In Partial Fulfillment of The

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In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements in FN 101-A (Basic Nutrition with Introduction to Diet Therapy) Under Bachelor of Nursing Western

Mindanao State University Submitted by:

Submitted to: Prof. Sandro T.K. de Leon,

Acknowledgement y y y y y y To the parents of the case study proponents for their unselfish support financially, morally, emotionally, that paved way to the success of this study. To the BSN II-B for providing support and ways to keep the spirit of the proponents going. To Mr. Sandro T.K. de Leon, for giving his time for consultation, making this case study a success. To Hja. Aliya Amilhusin and her family for cooperating with the proponents during the interview. To WMMC for allowing the proponents to interview on of their patients. To Mr. Armand Tamon, for providing the proponents rides to and from the hospital and school.

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To Mr. and Mrs. Dan Chavez for allowing the proponents to work on their house. To our Almighty Father for giving the proponents wisdom, knowledge and understanding, for strengthening them, for without Him, they could not have done anything.

Table of Contents y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Title Page Acknowledgement Table of Contents Definition Aims Characteristics Indications for Use Feeding Administration/ Interval of feeding Food Allowed Food Not Allowed What Food should one eat while on a regular diabetic diet? Do Not Eat List Patient s Profile Computations Food Exchange List Table Distribution of Exchanges Table Sample Menu Recommendation Conclusion Documentation Food Presentation Preparation Permission Letter Bibliography Researchers Profile

Regular Diabetic Diet

Definition y The diabetic diet is an important aspect of good nutrition and wellness. Diabetics are incapable of creating insulin, the protein which helps regulate sugar and glucose levels in the body. A healthy diet is a key part of controlling the condition, along with the regular exercise and periodic injections of insulin. Without them, a diabetic can slip into a coma or worse. Regulating the food you take in and ascertaining the kinds of foods which work the best for your diabetes are the easiest part of the process, and often match up with overall strategies for good health. The calorie level prescribed for the individual is based on whether the person needs to lose or gain weight or simply maintain the present weight. The calorie level specified is determined from the height, body build, ideal weight and physical activity level.

Aims y To achieve and maintain desirable body weight and near normal blood glucose levels, reduce hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and associated symptoms of diabetes in order to minimize the complications frequently associated with this disease.

Characteristics y y y y y Avoid concentrated sources of carbohydrates (sugars) such as table sugar, honey, jelly, jam, molasses, syrup, corn syrup, candy, regular soft drinks, pies, doughnuts, cookies, pastries, regular chewing gum, and sweet pickles. Avoid sweetened fruits, juices and fruit drinks. Choose fruit, which is fresh, frozen or packed in water or its own juice. Avoid fruits canned in heavy syrup. Avoid sweetened carbonated sodas, juices and water. Learn foods both high and low in sugar Three meals at regular times should be consumed daily. Do not skip meals.

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A nutritionally adequate meal plan that limits the amount of saturated fat, cholesterol and salt in the diet. Fat intake should be 30% or less calorie intake and less than 10% of daily caloric intake from saturated fat. Dietary cholesterol should be limited to 300 mg or less daily. __ 400mg or less per day of sodium is recommended. Daily consumption of 20-35g of dietary ___ from a wide variety of food is recommended. Mild to moderate weight loss( 10-20 lbs. has been shown to improve diabetes control, even if desirable body weight is not achieved) Monitoring blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, lipids, blood pressure and body weight is crucial. Read the label to determine ____ content of packaged foods. In addition to sugar, brown sugar and corn syrup, other names that are used on ingredient labels include: sucrose, glucose, dextrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, sorbitol, mannitol, honey, corn syrup, molasses and maple syrup

Following a diabetic diet is an important part of wellness and nutrition.

Indications for Use y It is used for the person with either insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The caloriecontrolled diet may be adapted for weight reduction and weight maintenance.

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