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Theory of Knowledge presentation:

Understanding Homosexuality through Perception (and Reason):

Public perception: Why? y Scientific beliefs - Hormonal development? - Psychological research ( & Religious beliefs - Traditional Christian values? - Eg. Michele Bachmann s war against homosexuality ( Surveys on homosexuality - Conducted in the past by external parties - To determine public attitude towards homosexuality, and motivations for adopting a certain attitude - Eg. (unofficial survey with only 20 responses, based locally) & (official large-scale government-backed survey) Form a conclusion on common perceptions & mindsets towards homosexuality on a personal basis, and motives for both camps Additional resources: 20Homosexuality%20in%20Singapore%2021%20Jan%202011%20v2.2.pdf

y y

Portrayal in media y Movies - Choosing a few popular movies revolving around homosexuality/with main characters who are homosexuals (preferably from different time periods) - Analyse selected movies, and see how portrayals have changed over time - Understanding public/critic reaction towards selected movies (uproar, outrage, understanding, etc) - Eg. Brokesback Mountain, Milk (both from 2000s, so older movies have to be taken into consideration as well) Societal influence - Traditional ideals & values in certain societies (conservatism in Asian societies, conformist attitudes?)

- Widespread display and promotion of heterosexual love (Valentines Day, dominance of movies revolving around heterosexual love) VS limited promotion of homosexual rights (in selected countries like the Netherlands are there public displays of homosexual support) - Adoption of anti-gay attitudes by editors and writers of columns and newspaper articles, magazines distributed in the area - Eg. Michele Bachmann s home district ( with the general sentiment being that of spite towards homosexuals - Link back to perception and reason (eg. intuition & common sense BRED into people, not inborn?) Cross-dressing y Public stereotypes of cross-dressers - Common mindset that cross-dressers = homosexuals? - Affected by prominent cross-dressers who are also homosexual (eg. Kumar)? - Untrue, research suggests 5-10% of cross-dressers are homosexuals - Relate homosexual stereotypes to perception (how something going against societal norms invoke more negative feelings against it and triggers additional negative reactions, however untrue?)

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