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Why did u choose this career?

According to me I can enhance my skill and knowledge in this career and I feel that I have more opportunities here to express myself.Therefore I choose this as career. 2. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?

I would try to utilise my skills according to the job given to me...nobody is perfect so i think work creat skills 3. Why aren?t you earning more money at this stage of your career ?

Money is definitely an important aspect as it makes life easy and secure but there are other important things to me than money like work satisfaction and challenging job position where I get chance to showcase my talent and prove my worth. 4. WHY DID YOU LEAVE YOUR LAST JOB?

I am looking for more opportunity and more responsibility so that i can devote my full dedication towards more and more productive work. And play a key role in an organization 5. Tell me about yourself?

Proffessionally : Hard working , ampitious , do every thing I can 2 improve myself more ,, I appreciate serious and hardworking people and enjoy working (and learning ) from them ..Personally : I have few , but wonderful , friends .. We meet at week ends and we make wonderfull journeies and hang outs .. firstly tell ur name , what u r doing now, education qualification, technical qualification if u have, ur interest on other activities ,ur likes dislikes,hobbies, ur achievement , and then go for ur parents description only if it is necessary. 6. WHY SHOULD I HIRE U?

Since I am a organized and self motivated person I can do my level best to improve your companys standards without much supervision and also I have physical and mental fitness to face any stress condition. 7. What is the amount of pf and esi for employee to deducted ?

Provident fund is deducted on Basic+DA.Which involved both employee contribution & employer.I.e Employee contribution is 12% & employer contribution is 12& which also included 1.16%other admin charges contributed by the employer. Employee state insurance corporation is deducted on gross salary.which is 1.75%from the employee contribution & 4.75% from the employer contribution. 8. What is your greatest strength?

My greatest strength includes my analytical approach, my strong logic and my patience My greatest strength includes my honesty 9. How will you handle confidential company matters?

I will behave so normally that no one suspects or even imagine that I have such data/matter is with me. even if anybody knows by chance also, I have my own ways either to avoid answering or to avoid that person. I have full confidence on my communication skills. 10. Why do you want to join in industry? (for recent graduates)

Industries provides us good exposure to apply our skills practically and provide us a chance to have hands on experience in the chosen field... Industries provides our good experience and bright future and success because its our dream. 11. What is meant by HR?

The Human Resources Department of a company deals with Employment, recruitment, and placement Employer/employee relations Compensation, benefits, and insurance Employee assistance Training and development 12. What are your weak points?

workaholic, getting into the work and not coming out of it unless and until I'll finish that work. 13. WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK FOR THIS ORGANIZATION?

At present the company is growing in a fast rate.I think that i can contribute myself to achieve the goal of this fast going organization. 14. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization

By getting with me my sincerity and hard work and my never say die attitude, i am sure i would be an asset and would standby for the very purpose of the existence of the company 15. Would you be willing to relocate if required?

yes I will definitely relocate because its good chance to prove myself that I am fit for the work any where and it also helps me to grow up. 16. Why have you taken HR as your major and marketing as minor subject?

I am a people's person, always wanted to deal with human capital so as i choosed HR as major and though marketing also deals with skills like concincing power, narrating, innovative, think out of the box, solve real time problem so they have a major linkage in them.... 17. What is the difference between confidence and over confidence??

Confidence is based on Facts and Figures but over confidence is based on speculation. 18. HOW LONG WOULD YOU EXPECT TO WORK FOR US IF HIRED?

If there will be growth in this job and i will meet with great opportunities and i will learn more advance so i think there is no reason for consider leaving. When i feel that i am contributing and that my contribution is recognized and i do want to make long term commitment. 19. How do you feel about reporting to a younger person (minority, woman, etc)?

Sir, I definately respect Quality of work that person deserve to. I don't consider myself who I am reporting to are minors /women or younger than me. There is always some quality for that position and I respect that.


How would describe your ideal job?

It should have challenging environment to work with and which can give a platform to improve one's skills simultaneously that leads to the growth of the company. 21. Briefly describe your ideal job?

A job that allows me to grow in the organization A job where i can make a positive contribution to the growth of the firm A job where i am comfortable with my coworkers A job that pays a decent salary A job that is so interesting that i am motivated to continue educating myself to be the best that i can be in the field 22. What irritates you about co-workers?

this time is the time of cut throught competition. what really irritates me is sometimes for aur small interests we forget human values. in companies we sometimes take the credits we dont deserve. thats what really irritates me. 23. What qualities do you look for in a boss?

He should have a positive attitude, care-taking person, try to understand and solve the employee's problems. Should appreciate the work done by an employee even if it is trivial. By doing so, the qulaity of work by that employee will be raised.

24. 25.

What is your favourite colour? Who has inspired you in your life and why?

my father has inspired me very much.... because from my childhood onwards, im seeing him like a hero because he have all the capabilities to do any work in a smarter way.. so, i too trying to be lik him.. 26. 27. DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO WORKS FOR US? What would you most like to accomplish if you had this job?

first i observe the environment in the company premises.then i accomlplish friendly manner with each n every one 28. 1)What is your achievements? 2)Why you feel proud of your work? 3)Why should I hire you? I feel proud of my work because I am a smart working person, and quick witted and can conclude any type of typical situations. I have all the qualities required for this job coupled with good communication skills and can achieve the goals with good figure of merit. 29. What motivates you to do good job?

I feel that good job means where you find good culture and good working environment & which you do satisfactorily, enthusiastically and confidently with high spirit of excellency.Therefore I would like to state that I am highly motivated by my confidence to excel in my life. It is obvious for some people the motivation is required but for some others their confidence is sufficient.i.e they are self starters and I believe that I am a self starter to do a good job. 30. where do you see yourself after 10 years from now? i can see myself as a CEO .. i think every day is something special to learn something new .. so definitely i ll be a CEO after 10 years.. 31. How to break the HR interviewers?

Don,t get affraid of the HR.He or She is not going to eat you up.Be confident but dont be rude. Dont speak very fast and very slow.use simple words.Just think that Hr is going to ask you certain questions (may be personal also)and you have to reply. 32. Are you a team player?

I love to work in a team because it is the place where we can generate the best ideas which is impossible to develop alone. 33. Are you applying for other jobs?

Of course, I am. I am looking for the best place to apply my abilities, and so far this place looks excellent. 34.
Difference between hard work and smart work?

Hard Working :- Hard Working comprise skills which are accomplished through physical capabilities Smart Working :- Smart Working requires mental capablities to get the work done 35. What is more important to you: the money or the work? Money and work both are like siblings. But I believe when you work hard; money will flow to you. So work is more important than money. Only hard work can help you put another feather in your success cap. 36. what should i answer if my interviewer asks me about my short and long term goals.Tell me
with some example?

For the short term goals you can say that at present I want to start my career with a reputed company like yours.Or you can focus on something on non technical part like you want to learn guitar..etc For the long term goal you can say that you aim high and look to become group leader or project manager or occupy some good position in the Organzation 37. What are the knowledge required for getting HR job in companies? HR person will have the critical role in any to get HR position one should know about the organisation completely like company profile and business operations. And the candidate should have knowledge about recruitment and selection of employees, training and development, pay roll management, organisational culture and should be able to manage employee issues. HR should represent management of the organisation, so knowing about the policies & procedures of the company is essential 38. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.

i have always enjoyed working under pressure it is like a tonic which boosts me but i always keep it under contorl so it does not take a a toll on me. Under pressure of work is required because we can control the job and follow properly the job like BP patients, when the pressure is high we can control the pressure through medicine easily but when the pressure is low its very difficult to handle. 39. what is ergonomics?

The branch of engineering science in which biological science is used to study the relation between workers and their environments 40. Describe your management style. Try to avoid labels. Some of the more common labels, like progressive, salesman or consensus, can have several meanings or descriptions depending on which management expert you listen to. The situational style is safe, because it says you will manage according to the situation, instead of one size fits all. 41. What is international staffing or consulting? International Staffing refers to the process of providing staff for the subsidiary/ subsidiaries in various countries. This means that international staffing is concerned with the recruitment and selection of both the expatriates (wherever applicable) and also the host country nationals or local people in the country where the subsidiary is located. 42. What is onroll? The person who completed their training period the thir become on roal staf his CTC & Position & Designision become changes 43. What are your outside interests? 44. What was the toughest decision you ever had to make? 45. Do you have any questions for me?

:: HR Interview Questions For Experienced

46. Why have you been out of work so long? 47. Why have you had so many jobs? 48. Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized. 49. Could you have done better in your last job? 50. Could you have done better in your last job? 51. Tell me about the most boring job you have ever had. 52. May I contact your present employer for a reference? 53. How many hours a week do you normally work? 54. What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced? 55. Have you been absent from work more than a few days in any previous position?

56. What changes would you make if you came on board? What would you say to your boss if he is crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks? 57. How could you have improved your career progress? 58. Looking back on your last position, have you done your best work? 59. Why should I hire you from the outside when I could promote someone from within? 60. How do you feel about reporting to a younger person? 61. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life? Why are not you earning more money at this stage of your career?

Interview questions for business development

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

What experience do you have about account management? Do you have any direct sales experience? Do you have any copy writing and in house advertising skills? Tell us something about your skills in conceptualizing, writing, and implementing communication strategies? Tell us your idea about brand building? What ideas and experience do you have about project management and policy management? Tell us about your capabilities in this field? What are your organizational capabilities? Tell us something about your interpersonal skills and presentation abilities? What experience do you have in lead generation? How can bring this about more effectively? Tell us something about your presentation, negotiating and closing skills? What can you do to enhance the business and creative performance of your employers and accelerate growth? What experience do you have in public and media relations?

10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

What are your career goals for Business development executive? .What motivates you to do your best on the Business development executive? How would you know you were successful on this Business development executive? What kind of salary are you looking for Business development executive? Why do you think you would do well Business development executive? Do you think you are overqualified for Business development executive? What have you learned from your past jobs that related to Business development executive? How to do each Business development executive position task/function? What is the most recent skill you have learned that related to Business development executive? What do you know about the position of your Business development executive position? How to measure job performance of your position: Business development executive?

21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27)

What are top 3 skills for Business development executive? What tertiary qualifications have you attained that related to Business development executive? What tertiary qualifications have you attained that related to your Business development executive position? What is the most recent skill you have learned that related to your Business development executive position? Where would you like to be in 3 years? 5 years? What are key tasks for Business development executive? How to control each task/function of Business development executive?

28) 29) 30) 31)


34) 35)


38) 39) 40) 41)

What have you learned from mistakes on the Business development job? What was the monthly target of business development in your previous organization? What qualities do you think make a great Business Development position position? What kind of breakup of the fixed and variable pay should a business development professional have? What is your experience of being a business development professional? What information do you use to stay informed of whats going on in your organization? Tell me about a time when you used this information. What ideas and experience do you have about project management and policy management? Tell us about your capabilities in this field? What has been your latest marketing activity? What kind of response did you experience from this activity? What experience do you have in lead generation? How can bring this about more effectively? Tell us something about your presentation, negotiating and closing skills? What do you know about drafting content for pitch letters and qualifications? What do you know about business development reporting requirements, including preparing activity reports, reports of business transactions? What do you find most challenging when performing field visits for client maintenance and retention. Why? What do you find most challenging when developing proposals. Why? What can you do to enhance the business and creative performance of your employers and accelerate growth?

42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53)

54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60)

What are your other skills related to marketing other than sales and business development? What are your organizational capabilities? Tell us something about your interpersonal skills and presentation abilities? What are some of the best ways to use the web for business development? What are some examples of projects that demonstrated your technical expertise as a Business Development Consultant? Tell us something about your skills in conceptualizing, writing, and implementing communication strategies? Tell us your idea about brand building? Tell me about a time when you could have done just a little more to make the sale. What did you do? Tell me about a meeting in which you had to take a stand on an unpopular issue. What did you say? Tell me a bit more about your background with working an assigned territory to call on prospective customers and generate business. Tell me a bit more about your background with conducting competitive research and identifying speaking opportunities. Suppose you are a business development manager and a team of people with a mixed bag of experience work under you. How will you distribute the targets? In your view, what is the most important aspect of proofreading marketing materials? Why? In your job as a Business Development Consultant, how many hours do you spend on the road? How do you remain fresh as a Business Development Consultant for a meeting after long days at work? Give an example. How will your previous experience help you in adding value to our organization? How was your last appraisal in your previous company in terms of Did not achieve expectations, Achieved expectations, Exceeded expectations? How often did you meet with classmates (study groups)? What was your role in these meetings? Describe a meeting in which you played this role. How much does the firm influences a business development professional in choosing his or her target markets? How many days of work have you missed in the past year? The year before last? Why did you miss them? How do you get reacquainted with the situation in your organization or work group after youve been away for several days? Give some examples. How do you ensure success when you meet prospective clients with a cost analyses and the cost benefits of services to their organizations?

61) 62) 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) 72) 73)


77) 78) 79)


81) 82)

84) 85) 86) 87)

Have you ever written any procedures or policies for customers, clients, or others in your organization? Give an example. Have you ever written any procedures or policies for customers, clients, or others in your organization? Give an example. Give us some tips of generating leads for business development. Does Business development mean sales? Do you have long- and short-term goals for your department as a Business Development Assistant? How did you set them? Do companies give unachievable targets to its business development professionals? Describe your experience with training and assisting others in using a CRM database. Describe your experience with generating leads by using different marketing techniques (i.e., cold calling, canvassing, networking, etc.) . Describe the last time you made a difficult decision on the job as a Business Development Consultant. What facts did you consider? How long did it take you to decide? Describe some times when youve been particularly busy at work. What are methods that are used to manage Business development? How to maintain Business development activities? What are common risks for Business development? And how to face? Describe steps to manage Business development? How to measure performance of Business development activities? .What are monitoring methods for Business development activities? Describe ISO 9001 for Business development? What made you choose to apply to Business developmentposition? Tell me about your last position and what you did? .What do you know about the Business developmentposition? What are key tasks for Business developmentposition? What are top 3 knowledge/top 3 skills for Business development position? .How to measure/appraise your Business developmentposition? What do you know about this company? Describe two or three major trends in your Business development field? What tertiary qualifications have you attained that related to Business developmentposition? What is the most recent skill you have learned that related to Business developmentposition?

Interview questions for carrier advisor

1. Explain a situation where you hava an irrate customer. 2. What would you do in a situation where the employer was rude? 3. How would you outreach to outside organizations? 4. How would you get in contact with a student that won't respond to your attempts to communicate with them? 5. What is something that annoys you about other people? 6. Describe one time someone was upset with you in a past job. 7. What is your greatest weakness? 8. how well do you get along with MBA's? 9. Tell me about a difficult scenario at work and how you dealt with it They are testing how you cope under pressure as well as your problem-solving and communication skills. Good examples are where you: helped resolve or improve a difficult situation were resilient in adverse conditions showed emotional intelligence and cool-headedness Avoid any examples which still feel sensitive, because in a high-pressure interview situation, old emotions can easily resurface and throw you off balance. 10. Tell me about an achievement of which you are proud? Choose work-related examples that shows a tangible benefit to the business. Personal achievements should only be included if they are very impressive or prestigous. 11. What are your career goals? They are checking if you are likely to stay and if so, for how long. Reassure the employer that the role you are applying for fits your career plan and your longer term commitment to the company. 12. "What can you offer me that another person can't?" 13. Why do you want to choose career Advisor as a career options? 14. What qualities do you posses that matches the needs of an Career Advisor?

15. What are the most critical skills a Career Advisor needs to succeed in today's climate? 16. This field evolves little Stress as you have to deal with people's questions. So how do you manage stress? 17. What is your career objectives in life? 18. What are the three things that you would like to change about yourself? 19. We're considering two other candidates for this position. Why should we hire you rather than someone else? 20. What would you do in a situation where the employer was rude? 21. Explain a situation where you can handle large no. of customer? 22. Will you get on with the people you have to work with? 23. What are your long-range goals and objectives for the next seven to ten years? 24. What are your short-range goals and objectives for the next one to three years? 25. How do you plan to achieve your career goals? 26. What are the most important rewards you expect in your career? 27. Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing? 28. What are your strengths, weaknesses, and interests? 29. How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you? 30. Describe a situation in which you had to work with a difficult person (another student, co-worker, customer, supervisor, etc.). How did you handle the situation? Is there anything you would have done differently in hindsight? 31. What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort? Describe a situation in which you did so. 32. In what ways have your college experiences prepared you for a career? 33. How do you determine or evaluate success? 34. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization? 35. Describe a contribution you have made to a project on which you worked. 36. What qualities should a successful manager/leader/supervisor/etc. possess? 37. Was there an occasion when you disagreed with a supervisor's decision or company policy? Describe how you handled the situation. 38. What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction? Why? 39. Describe your most rewarding college experience. 40. What interests you about our product or service? 41. Why did you select your college or university? 42. What led you to choose your major or field of study? 43. What college subjects did you like best? Why? 44. What college subjects did you like least? Why? 45. If you could do so, how would you plan your academic studies differently? 46. Do you think your grades are a good indication of your academic achievement? 47. What have you learned from participation in extracurricular activities? 48. In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable? 49. How do you work under pressure? 50. Describe a situation in which you worked as part of a team. What role did you take on? What went well and what didn't? 51. In what part-time, co-op, or summer jobs have you been most interested? Why? 52. How would you describe the ideal job for you following graduation? 53. Why did you decide to seek a position with our organization? 54. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job? 55. What criteria are you using to evaluate the organization for which you hope to work?

56. How would you view needing to relocate for the job? Do you have any constraints on relocation? 57. Are you comfortable with the amount of travel this job requires? 58. Are you willing to spend at least six months as a trainee?

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