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To the A pplicant: Comple te this sectio n befo re forwarding the form to the referee . We require the o riginal plus one copy of this Confidential Reference wh ich should be returned to yo u in an envelop e. The envelope is to be sealed and legibly signed by the refere e across the flap. It is to be submitted to UNB with the application package.


9 Mrs. 9 Mr. 9 Ms. 9 Miss _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Surnam e (family name) Given N ame(s) Previous Names (if applicable) has applied to study for the certificate/degree of ___________ in the Graduate Academic Unit (GAU) of____________________________.

2. To the Referee: The School o f Graduate Stud ies would ap preciate your app raisal of the app licant. T his evaluation is confidential and will be used only for admission purpo ses. I have known the applicant as 9 an und ergraduate student 9 a grad uate stud ent 9 in another capacity (Please specify:)__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ for __ ___ __ years __ ___ _ mo nths between ___ _ - __ __ (years). I am co mpa ring this app licant to the group of _ ___ ___ (number) students over the past five years a t her/his level of study. 3. Ratings: Outstanding (Top 5% ) Inte llectu al C ap ac ity A cadem ic Prepared ness O rigin ality Research Skills and/or Potential Initiative W ork H ab its Oral Expression Written Expression Overall Rating Above A verage (Top 20% ) Average Be low Average Un ab le to Judge

4. Please comment on the suitability of the applicant, including positives and negatives (if you attach a sheet, please include a duplicate in the UNB envelope):

5. Adm ission to Gradu ate Stu dies:

9 Highly recommended

9 Recommended

9 Not recommended.

6. Referees Name:______________________________________


Work Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone No. __________________ Fax No. ____________________ E-mail ____________________________________ Date_______________________


Please submit your original reference + one copy in a sealed envelope and legibly sign your name across the back flap. Thank you.

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