a tool very ineffective. Stay out of it you do not want to become a political organization. BCSS will make the call and just let it follow down. Discussion. We have no position. Tried it 9 years ago and it didnt really work. Talked about after hours time.

9. 10.

Any Other Business Status of the Tennis Commissioner Rhonda Trunkfield will do it for now. Meeting Dates Discussion on why we have AGM in June. VB has their AGM in May. Most schools have their awards ceremonies in May. We could move it up a week. Executive Council Wednesday October 12, 2011 Winter Executive Meeting Tuesday February 7, 2012 Spring Executive Meeting Tuesday May 8, 2012 Executive Council Meeting Wednesday May 30, 2012 2012 AGM Wednesday May 30, 2012 Round Table no notes taken. Adjournment -

11. 12.

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