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1. Compare the goals (including the DECS) with that implied in the definition of Social Studies. The goal of UNESCO and PSSC presents the overall aim of Social Studies teaching. On the other hand, the goals set by DECS focuses on specific goals of Social Studies teaching in the context of the Philippine educational system. As I examine the goals, I come into a realization that the teaching of social studies is aimed at the promotion of civic competencethe knowledge, intellectual processes, and democratic dispositions required of students to be active and engaged participants in public life. By making civic competence an aim, our educational system emphasizes the importance of educating students who are committed to the ideas and values of democracy. Civic competence rests on this commitment to democratic values, and requires that citizens have the ability to use their knowledge about their community, nation, and world. Young people who are knowledgeable, skillful, and committed to democracy are necessary to sustaining and improving our democratic way of life, and participating as members of a global community. 2. What is civic competency? Civic competence emphasizes the significance of knowledge of the development of institutions that reflect democracy, justice, equality, citizenship, and civil rights. It draws emphasis to the skills of communication, problem solving, critical and creative reflection, decision making, responsibility, respect for other values including awareness of diversity and the attitudes and values of solidarity, human rights, equality, and democracy. (European Council and European Parliaments Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, 2006) 3. Try to translate the European definition of civic competence in Philippine setting. How do we measure civic competence in the Philippines? What makes a citizen competent in civic affairs? Furthermore, what makes a citizen in a democratic country competent in the civic affairs of his or her country?

In my own viewpoint, civic competence in the local setting is all about the development of individual citizens to fully participate in civic life, based on knowledge of social and political concepts and structures and a commitment to active and democratic participation. Civic competence in our country is measured by means of rigorous evaluation using the performance indicators set by Local Government Units. In order to be a competent citizen in terms of civic affairs in a democratic nation like the Philippines, one must possess civic knowledge and skills as well as a civic disposition. Civic knowledge includes: knowledge of our countrys history and important events that shaped that history; knowledge of the purposes of government and the constitution through which those purposes are carried out; an understanding of how our democracy works and why it is important to be an active participant in that democracy; and basically an understanding of what it means to be a good citizen. comprise both critical thinking and participatory skills. Civic skills Ones capacity to identify,

describe, explain, analyze and evaluate political issues based on civic knowledge is an important critical thinking skill. Finally, civic disposition includes not only participating in the political process by voting, but also the inclination toward being patriotic, protecting civil rights of ones fellow citizens and engaging in community service activities. 4. In 2-13 years your students will be of legal age. They would have the right to vote all the legal responsibilities of adults. If they are in the first grade now (6 years old) they would be eligible to rum as president of the country in 34 years (provided that there will be no change in the political system). What kinds of citizens would you want your students to be? What skills and knowledge would you want them to have? Would you want them to preserve the status quo, to adapt to changes, or to change society? As an educator, I would want my students to grow and develop as proactive, participative and contributive citizens of our nation. I envision that my students will develop social competence linked to personal and social well-being which requires an understanding of how they can ensure optimum physical and mental health, including as a resource for oneself and ones family and ones immediate social environment. I want them to fully understand and abide with the codes of conduct and manners generally accepted in different societies and environments.

More so, I envision that my students will develop their communication skills accordingly. This core skill includes the ability to communicate constructively in different environments, to show tolerance, express and understand different viewpoints, to negotiate with the ability to create confidence to attain winning results in the long run. If I were to ask whether I will allow them to preserve the status quo or not, I will definitely allow them to innovate new ideas and concepts for the purpose of continuous improvement of our government and social structures. 5. Which among the historical, political, economic, and geographical concepts proposed by Sta. Maria et.als book will you prioritize? In terms of geographical concepts, I will put a priority on the concept of the natural environment. Our natural environment and resources are nowadays abused and misused brought about by inappropriate human actions. As an educator and as a citizen of this nation, I uphold the fact that it is our core responsibility to take good care of our natural environment. It is our civic duty to preserve, conserve and develop our natural environment because we will be the one who will primarily benefit if our environment along with its resources is properly cared and handled. In terms of historical concepts, I will put an emphasis on the concept of nationhood and identity. Nationhood and identity are significant concepts towards democracy. I believe that nationhood is the attachment of a nations citizenry to the overall well-being of the country at large. This is where our civic responsibilities and duties come into the scene. A civic-oriented citizenry can be a fictional construct in the nations identity. In terms of political science concepts, I will highlight the concept of citizenship. In my own viewpoint, citizenship encompasses ways and means for which we are called to perform our civic duties and responsibilities as inhabitants of this land to attain national development and prosperity. Finally, in terms of economic concepts, I will draw attention to the concepts of technological advancement and innovation. We are living in an era with an array of products and services brought about by technological advancement and innovation. I believe that it is high time for our country to devise innovative ideas and put a priority on technological advancement to improve our products and services to attain and sustain economic development.

Additional Activity Select one of the reviews of textbooks in social studies by the PSSC. Choose either elementary or high school textbooks. These were textbooks from curricula earlier than the Makabayan program. Do you think the new curriculum had addressed the social scientists criticisms? I selected the review of selected textbooks and other instructional media for Sibika at Kultura in elementary schools (Diaz, 2000). Based from my understanding of the reviews conducted for these textbooks, I am certain that new MAKABAYAN curriculum (despite of the issues and concerns that circulated years ago) the new curriculum was able to address the criticisms cited on the textbooks reviewed and/or critiqued. As an educator, I assert that the new curriculum has been meticulously crafted to meet both statutory and regulatory requirements. Modifications and/or changes for the purpose of improvement were made as to the learning goals, methodology and instruction. Learning and supplementary materials were improved as textbook evaluation guidelines where strengthened to ensure that the teacher uses the right teaching materials. Programs and trainings are continuously conducted to keep teachers and educators abreast of the latest educational trends. School libraries are continuously developed for the systematic organization of learning materials and other information resources.

Reference used: Education Council (2006) Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competencies for lifelong learning. Brussels: Official Journal of the European Union.

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