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Gone are the days when just a Diploma was enough for a successful career. In the 21st Century every one desires to be more educated and wants to grow fast in an organization. An MBA has become a vital degree which propels the degree holder to a promising career with exponential growth rate. But as the number of MBA colleges grow like the number of corruption scandals in India the credibility of this degree is at question. During the financial crisis of 2008 many MBA graduates were left with no jobs in addition to the considerably high fees, it created a huge problem for students and potential students. These series of events has thus made prospective MBA graduates more and more choosy or cautious. The prospective MBA students now consider a number of factors while evaluating an MBA college. In our study we have tried to identify all these main factors and have compared various prestigious colleges on those factors. This study has revealed some very exciting results which are worth sharing with prospective students as well as all the stakeholders.

The purpose of this study is to discern the main attributes that influence the decision making of prospective MBA students while choosing an MBA college. The parameters for evaluation chosen by us were

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college fees % of placement average placement package infrastructure facilities Course duration.

By using this conjoint analysis, we can conclude what are the most are the most significant attributes for an MBA and what is each attributes relative value. This study gives us insights into what are the student preferences for an MBA and how changes in each attribute effect the likelihood of students choosing an MBA.

Pre-Study and Selection of Attributes
In order to select the attributes of the service, we conducted qualitative research. Two Focus group discussion and 6 interviews were conducted to understand the participants preferences. This formed as a good base to arrive at attributes and further frame the levels of the attributes. As the

product concept revolves around identifying attributes which are important for choosing MBA Program, focus group discussions were important. As maximum number of members were current batch students from Great Lakes therefore the discussion was very exciting where many were happy about their discussions but there were also few points where they thought improvement could have done. After focus group discussion following attributes were identified which according to maximum participants were significantly important: 1. Average Outgoing Salary a. b. c. 5 Lakhs 10 Lakhs 15 Lakhs

d. 20 Lakhs 2. Placement at Time of Graduation a. 75% b. 85% c. 95% d. 100% 3. Course Fee a. 2 lakhs b. 10 Lakhs c. 15 Lakhs

d. 25 Lakhs 4. Course Duration a. 6 months b. 12 months c. 18 months d. 24 months 5. Infrastructure Facilities a. World Class Accommodation b. State of the art Library c. LEED Certified Campus d. International Faculty

Survey Development and Design

We wanted the survey results to provide meaningful information about consumer preferences for the product features as well as demographic details. We proceeded by creating a conjoint survey in ASEMAP and a demographic survey in SurveyGizmo and linked them together to avoid confusion for participants. We entered the product description and attributes in ASEMAP. Then, we set the values for parameters like desirability ordering. Demographic questionnaire included questions on Age, Gender, and Education Qualification. The survey was tested before sending it to the respondents and changes were made based on feedback

Survey Administration
Our target response size was 62. The challenge was to get the respondents fill all the four sections of the survey. We tracked the validity of the responses based on the Rank order correlation, Adjusted RSquare, Logit Adjusted R-squared values

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