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SORTING + ARRANGEMENT PROCEDURE: define qualitative datanet order

technology + technique placed into the service of art apples and oranges in terms of a common denominator flexibility + mulifunctionality order - as defined by kahn


the unmeasurable

time-based aesthetics informational aesthetics venustas

sculptural qualities


vitruvian triad - firmitas, utilitas, venustas context - the city + history


The resulting qualitative rules demonstrating a combination of firmitas, utilitas and venustas are brought into the foreground to define a space to be explored for the semester.

rule-based aesthetics
tessellation repetition aggregation inputs outputs visually compelling

visual clarity formal qualities solid / void relationships

data + communications electrical plumbing

qualities of light and shadow

historical context

context + time

green + sustainable energy savings / expenditure

wind load

live load / dead load

structure firmitas skin

thermal mass mechanical solar heat gain

linus torvalds structure of enterprise references FAR code air rights zoning financial incentive

water retention + reuse

efficiencies + exchanges

ease of fabrication constraind by material and/or technique

ease of installation constrained by material and/or technique material costs invasiveness of intervention addition / loss of rentable area

common exchange unit


the measurable

soft costs material quantity takeoffs

additive or subtractive process process, operation or tool

modularity + repetition

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