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Claims 1.

A computer-based system for detecting structures in data and performing actions based on detected structures, comprising: an input device for receiving data;

Accused HTC Android Products The Accused HTC Android Products contain a computer-based system for detecting structures in data and performing actions based on detecting structures, and comprises an input device for receiving data. For instance, the HTC Nexus One contains a 3.7 inch AMOLED touchscreen. (Ex. 26-A, Nexus One User Manual at 327.) The Nexus One thus includes an input device to receive computer data, from which it will detect structures, such as phone numbers and email addresses, in data such as email and SMS messages. (Ex. 26-A, Nexus One User Manual at 208.) By way of example, the functionality within the Nexus One includes Android's "Linkify" functionality, which "take[s] a piece of text and a regular expression and turns all of the regex matches in the text into clickable links. This is particularly useful for matching things like email addresses, web urls, etc. and making them actionable." (Ex. 26-B, Android Developer Site at In particular, the matching functionality within Android's "Linkify" engine searches text strings for structures representative of Web URLs, phone numbers, email addresses, and map addresses. (Id.)

an output device for presenting The Accused HTC Android Products contain an output device for the data; presenting the data. For instance, the HTC Nexus One contains a 3.7 inch WVGA AMOLED touchscreen that serves as an output device. (Ex. 26-A, Nexus One User Manual at 327.) a memory storing information including program routines including The Accused HTC Android Products contain a memory storing information including program routines. For instance, the HTC Nexus One contains 512MB of Flash memory, which stores program routines, including the phone's Android operating system and applications on the phone. (Ex 26-A" Nexus One User Manual at 327; see also id. at 318.) The Accused HTC Android Products contain at least one analyzer server for detecting structures in the data and for linking actions to the detected structures. For example, the Nexus One includes an analyzer server that detects structures, such as phone numbers and email addresses, in data such as email and SMS messages. (Ex. 26-A, Nexus One User Manual at 208.) By way of example, the analyzer server within the Nexus One includes Android's "Linkify" functionality, which "take[s] a piece of text and a regular expression and turns all of the regex matches in the text into clickable links. This is particularly useful for matching things like email addresses, web urls, etc. and making them actionable." (Ex. 26-B, Android Developer Site at In particular, the matching functionality within Android's "Linkify" engine searches text strings for structures representative of Web URLs, phone numbers, email addresses, and map addresses. (Id.)

an analyzer server for detecting structures in the data and for linking actions to the detected structures;

a user interface enabling the The Accused HTC Android products contain a user interface enabling selection of a detected structure the selection of a detected structure and a linked action. For example, and a linked action; and the Nexus One contains applications for browsing the Internet and for viewing email messages or conversation histories. These applications provide a user interface that allows the user to select a detected structure and a linked action. For instance, the Nexus One's "Browser" application will cause all phone numbers found in a web page to be "linkable" to the user - that is, they will be highlighted and underlined. The user may then select a phone number by tapping on it, which will cause a linked action, such as sending the number to the Phone application, to occur. (See Ex 26-A, Nexus One User Manual, page 208.) an action processor for The Accused HTC Android products contain an action processor for performing the selected action performing the selected action linked to the selected structure. linked to the selected structure; and For example, when a user clicks on a linked a phone number in the Nexus One's "Browser" application, the Nexus One will launch the "Phone" application and import the selected phone number into the Phone application. (Ex. 26-A" Nexus One User Manual at 78; see also id. at 208.) a processing unit coupled to the input device, the output device, and the memory for controlling the execution of the program routines. The Accused HTC Android products contain a processing unit coupled to the input device, the output device, and the memory for controlling the execution of the program routines. For example, the Nexus One contains a Qualcomm QSD 8250 "Snapdragon" 1 GHz processor that controls the execution of the program routines. (Ex. 26-A, Nexus One User Manual at 327.)

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