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One of the only redeeming qualities of any type of sausage is that they supply protein. Protein is important for growth and development, and also supplies energy. Between 10 and 35 percent of our daily calories should come from protein foods, and a sausage can help us reach that recommendation. A beef sausage contains 6 g of protein, a turkey sausage has 5.5 grams, a chicken sausage supplies almost 7 grams. Another positive effect of eating sausage is that we will consume a small amount of iron. Including iron in our diet helps boost our immunity, and also enables our body to circulate sufficient amounts of oxygen. A beef sausage supplies 0.81 mg, a turkey sausage contains 0.66 mg and a chicken sausage has 0.53 mg. A sausage can contain between one-quarter and one-third of the 2,300 mg of sodium you need for an entire day. A high-sodium diet may put you at an increased risk of stroke, kidney problems and high blood pressure. A chicken sausage has the least amount of sodium with 380 mg per serving. A turkey sausage comes next with 485 mg. A beef sausage contains 600 mg of sodium and a. A low-fat sausage has the most sodium with 716 mg per serving. Sausage can also be high in saturated fat. Eating large amounts of saturated fat may cause we to be at an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. A pork sausage has the most saturated fat with 6.6 g per dog. A beef sausage has 5.9 g and a low-fat sausage still contains 2.1 grams. Turkey sausage has 1.8 g of saturated fat and chicken sausage contains 1.7 grams. One sausage a day increases our chance of bowel cancer by 20%. It only takes 1.8oz (50g) of processed meat daily to significantly increase our risk of this deadly type of cancer. Children who ate 12 hot dogs per month had a 9.5 times increased risk of leukemia. Children who ate hot dogs once a week doubled their chances of brain tumors; twice a week, they tripled it. The children of men who ate franks often had an 11 times greater risk of leukemia than normal. Women who ate hot dogs during pregnancy doubled their off springs chances of developing brain cancer. Kids who ate the most ham, bacon and sausage had a tripled risk of lymphoma. Kids who ate ground meat once a week had twice the risk of acute lymphocytic leukemia than those who ate none, and triple the risk when they ate two or more hamburgers weekly. Most sausages contain nitrates and nitrites, which are additives that help, preserve the shelf life and achieve their pink color. The chemical is added primarily as a color fixer that turns meats a reddish, fresh-looking color that appeals to consumers. Packaged meats like sausages would normally appear a putrid gray, but with enough sodium nitrite added, the meats can seem visually fresh even if they've been on the shelves for months. The chemical added to processed meat products is responsible for a 67% increased risk in pancreatic cancer. Sodium nitrite is not specifically the cause of the heightened cancer risk, the huge spike in toxicity and cancer risk can only be explained by something added during meat processing. Sodium nitrite consumption leads to leukemia in children and brain tumors in infants. The Cancer Prevention Coalition notes that children who eat 12 or more sausages a month have a nine times higher risk of developing leukemia.

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