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by Vibin Sunny Thomas

Proverbs 16:20: Whoever TRUSTS IN THE LORD, happy is he.

My Dear friends,

Happiness is one of the most needed elements of our life. Many people are in search of true happiness. They try to find happiness in the money, fame and riches of these worlds. Where will u find true happiness? Had u ever though of it? Do you think your riches, fame shall give u happiness? It is one of most important question ..We need an answer.

True happiness comes through intimate relationship with GOD or from our Personal relationship with our God. Intimate relationship means to get closer or attach to God in very Sense. So that no can separate God from the love of God. We should know the HEART OF GOD .As it is said in the bible JOHN WAS CLOSE TO THE HEART OF GOD . Such Kind Of closeness we should have for God.

IF we have such kind of closeness or an intimate relationship with GOD .God would provide u with-- Everlasting happiness, Joy, Peace and strength to face & survive all our adversity. Everlasting happiness-- Everlasting happiness refers to everlasting life which no man or people of this world can give. There is no happiness beyond having an everlasting life, which only God can give you .true happiness lies with God which has no limits or end. Just like we cannot measure the depths of the ocean, same way the happiness which comes from God. 2. Joy- - Many people lack of joy in their life. The try to find joy from the lust & desires of this world. But they lack of Joy inside their heart. But as it is said GOD LOOKS INSIDE THE HEART OF MAN . God can change yours sorrows into Joy. Doesn t worry God know your heart .As it is said in Psalm FOR THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH! 3. Peace-- Peace is one of the most important thing we require as we world in these world, Peace of mind ,peace of our soul. Many people try to find peace in many other thing .But JESUS IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE. Real peace only comes from WORD OF GOD when you mediate the WORD OF GOD day and night you shall find peace within your heart. As it is said in John14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. 4. Strength to face &survive all our adversity -- For GOD IS OUR STRENGTH AND OUR SHELTHER AWAY READY TO HELP IN TIMES OF OUR TROUBLE. For the Word of God is unchangeable as our God is an unchanging God. God will give you strength to face our adversity in what ever condition or what ever it may be. It may be in your life ,in your Jobs. Just relay on God .FOR He will never forsake u or never leave u alone till the end of your life.

So my friends develop an Intimate Relationship with GOD and God will provide u with happiness ,joy peace which only comes from GOD himself.

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