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Fraser Valley Secondary Schools Athletic Association Executive Council Meeting Wednesday October 12 2011 White Spot Restaurant,

Aldergrove Minutes In attendance: Mike Sweeney, Nelson Spring, Bo Sidhu, Jivan Dhaliwal, Brent Sweeney, William Arundel, Rosalee Floyd, Barb Kroeker, David Kaye, Randy Tanaka, Andrew Lenton, Bob LeSage, Len DeJulius, Rhonda Trunkfield, Greg Worsley, Sean Engbers, Bill Tereposky, Jim Mitchell, Fred & Lynn Haywood. Absent: Todd Clarke, Rob Colombo, Jamie Askew. Mike Sweeney called the meeting to order at 7:18 pm and thanked everyone for coming. 1. 2. 3. Introductions Adoption of Agenda Moved Bo Sidhu, Seconded Len DeJulius. Carried.

Banners already distributed. Double check you have all the banners you need. Email Mike Sweeney if you need something. Commission Registration all Commissioners have received money and lists. Commissions Mike Sweeney - you all run individually, so I kind of trust you all. You have your own late penalties. As long as you let everyone know very clearly. Its all on you to organize your championships. Fred said remember to check your rules on duties of commissioners. - TOC coverage reminder (see other business). - Financial stuff everyone has tried to bring their war chests back in line. Appreciates that. What is amount to carry forward looking for 20% (or so). Previously, BB had all this money socked away. 20% is a good guideline. Its okay to build it up. It is a rainy day fund. If youre totally based on entry fee. Leave it to your best judgment. A couple of years ago President asked commissions to reduce carry over. Website Todd not here tonight, but he loves to post things that are specific and correct on website. Informational website with links to your websites is what he has in mind. Anything extra - send to Todd. Ordering of Plaques, etc. we dont order them anymore but you can order them for yourselves. Winners Choice has FV logo. Everyone uses them but if it doesnt work for you, you can use whoever you want. XNet important rosters are verified. Zone_AA is ID. Exnet_z is the password. Will give you access to everything, even VI. Print out and compare to your list. They are doing their best to run it well. Sometimes things get through. Willy Mitchell talked about last year and swimming. Specific to your commission. We try to catch incorrect stuff early (Mike). Kids are added appropriately at the right time.

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Meeting Dates Mike went over dates that apply to Executive Council. AGM moved to a week earlier. Executive Council Wednesday October 12, 2011 Executive Council Meeting Wednesday May 30, 2012 2012 AGM Wednesday May 30, 2012 Brent commented that AGM is the day of AAA coaches meeting (Soccer). There will always be a problem with dates. What we are looking for is commission info to be submitted for the Annual Report. Set your year end a month before or something. If season ends earlier, not a big deal. Rugby have it finish in December. FV championships finish a week before Provincials. Financial year end could end some other time. Doesnt have to be at the end of your season. Fred maybe we have to look at results from the previous year. Commission Report Forms try to get report to Lynn & Fred when your sport is finished. Commission Status Gymnastics squeeked in. Arrears 6 schools in arrears. 6 schools still owe us shortages. One refund - $600. Calendar Update goes to Website. Send to Todd. Other Business various comments relating to job action: Mike Sweeney was at a meeting with SSSAA tough time with job action. Not allowed to cover any curricular time, has to be after school. Not as concerned with that as they are with stuff during the day. Surrey schools participation for all day events not possible. LOA have been cancelled. Even if your team has fundraised. Surrey schools (teacher coaches) cant compete. Most of FV (and FH & X Country & Aquatics). He has talked to President and Superintendent. Right now if you are planning, if there is any flexibility, please. VB championships 4 schools are involved. Hopefully saner heads will prevail. Barb Kroeker Chilliwack Field Hockey she is stuck. Doesnt think that we should run FV championships with club coaches. Jivan asked about the definition of FV championships. Discussion. Within Surrey there is no flexibility? Sean we are an independent school so we arent affected. What can we do? Last time, they stopped which was very fair of them. Discussion. If you have a community coach you are fine. Mike hopefully there would be some direction from BCSS. Theyll say its up to you. Tough thinking ahead to Phase II. Mike talked about another meeting he went to. Barb were here because we are teacher coaches. If we allow parent coached teams to carry on. Discussion between everyone. Len commented it will always be a coaches decision. Who is right? Bill brought up schools sports vs community sports. Has Barb talked to her union person? They have 3 school days before this becomes an issue. FV runs Senior Championships and the rest of it doesnt matter. What about Senior teams who have to feed into BCs? Andrew has trouble with the idea that if some dont have the opportunity doesnt mean others shouldnt. Lengthy discussion on how job action is impacting everything. Doesnt want to cancel championships. For Surrey, if we cant we wont. Will let you know when I know (Surrey). Barb her concern is attending championships with parents means we arent necessary. More discussion. Its not for us to jump in and play politics. We are non political. Adjournment - Moved Nelson Spring, Seconded - Jivan Dhaliwal, to adjourn at 8:16 pm.

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