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1. Fair treatment of workers and humane working conditions with an emphasis in Asia 2.

UN and NGO response to terrorism in accordance with UN Global Counter-terrorism strategy 3. Implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, particularly in Africa 4. Global standards of universal education in compliance with UNESCOs mission 5. Sustainable economic growth for poverty eradication and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals 6. Accelerating efforts and partnerships to control and eliminate diseases such as malaria, leprosy, HIV/AIDS, hemorrhagic fevers, etc. in developing countries 7. Preserving biodiversity and preservation of species, including safeguarding the worlds fishing and whaling industries 8. Regulation of biologically and/or chemically engineered weapons 9. Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in compliance with the universal declaration of human rights with an emphasis on the Arab Spring 10. Population growth and the role of colonization with an emphasis in the Amazon Basin Political Council I, II 1. Settling international border and trade disputes 2. Establishment of a nuclear weapon-free-zone in the Middle East 3. Worldwide human trafficking & smuggling with an emphasis in the Americas 4. Peace and security of the Korean Peninsula 5. Global efforts for the total elimination of illicit drug trafficking and gang violence with an emphasis in Central America 6. Indoctrination and use of children in armed conflict 7. Developments in the field of information and Intel-communications in the context of international security and human rights violations.

8. Reform of management and operations practices of the United Nations, including permanent membership criteria of the Security Council and membership dues 9. Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources 10. Protecting the rights and cultures of the worlds indigenous and religious peoples in accordance with Agenda 21 Economic & Social Council I, II 1. Guidelines and appropriate responses to cyber terrorism 2. Realizing the Millennium Development Goals for persons with disabilities towards 2015 and beyond 3. Regulation and clean-up of man-made disasters and waste 4. Strengthening the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance 5. Prevention of illegal transfer of assets such as art and artifacts consistent with the United Nations Convention against Corruption 6. Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal 7. Strengthening of regional currencies and standards to promote economic growth and stability 8. Potable water 9. Impact and effectiveness of embargoes and sanctions imposed by UN members in the Middle East, Asia, and Americas 10. Debt relief as a means to promote viable and sustainable development

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