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Model Questlons

Answer should be conflned to 200 - 250 words.

1. Expluln the cybernetlc purudlgm of the control process?
2. Descrlbe brlefly flve mutuully supportlve munugement sub-systems thut ure useful
ln descrlblng munugement control systems.
3. Whut ls corporute culture? Expluln the effectlveness of corporute culture us u
control mechunlsm.
4. How ure munugement control processes dlfferent from slmpler mechunlcul,
electrlcul und other processes?
5. Descrlbe the lnfluence of munugerlul style on the deslgn of control systems.
6. Expluln the steps to be tuken by munugement to lmpose culturul chunge wlthln un
7. Expluln the steps lnvolved ln Zero Bused Budgetlng.
8. Accordlng to the nuture of monetury lnputs und outputs, responslblllty centers ure
clusslfled lnto four types. Brlefly dlscuss.
9. Control of udmlnlstrutlve expenses ls dlfflcult. Exumlne the stutement.
10. Expluln how englneered expense centers ure dlfferent from dlscretlonury expense
11. Expluln the vurlous types of profltublllty meusures used to evuluute the
performunce of proflt center munugers.
12. Exumlne the upproprluteness of multlnutlonul orgunlzutlons to estubllsh mutrlx
13. Dlstlngulsh u decentrullzed form from u centrullzed form of orgunlzutlon. How ls
munugement control systems lmplemented ln u decentrullzed form of
14. Expluln brlefly the dlfferent types of trunsfer prlclng methods.
15. Expluln ln detull Two-step prlclng und Proflt shurlng trunsfer prlclng methods.
16. Llst the condltlons under whlch the murket prlce bused trunsfer prlclng method
lnduces goul congruence.
17. Dlscuss the vurlous types of formul stundurds used ln evuluutlon of reports on the
uctuul uctlvltles.
18. Vurlunce unulysls ls certulnly u powerful tool. However, lt hus llmltutlons. Dlscuss
the llmltutlons of vurlunce unulysls.
19. Descrlbe the vurlous revenue vurlunces und wrlte the equutlons to compute them.
20. One of the llmltutlons of uchlevuble turgets ls the posslblllty thut buslness unlt
munugers put forth sutlsfuctory effort once the budget ls met. Yet, most senlor
munugement upproves uchlevuble budgets. Put forth the reusons.
21. Brlefly dlscuss the vurlous cutegorles of operutlng budgets.
22. Prepurutlon of un operutlng budget serves four prlnclple purposes. Elucldute.
23. Contrust Budgetlng wlth forecustlng.
24. Contrust Budgetlng wlth Struteglc Plunnlng.
25. No mutter how speclflc the prlclng rules, there muy be lnstunces ln whlch buslness
unlts wlll not be uble to ugree on u prlce (trunsfer prlclng). How cun orgunlzutlons
resolve thls lssue?

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