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Question 1- 20 points Amber is a self-assured, confident, and competent employee.

She worked for her boss, Alex Edwards, for several years, always hoping that things would change, but they never did. Amber was a hard worker, always staying late to work on last minute projects, working weekends to get the proposals submitted on time, and taking on those messy but necessary projects to improve the business s operations and efficiency. Despite her hard work and effectiveness, she seldom received acknowledgement or approval from Edwards which she sought because she respected his expertise. She was often overlooked when it came time for promotions and bonuses and was not given personal credit for her successes in making the business better. Instead, Edwards consistently found fault with her work, ignored her suggestions for how to improve the department s operations, and shut the door to any opportunities for Amber to get access to and engage with senior executives. Adapted from Tinelli on Leadership; Issue 82. 10/31/11.

A. Analyze this situation relative to expectancy theory. Be sure to evaluate Amber s likely assessment of each linkage in the model. (up to 150 words)

B. You have been hired to be an executive coach for Alex Edwards. Using your knowledge on how to give effective feedback, explain exactly what you would say to help him improve his leadership effectiveness. Explain the rationale for your approach. (up to 150 words)

You have a good rapport with your manager and he invests time in mentoring you. You are at a meeting with your manager and a group of employees. Your manager is giving financial information to all employees about different markets; however, some of this information is inaccurate, which could lead to wrong pricing decisions and loss of revenue for the company. You know he does not like being corrected in public but that he also cares about the quality of decisions that are made.

A. Which of the 5 sources of power do you have in this situation? What source(s) of power does your manager have? Explain your answers. (up to 100 words) B. What influence tactic(s) would you use in this situation? Why? (up to 100 words)

Joe, Kiran, and Jenny have worked for Crazy Stuff, Inc. (CSI) for the past five years. They just learned that a fellow coworker, Mary, has just quit going work for a competitor which begins a discussion about their

careers at CSI. Joe remarks that it is not worthwhile for him to leave like Mary because he is so close to getting his big promotion. He has put in the time and worked hard for this promotion so if he left for another company, he will not likely get this opportunity again. Kiran replies to Joe that for him, it's the CSI's relaxed atmosphere and the fact that some of his best friends are at CSI that keeps him working there. For me , Jenny says, CSI gave me an opportunity. My boss took a chance on me. He invested so much of his time in mentoring me and preparing me for the position. He really showed me the ropes to success. There is no way that I can desert them by leaving for another company. Kiran replies, Well, I wonder what Mary s reasons for leaving were? She seemed nice enough but I never saw her around much or got to work with her. a. Identify the type of organizational commitment Joe, Kiran, and Jenny are each likely to have. Briefly explain your answer. (up to 100 words)

b. Using your knowledge of job embeddedness, offer one recommendation for CSI to help reduce turnover and promote organizational commitment. (up to 100 words)

Sandra is a senior sales manager at Global Consulting, Inc. Sandra s career was noteworthy for several reasons. She made more money for the firm and earned more bonus money and promotions than anyone in the company could ever remember. She was the CEO s chosen successor, despite her youth, because of her consistently record-shattering accomplishments. Then the damages she left in her wake came to the surface. Granted, she achieved sales that no one had ever done before, but at a cost. Her hard-driving style overwhelmed her staff. She interrupted them repeatedly during sales meetings, denigrated their ideas in front of others, and took personal credit for the team s achievements. With colleagues, she dominated conversations by talking at length and in great detail about her plans for the future, refused to listen to or accept any of their ideas, and repeatedly talked about how, if it weren t for her efforts, the company wouldn t be making money. The CEO realized the danger Sandra presented to the company only when her colleagues and a few of her staff threatened to resign unless her behavior was addressed. But the damage was already done. Sandra s actions wreaked havoc on the firm s culture, causing widespread dissatisfaction among those she worked with. Adapted from Tinelli on Leadership; issue 82. 10/31/11. A. Using the model of organizational rewards systems and your knowledge of the impact of extrinsic rewards, analyze the effectiveness of Global Consulting s incentive system. Explain your answer. (up to 150 words)

Cumulative & Integrative Essay Question Fine Foods, Inc. is a global company that wants to improve job performance. Their headquarters is in the U.S., but they have major offices in Switzerland and China. The CEO of Fine Foods has specially appointed a task force of four to create a new compensation and rewards system that will be implemented in all of their locations worldwide. The team must submit a proposal within a month. At the first team meeting, Serge, Elizabeth, Anna and Cayce discuss their task for the first time. Serge, who is from Switzerland, immediately proposes a system where compensation is completely resultsoriented and competitive, like it is in the U.S. and Switzerland. Serge says that he is very confident that this will be the best solution and that the CEO will praise them for this results-focused system. Elizabeth says she always trusts Serge and agrees that the results-oriented system is the way to go. Elizabeth and Serge are ready to start drafting their plan when Anna speaks up. She asks, Do we have to implement the same system for all of our locations? There may be different structures that will be more effective at improving job performance in different countries. Serge says he is sure it must be the same system across all countries, but Anna and Cayce are not sure. During the discussion they realize that none of them have spoken directly to the CEO; everyone got this assignment from their own direct supervisors and heard slightly different instructions. When pressed by Serge, Anna does not have an alternative solution. She wants to do some research individually and discuss it at length with the group. Cayce suggests a system where the boss ranks individual employees to determine compensation, without input from the employee or others, arguing that the boss always knows best, no matter what country. No one responds to Cayce s s s suggestion. There is a long pause, and it seems meeting productivity has come to a halt. Elizabeth says that the team seems to be at a stopping point and suggests, Why don t we take a break and get lunch together and then revisit this after we ve clarified our charge?

A. Identify FIVE course concepts that apply to this case. Explain what levels of analysis are captured by each (individual, group, organizational and global). Be sure that ALL FOUR levels of analysis are represented in your choice of course concepts (see syllabus schedule). Be as specific as possible and justify your response by demonstrating your understanding of how the concepts relate to information in the scenario. (up to 300 words) 1.Individual-Motivation thru goal setting- while as a group their goal are set by creating a solution, the group is more inclined to satisfy the goals set by each person s individual supervisor. Some seems less motivated the others in completing the agenda, and others like Elizabeth seems to have a supporting role of Serge s ideas. 2. Group- Group Structure and Composition The functional roles performed by group members are as following: Serge-task role- as the initiator, he comes up with the idea of compensation and rewards system and

pushes the group to use his idea. Elizabeth-maintenance role- she just agrees with Serge because she trusts him, does not interact much till the end. Anna- task role- as evaluator, by questioning serge idea, that there might be a better idea to tackle job performance in different countries according to their own organizational structures. Cayce-task role- Cayce has a elaborator position, she tries to develop certain parts in Serge idea but it doesn t seem that it either agrees with the group or she is has a higher role in the organization because no one responds. 3. Organization-Organization design- The group s organization implements a matrix structure. Each of the members of the group is from a different department because each got the assignment from their supervisor and instruction differs. Also, they are brought together on a project temporarily, their presentation being due in one month and to the CEO. 4. Global- High-Context and Low-Context Cultures- Every member in the group has a background In a low context culture, Serge is from Switzerland and the other members work for a US company. Serge s idea will prove difficult be passed by the CEO, because it considers China a low- context culture instead of a High context culture, the rewords system and management will differ. 5.

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