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Questions sometime asked during JPA Scholarships Interview 1.Yang Dipertuan Agong's name 2.What is JPA 3.

prime minister name 4.Prime ministers fathers name 5.Minister's/Menteri Besar/Chief Minister's/JPA DG Name 6.What do you see yourself doing in 10 years time. What would you contribute to the country 7.Which country would you choose to study oversea? Why? 8.Why do you think you deserve the scholarship? 9.What strength do you have to go study overseas 10.What income do you expect when you graduated 11.what would you do if JPA does not offer you a scholarship two lines from Rukun Negara 13.Talk about a mistake you made and what you learnt from it 14.Singing of patriotic song (Keranamu Malaysia, Khidmat Negara) Questions asked during 2008 JPA Scholarships Interview The topics are:1.What is Vision 2020 to you? What are the challenges in reaching Vision 2020? 2.Which movie do you like the most and why? 3.why education is important 4.Steven Hawking's "The Brief History of Time" 5.How Malaysians students can do better abroad 6.Malaysia's younger generation prefer to watch entertainment program than to watch serious programs such as news and current affairs 7.Belajar di luar negara memberi kelebihan berbanding belajar di dalam negara. 8.Healthy Lifestyle. Way of promoting healthy lifestyle while studying abroad 9.Rising oil prices is a threat to our country's economy 10.Major achievements and developments of Malaysia from the past 50 over years since independence 11.What is the best sports achievement in Malaysia 12.PhD Scholars: do they serve purpose for the development of community and country or it is for namesake? 13.Ko-kurikulum sedikit-sebanyak menjejaskan pelajaran. Setuju atau tidak? 14.China and India are rising stars of economy in Asia. Do u agree with that? will this growth help Malaysian economy or pose a threat to the economy? In your opinion, what should be done to improve malaysia's economy to compete with them? 15.Reality TV programme 16.why local graduates can't find job? 17.One thing you wish to change about your school life; what would it be and why 18.Patriotism / How and what should you do to show patriotism 19.Telefon mudah alih-keperluan atau kemewahan / Is mobile phones a necessity or luxury 20.Do you agree that there's been a decline in reading among the young? 21.banyak palajar yang telah dihantar overseas tidak mahu balik ke malaysia untuk kerja selepas graduate. apa langkah yang boleh JPA ambil untuk tarik mereka balik ke msia. 22.How can Malaysian students studying abroad promote Malaysia 23.Do u agree that our education system is too exam-orientated 24.Housewife as the first line in the development of human capital resources.

25.The recent cases of child abduction have increased public awareness on the lack of security in the country. 26.visit malaysia year 2007 27.sekolah kluster / cluster school 28.NAM/ PBB /OIC / ASEAN to be a good leader 30.Who aspires &inspires you 31.Why government still send students abroad when we Malaysia intend to be an education hub in our region? 32.The secret of success 33.What are your proudest achievements in life to this date 34.Do you think those who got 10 a1 and above should automatically granted a scholarship 35.RMK9 - 9th Malaysia Plan 36.Dewan Rakyat 37.Constitution/Perlembagaan 34. Is money everything? 35. Disadvantage of internet 37. should we have limitation on freedom of expression 38. Suruhanjaya REID 39. How do you describe a developed country? What should be used as an indicator to a developed nation? 40. Proton is our locally produced cars. However, efforts by the government to promote Proton have been deemed a burden to the people. In your opinion, should or should not Proton be manufactured? 41. Children nowadays are spoiled, unruly and indiscipline. Is it true. 42. Palestine-Israel Issue 43. GE 2008 44. Pelan Integriti Nasional 45. Pirated cds affect entertainment industry 46. Benifits of participation of cocuriculum-based activities? 47. Technology is a Double-edged Sword 48. AFTA 49. IMF 50. What type of person do you think JPA is looking for? 51. pada pendapat anda, apakah bidang yang memberi impak terbesar kepada negara? 52. Rules are mend to be broken, Give your opinion 53. Unemployment among graduates.

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