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Final Exam In Physical Education II

Name:___________________________________ Section:________________

Date:________________ Professor:_____________

I. Read each questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

___1. Which of the following is not a meaning of dance? A. It is man's primitive and natural way of self-expression. B. It is the union of movement, balance and art. C. It is a pure expression of the dancer's thoughts and feelings. D. It is rhee physical expression pf rhythm and music. ___2. Waltz originated from the German word "walzen" which means A. to walk B. to rotate C. to express D. to revolve

___8.It is an animate dance with the strong and characteristic rhythm. A. Samba B. Tango C. Cha Cha Cha D.Swing

___9.The new swing dominated the dance floor from what year? A. 1930 B.80's C.90's D. 1935 ___10. It is the newest and most popular of the Latin-American dances. A. Samba B. Tango C. Cha Cha Cha D.Swing ___11. It is the National Dance of Brazil. A. Swing B. Mambo C. Cha cha cha D. Samba ___12. It is characterized by frequent turns and intricate movements. A. Samba B. Tango C. Cha Cha Cha D.Swing ___13.Hold the partner tensely but not firmly. A. True B. False C. Partly True D. Partly False ___14. Keep the man's rhythm. A. True B. False C. Partly True D.Partly False

___3. The word "Dance" comes from which Greek word? A. denson B. danzon C. danson D. denzon ___4.It is sometimes called social or popular dancing which is performed by couples. A. Folk Dance B. Recreational Dance C. Ballroom Dance D. Waltz

___5. Cha Cha Cha originally came from what country? A.Spain B.Africa C.Cuba D.Brazil

___6. It is the most fascinating modern ballroom dance. A. Samba B. Tango C. Cha Cha Cha D.Swing

___7.It is the forerunner of Cha Cha. A.Foxtrot B.Mambo C.Triple Mambo D.Rumba

For 6 points, arrange the Fundamental dance positions in order. II. Match Column A with Column B. 15-17. Arms Position ___1st ___2nd ___3rd ___4th ___5th COLUMN A ___1. These dances reflect the peculiar characteristics of specific tribes specially their cultural,religous and traditional similarities. ___2.This includes thee artistic and wholesome form of dancing used for recreational purposes. 18-20. Feet Position ___1st ___2nd ___3rd ___4th ___5th ___3.The highest form of dance for enterainment. ___4. deals with thee usual traditions of the past by which a multitude of national characteristics in music, steps, and costumes are preserved. ___5.This form of dance appeals to the more skillful performers specially the boys, becaise of the stunt elements present. ___6.It makes use of the basic axial and locomotor movements. ___7.This includes dance mixers, square dance and round or couple. ___8.Combination of movement andd singing done in rhythm. ___9.This refers to the type of folkdance most widely done in a specific country. ___10.This is contrast to the classical or traditional ballet. COLUMN B A. Singing Dance B. Recreational Dance C. Modern Dance D. Social Dance E. Gymnastic Dance F. Creative Dance G. Natural Dance H. National Dance I. Ethnic Dance J. Folk Dance K. L.A. Walk L. Ballroom Dance

III. Enumerate 5 Social Etiquettes in Dancing

IV. Identify the dance position shown in each picture.

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