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12 years of the 135 years of National College Costache Negri

This year, National College Costache Negri, proudly celebrates 135 years of existence. I say "proudly" thinking about the dozens of generations what have passed its threshold, which today still are coming back here even to visit, because they could not break the relationship with special people of this school, who always gave evidence of involvement and interest in terms of our development as future adults. Anyone who has ever entered Costache Negri College, felt the need to return, the teachers and students, the ordinary guests or visitors. Unique atmosphere left its scars in the hearts of students, especially. Once here, they could not break away from this place. I am one of those people who have tasted the sweet "poison" the school. Thus, for 12 years, I have not managed to get separated from his world. To share a bit of experience of these years, I invite you to start our journey ... High School Teacher, or simply pedagogical, as it used to always call him, is where I went with timid and uncertain steps with lady teacher, one day of September, 15. What myriade of school, what heavy doors to which i barely handles reached, the seriousness and what sober! Over time, map, which I think I need to not lose me inside the school, was not necessary, even managed to know other parts of the imposing building, far enough from the protective place: my class. Slowly, nothing seems new to me, nothing cool, nothing too sober. All began to take color, and between me and the Pedagogical High School there was a nearby hot. Already, after completion of four years of conditioning,I have found gymnasium years very easy and the teachers became very dear to me,between them feeling like i was home . In fact, this had become school for me: a second family,the place

where 6 hours a day I didn't get bored at all, never had time, a place where always was something new to discovered. End of this cycle was to me a simple tests which have the only purpose of entering the 'Pedagocic' High School, or rather continuing educational journey. Basically, for me, the shift in high school was made official only as much already Pedagogic was "my house to school ". During the next four years it was found inside to be the best choice in terms of my study, and on the other hand for my life. Pedagogic High School did not stop any single moment to show me he can shape me as a HUMAN. And here I am now, after 12 years in the same protective space, defined by the red walls of this school, with the same enthusiasm which always inspired me ... but now that feeling has another meaning: now I'm afraid to get away from this place where I grew up. It is similar with that strange sense that you feel when any young person should get out of parental care to take his life in his hands. In this final threshold, which represents a new beginning, I can say proudly: 'PEDAGOGIC' HIGH SCHOOL HAD NEVER DISAPPOINTED ME!

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