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EOIDNA/ Nivel Intermedio/ Listening

PART 1 You are going to listen to five authors talking about the books they have written. For questions 1-5, match each extract with the heading it best relates to, as in the example (0-D). There are two extra headings. You will hear the recording TWICE. Headings: A Do-it-yourself. B C D E F G H Fiction: bedtime stories. Fiction: novels. Health: Diets (example) Health: food and medicine. Literature and criticism. Non- fiction: biographies. Non- fiction: History. (Taken from
1.B; 2.H; 3.C; 4.F; 5.E

0 1 2 3 4 5

EOIDNA/ Nivel Intermedio/ Listening

Example. Extract 0 A few years ago I was like this: fat, face, awful, fat and I looked at this awful fat face, at this awful fat stomach in my bathroom mirror for years and years and years, and then I came to a very serious decision and I put it in this book: The Fat Pig Diet. The Fat Pig Diet, believe me if a twit like me can diet, you can diet. Extract 1 This book started with an idea when we came home after a wonderful vacation. It was a long day of travel and the kids wanted me to tell them a story. They were quite young at the time, I was completely knackered but they had a sudden burst of energy. So I walked around for inspiration I found a little night light shaped like a train. So I made up a story called Toody the Train. they really liked it, they went to sleep happy and the next night they asked for another Toody. So I made up another one and then another one after that and before you knew it we had a ritual going. Extract 2 My name is David Stafford and my book is entitled End Game 1945. Wars do not end cleanly. Theyre accompanied by violence and chaos and looting and liberation always comes at a heavy cost. My book tells what happened in Europe in 1945.Its experienced by individuals. I tell the story through the experiences of a handful of real life characters, based on memoirs, on letters, on original documents and on interviews. Extract 3 Hello, Im Roopa Farooki, the author of Bitter Sweet. The novel is about the impact of deception on our relationships and in my book I follow three generations of an Anglo-Asian family from 1950s Bengal to modern day London. The story opens when Ricky Rashid is trapped into marriage by a caning 13-year-old Henna Rub who is beautiful but unrepentantly manipulative. Extract 4 My name is not William Shakespeare, Im Jonathan Bates: Im the editor of a new edition of the complete works of Shakespeare: all the plays, all the poems, everything he ever wrote . Why do we need a new edition? Well, Its been over twenty years since there was last a new Shakespeare. And in that time weve learnt an amazing amount of new information about how the plays were put together, about the early texts and about Shakespeares language. So what weve got is a beautifully produced book. Its really easy to read in single column unlike some Shakespeare complete works and yet reflects the very latest scholarship about Shakespeares texts. Extract 5 this book is really about showing the public, anyone whos suffering from arthritis, or asthma or eczema of high blood pressure or high cholesterol or depression, any one of the common conditions, exactly how well the drugs work and what the side-effects are and exactly how well the nutrition, alternatives, diets, supplements and simple life style changes work. I think youll be very clear at the end of this book that food is better medicine than drugs.

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