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Filozofski fakultet u Niu Filoloki fakultet u Beogradu Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu

IFRA: Broj poena:


Listi sa ifrom uvajte kod sebe do kraja ispita! ifru upiite iskljuivo u predvienu rubriku na naslovnoj strani svakog dela testa. Ispitni testovi koji budu na bilo koji drugi nain oznaeni bie odmah diskvalifikovani, bez pregledanja. Na klupama mogu da budu samo ispitni testovi i olovke. Ne zaboravite da iskljuite mobilne telefone. Za izradu zadataka morate koristiti hemijsku olovku. Podesite svoj asovnik sa asovnikom deurnih. Nakon to dobijete sva uputstva, deurni e objaviti poetak testiranja. Test ITANJA I RAZUMEVANJA proverava sledee: razumevanje teksta koji ste proitali, razumevanje vokabulara, postavljanje pitanja na engleskom jeziku. Sastoji se od teksta koji treba paljivo proitati (TASK 1) i 3 zadatka. U drugom i treem delu testa (TASK 2 i TASK 3) potrebno je zaokruiti jedan od ponuenih odgovora. Pre nego to se odluite za jedno od ponuenih reenja, paljivo proitajte ceo tekst ili reenicu. U etvrtom delu testa (TASK 4) potrebno je napraviti pitanja za koja e podvueni delovi reenice biti odgovori. NIJE DOZVOLJENO VRITI BILO KAKVE ISPRAVKE!!! Pre nego to se odluite za 1 (jedan) od ponuenih odgovora ili upiete svoje pitanje, dobro razmislite! Test sadri 24 pitanja; svako pitanje vredi 1 poen, tako da ceo test ima 24 poena. Da biste poloili ovaj deo testa, treba da osvojite najmanje 75%, tj. 18 poena. Poeni se mogu izgubiti i zbog greaka u pisanju rei (spelling), zato proverite da li su vaa reenja ispisana tano, jasno i itko.


__________________________________________________________________________________ TASK 1 READING In this part you will read a text of around 600 words. Read the text carefully so as to be able to complete the tasks 2, 3 and 4 following the text. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Mr Lock, who lived at the foot of a mountain, was little interested in thinking, less interested in planning, and the least interested of all in working every day. He had a family to support, but he just sat smoking his pipe and waiting for something to turn up. One day, however, his wife, who didnt like setting empty dishes before hungry children, 5 attacked her husband with strong words: Human beings have to eat, she said. I am trying hard to bring up our babies with the food you give us, but its impossible. They are dying of hunger! Dont worry. Im going up into the mountains today, and Ill certainly come back with something to eat. Then, Mr Lock slowly walked out. For a long time, Mr Lock wandered over the rocks without seeing anything worth picking 10 up. It was almost noon when he came close to the mountain top and saw a curious sight - a colossal stone figure cut out of the mountain side. It was so huge that ten men could stand on its head without crowding one another. Ages before, men had worked many months to cut this figure into human form, but now it had been forgotten for a long time. A forest nearly hid it. In front, from the ground up, wild grapevines grew over the figure to its neck, and birds flew above its head. What a 15 prize! Mr Lock exclaimed happily. High above his head, there was a large ripe pear nearly as big as a mans head hanging on a small tree which grew on the top of the stone man. That will feed the whole family, Mr Lock said. But how do I get it? Obviously, he had to climb up the stone figure. Determined to get the pear, he seized the wild grapevines and, with great effort, climbed up 20 and up, until he reached the chin of the great stone face. The big nose stood out above him, its nostrils as wide as a house door. Mr Lock stood on the stone lip and took hold of the stone nose, but he could climb no higher because the nose was slippery, and the ears were too smooth. He was stuck there. Far above him hung the pear, a gentle breeze blowing it to and fro, as if teasing him. Come and get me if you can, it seemed to be saying. He felt desperate. Suddenly, it occurred to 25 him that he could climb into one of the nostrils and hope for an exit to the top. Without hesitation, he entered the dark hole, and soon disappeared from sight. That was a brave thing to do, for everybody knows it is dangerous to disturb giants, even if theyre made of stone! Indeed, no sooner had he entered the giants nostril than there was a blast that shook the mountain. Hash-ho! Was it a great storm? Was it thunder? No, the colossus had 30 sneezed! Mr Lock must have tickled the colossus nostril! And there Mr Lock was, flying through the air! He landed in the bushes, unconscious. When Mr Lock woke up again, it was almost dark. Above him the stone figure stood still, and everything was the same as before. But, no, something had changed! The huge pear was lying in the grass next to him! When the colossus sneezed, it had shaken its head, and the big pear had dropped 35 off. Mr Lock picked it up, wondering whether his family would believe his story. Do you?

TASK 2 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS.............................................................8 points In this part you will answer questions about the text you have read. Choose and circle the correct answer a, b, c or d. 1) Where did Mr Lock live? a) High up in the mountains. b) On the top of the mountain.

c) At the bottom of the mountain. d) On a river bank near the mountains. c) Interesting. d) Funny. c) It could never be forgotten. d) There was room for ten men on its head. c) By a huge nest on its head. d) Behind huge lianas around. c) Because birds flew above his head. d) Because he found something to eat.

2) What was Mr Lock like? a) Hard-working. b) Lazy. 3) The stone figure was so big that a) Ten men usually stood on its head. b) It took ten men to lift it. 4) The stone figure was hidden: a) By a large ripe pear hanging on a small tree at the top of it. b) By trees.


5) Why did Mr Lock cry out happily? a) Because he saw the colossus. b) Because he thought of his wife.

6) What way to the top of the head did he choose? a) Through the nose. c) Through the ear. b) Though the mouth. d) Across the chin.

7) Why was he stuck when he reached the stone lip? a) Because he was desperate. c) Because the pear was teasing him. b) Because the stone was smooth and d) Because the nose was as wide as a house slippery. door. 8) When the colossus sneezed, Mr Lock? a) Was disturbed. c) Tickled. b) Was thunderstruck. d) Fell down.



TASK 3 CHOOSE THE CORRECT MEANING.....................................................8 points In this part you are supposed to give the meanings of some of the words from the text. Choose and circle the correct answer a, b, c or d. 1) He had a family to support (line 2), means: a) He had a large family. c) He had to provide food for his wife and children. b) He needed the support of his family. d) He was in favour of his family.

2) Mr Lock wandered over the rocks (line 9) means: a) He was surprised by the rocks. c) He wanted to find the rocks. b) He walked over the rocks. d) He couldnt get over the rocks. 3) Without seeing anything worth picking up (line 9), means: a) He didnt want to pick up anything. c) He couldnt find anything good to eat. b) He picked up everything he saw. d) He couldnt see anything clearly.

he saw a curious sight (line 10) means: a) What he saw was unusual. c) The sight was horrible. b) His eye sight was curious. d) He was scared by the sight. 5) The nose was slippery (line 22) means that it was: a) Rough and broken. c) Polished and smooth. b) Beyond his reach. d) Asleep. 6) He was stuck there (line 22-23) means: a) He was exhausted. c) He was hurt. b) He couldnt see anything. d) He couldnt go on.


7) As if teasing him (line 23) means: a) Tempting him. b) Frightening him. 8) Without hesitation (line 25) means: a) Immediately. b) After a while.

c) Disturbing him. d) Threatening him. c) Finally. d) Very slowly.


TASK 4 QUESTION MAKING .............................................................................8 points Make questions using the information contained in each of the following sentences from the text. The underlined part of the sentence should serve as the answer to the intended question.

1. His wife didnt like setting empty dishes before hungry children.

.................................................................................................................................................? 2. Human beings have to eat. .............................................................................................................................................? dying of hunger. .............................................................................................................................................? 4. The colossus was huge.

100 3. They are


................................................................................................................................................? 5. Ten men could stand on its head without crowding one another.

.................................................................................................................................................? 6. It had been forgotten for a long time.

115 .................................................................................................................................................?

7. He would climb into the right nostril. .................................................................................................................................................? colossus had sneezed. .................................................................................................................................................?

120 The 8.

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