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The Foolish Seagull Once upon a time, on a tranquil, rocky beach in South America, there lived a seagull.

*SEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGULL* Every day, the seagull would fly along the white, pebbly shoreline *beat boxing wave noise* and snatch bits and pieces of food from the unsuspecting animals relaxing on the beach. He would then greedily feast on his catch in the safety of his nest. [Change boards] One day, as the seagull was making his usual routine down the shoreline, he spotted a *point* sea lion. *MMHMM*It appeared to be sleeping *snoring noise* beside a pile of freshly hunted fish that had not yet been devoured. Curious, the seagull gently SWOOOOOOOOOOOPED down towards the fish and landed beside the sea lion. The snoring *make the class snore* and occasional *snort* snorts emitted from the sea lion confirmed that it was, indeed, asleep. [Change boards] Eyes gleaming with desire, the seagull began to gobble *gobble smack* up the refreshing, succulent fish that seemed to be there for anyone s taking. It was then the sea lion, as if sensing the seagull s intentions, *GASP* woke up. [Change boards] The sea lion, none too happy to find an intruder, bit and *ROAAAAAAAAARED* at the seagull as it defended its fruits of labour. Startled, the seagull swiftly flew away and barely escaped the lion s jaws. [Change boards] This event deeply shook the seagull, and after realizing how dangerous and wrong stealing was, he resolved to hunt for his own meals. After a few days of living a proper lifestyle, the seagull became bored and reverted back to its original, lazy ways. [Change boards] One day, as the seagull was once again making his usual routine down the *make the class say shoreline*, he spotted the sea lion sleeping beside another pile of fish. *OOOOOOOOH* Seeing this, the seagull foolishly thought to himself, The sea lion didn t get me last time; what s stopping me from treating myself to a little fish? The sea lion has piles of it, he won t notice if I take one or two! And so, the seagull cautiously flew down to the sea lion and started to munch on the still refreshing and quite succulent fish. [Change boards] However, this time, the sea lion was not actually asleep. *LE DERP FACE GASP* Frustrated that the seagull had somehow managed to escape last time, the sea lion vowed to have its revenge. *DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN* It decided to feign sleep and use the seagull s own greed to lure him back. Completely oblivious to the now pouncing sea lion, the seagull became a sitting duck *snicker corny joke* as he was enveloped by the sea lion s jaws and ultimately, DEATH.

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