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Survey for Reading Skills ---vocabulary---Inventory

Name : __________________________________

1. [Prior Knowledge] Check the most appropriate level of your current knowledge. What? Yes, I only I remember I learned I know what that Levels I have remember the about it once, but am is but I can not never name of it. not sure what that is. think of any GPS Language heard of example. it. 1. affix 2. prefix 3. suffix 4. part of speech 5.vocabulary root 6. decoding skills 7. thesaurus 8. synonym 9.antonym 10. context clue 11.singlular 12. plural 2. [Motivation] Check the most appropriate statement about yourself. Reading I do not care for books. My reading score is not good. I do not remember when I really enjoyed reading a book.. I sometimes skip the class. When I stay quiet in class, it does not mean I listen. I either think of something else or feel too tired or sleepy or bored to learn anything in class.... I am not interested in reading , but I come to class just because I need to get a credit from the course. I come to class most of the time, trying to learn how to read better. That would be great if I knew how to read better and enjoy reading independently. I come to class prepared and ready to learn how to read better. I am interested in learning how to read for better understanding. I can not miss my class. Other: Write a statement that most appropriately describes your academic motivation level.

I know what it is and fully explain with an example.


3. [Self Assessment of Reading Skills] Check all you think you need improvement. Write your comments. GPS elements Need improvement And your comments ELA10 RL1 a. identify and analyze the structures and elements (language, style, character development, point of view, irony, flashback, frame narrative, archaic words, etc) of fiction and support my responses with evidence from the texts b. identify and analyze patterns of images and symbolism c. identify and analyze the themes of story and connect them to my real world d. identify and analyze the poetic language such as sound effects (alliteration, assonance, consonance, simile, metaphor, rhyme, etc) and forms (lyric, ballad, sonnet, etc) e. identify and analyze the rhetoric devices in drama and plays such as

Learner Analysis

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soliloquy, monologue, aside, dramatic irony, etc. ELA10 RLV2. identify and analyze the elements of persuasive essays such as logical fallacies, pathos, ethos, logos, points of argument, etc.

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