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Guess Whos Coming to Dinner?

Step Four: Interviewing your artist

So far we have chosen an artist (Step One), Chosen an icon to represent your artist (Step Two), Introduced your artist (Step Three) and now we are at Step Four: Interviewing your artist. Use the following questions to conduct an interview of your artist. As the interviewer you get to use your own voice [typical 9th grader from SCPA-or not so typical ;-)] to ask the questions. You can change how you ask the questions (perhaps if you are a BIT more hip than I am, you might have a cooler way to phrase the questions) but the questions need to essentially answer the same things. y For example: The first question is: What events early in your life made you get interested in the arts?. You might want to say You grew up in a really amazing time. What sparked your interest in the arts as a kid? Same question, just a different way to ask it. It is also ok to break the questions up. y For example: Question 4 says How did the major cultural, economic and political situations of the time impact your work?. You might want to break that up into three separate questions. Guidelines for the interview: Each of the 10 questions should be fully answered in the voice of your artist. Obviously you dont know what most of them actually sounded like but you get to use a bit of artistic license here (no pun intended!). After you have read about them and researched information about their lives, as well as studied their art, you will start to hear their voices. Each of the 10 questions requires minimally a 2 paragraph answer. If you break the questions up, make sure that you have plenty of information included in each part. I will be looking for quality answers that give plenty of researched information not just something you made up. Remember this is a research project! Your answers must be based on information that you have gathered from your sources. Toward that end, all of your information included in your interview should be sourced. You will include a Source List (bibliography) with your interview. You will also need to note sources in the actual text of the interview. y For example: If you print that Marcel Duchamp said, I dont believe in art, I believe in artists. then print the name and date of the source where you found it quoted (Chipp, 1968). This way, when I want to know what the full source is I can turn back to your Source List and look up the entire citation that is about Mr. Chipp and the book he wrote about theories of modern art in 1968. Unless you are making a direct quote from your person (which would need to be directly sourced) then all writing should be in your own words. Copying directly from another persons work is called plagiarism and it is unethical and unacceptable. If I suspect that your work is not in your own words, I will return the work un-scored. While I am not specifically grading your grammar, spelling or typing, since this interview will be included on your web site, you will want it to be your very best work. This includes good writing practices (correct grammar, good spelling, proof reading!! accurate typing). Best practices will be included on the rubric and any work that I cannot read or decipher will be poorly scored. Questions (Kettle, 2005) for the interview: 1. Describe where you are from and give us information about your family 2. What events in your early life made you get interested in the arts? 3. What role did mentors play in helping you develop the interests and talents you have as an artist? 4. What was the world of art like in your particular art field when you entered it? 5. How did the major cultural, economic and political situations of the time impact your work? 6. What were your major accomplishments and the methods you used in your art? 7. What were the key opportunities you had that led to turning points in your life and art? 8. What hardships or roadblocks did you have to overcome in order to be an artist? 9. Who are people that you admire both in the arts and beyond and why do they inspire you? 10. What personal stories (anecdotes) best illustrate how you became successful in the arts? Your interview will need to be typed and emailed to me at by March 2, 2012 at 11:59pm. Late work will not be accepted. This part of the project is worth 125 points and will be included on your 3rd quarter report card.

Questions taken and modified from: Kettle, K. (2005). Science with a human touch: Historical vignettes in the teaching and learning of science. In S.B. Alsop, Analyzing Exemplary Science Teaching (pp. 38-45).

Guess Whos Coming to Dinner : Step 4 Artist Interview Scoring Rubric Proficient work will have: y All 10 questions fully answered using facts gathered from research y Work presented as two separate voices: one is yours, one is the artist y All information clearly sourced y Accurate Source List (bibliography) included with at least 10 sources y Best Writing Practices used y Work emailed to Ms. Andreadis by midnight on March 2, 2012 Exceptional work will additionally have: y Creativity and sophistication in answers y A variety of source types with more than 10 sources listed

GWCTD Interview Scoring rubric Name: ______________________________________ Artist: ______________________________________ Blog Name/Bell: ______________ Proficient work has all of the following: _____ All 10 questions fully answered using facts gathered from research _____ Minimally two paragraphs per answer _____ Work presented as two separate voices: one is yours, one is the artist _____ All information clearly sourced _____ Accurate Source List (bibliography) included with at least 10 sources _____ Best Writing Practices used _____ Work emailed to Ms. Andreadis by midnight on March 2, 2012 Exceptional work will additionally have: _____ Creativity and sophistication in answers _____ A variety of source types with more than 10 sources listed

GWCTD Interview Scoring rubric Name: ______________________________________ Artist: ______________________________________ Blog Name/Bell: ______________ Proficient work has all of the following: _____ All 10 questions fully answered using facts gathered from research _____ Minimally two paragraphs per answer _____ Work presented as two separate voices: one is yours, one is the artist _____ All information clearly sourced _____ Accurate Source List (bibliography) included with at least 10 sources _____ Best Writing Practices used _____ Work emailed to Ms. Andreadis by midnight on March 2, 2012 Exceptional work will additionally have: _____ Creativity and sophistication in answers _____ A variety of source types with more than 10 sources listed



Grade __________________________

Grade __________________________

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