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Katharine Hepburn Katherine Hepburn was born Katharina Houghton Hepburn in Hartford, Connecticut o n 12th Might, 1907.

Her father was a medical doctor and her mother a civil right s activist. They were both fairly well-off and progressive thinking. Hepburn's father was involved with the fight against sexually-transmitted illnes ses and her mother fought for equal rights for women as a suffragist. They both believed in birth control and women's education. Katherine was sent to Bryn Mawr College from where she graduated in 1928. She had five brothers and sisters. She was the second youngest and it left an in delible mark on her life when her elder brother, Tom, was discovered dead, hangi ng from their aunt's attic While at university she met However, the marriage only ever, what was to have more passion she gained for the Ludlow Smith and married him the year she graduated. lasted six years and they were divorced in 1934. How influence on her life than meeting a husband was the theatre.

Whilst at university, Hepburn took an lively interest in the arts and the theatr e and even played roles in two productions after her final exams. This inspired her to become an actress and she moved to New York to study acting. Her first ch ance was in the New York production of "The Big Pond", although it was not recei ved well. She was dropped from the play, but easily got work in other Broadway p roductions. Her big opportunity was the 1932 Broadway production entitled 'The Warrior's Hus band'. Her performance led to much acclaim and numerous screen checks, one of wh ich resulted in her being offered a part in the 932 film 'A Bill of Divorcement' . She got rave reviews and never looked back. In 1933, she won her first Academy Award for Best Actress for her part in 'Morning Glory'. After this, she returned to New York for a time, but nothing big came her way, s o she retried Hollywood, here she got her second Oscar nomination for 'Stage Doo r' in 1937. Her job saw a number of bad dips in the late Thirties and she was st arting to get a reputation of being 'box office poison'. She went back to Broadway for the 'Philadelphia Story' which was a big success. She bought the film rights and took it to Hollywood, where she earned another Os car nomination and she was a big name all over again by 1940. Not long afterward s, Hepburn began in a film with Spencer Tracy called 'Woman of the Year' and thi s was the beginning of a run of eight successful films with Tracy which lasted 2 5 years During her hay days of the Forties and Fifties, Hepburn received two Oscars and seven Oscar nominations. In the Seventies she started making TV films and even won an Emmy for 'Among the Ruins', which featured Sir Lawrence Olivier. The only romance that Katherine Hepburn ever admitted to after her husband was w ith Spencer Tracy, but she never married again. In her last few years, she becam e a hermit and passed away at home on June, 29th 2003 at the age of 96 Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on numerous topics, but is currentl y involved with <a href=" ms.html">wireless home theater systems</a>. If you are interested in a <a href="">Home Movie Theatre</a>, please click through to our site now.

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